Went to MBW gathering.. harini dengan renewed BWing passion.. aku try byk sket stuff.. 3-4 carrier..
susah aa panas.. and amir nak berlari2...
but fab mom was fabulous!! compount besar and freedom for the kids.. I like!!
some from my camera.. from fron taneliz's FB...
Hoppediz Timbukti WC by Wraptation (I think wraptation).. I suck wearing MT..
wearing a bamberoo!! waa finally curiosity fulfilled.. toddler sized....
Not sure the name, but I think its a girasol rainbow... kot.. konfirm gira.. but dunno the name....
amir so big and tall now.... look how tiny (althou, not that tiny for a 2w-NB lol) when I first babyweared (babywore?)
ade gak yg sudi nak try my dull boring olivesandapplesauce heheh
amir ni memang tau... masa kecik2 tanak dok dlm mende alah ni.. skang dah gian... adoiii......... nasib x roboh je
1/2 of my motivation to go to gathering... its like a semi play date... and kids can socialize... previously used to be 1/4 ... coz the 1/4 would be for the food... but now no food hahaha... adoii... dangg, have to find own dinner... adriana, bila nak host BW potluck lagi? heheh ngeeee..