Sunday, August 31, 2008


able to do legs out position with amir .. felt more comfy and secure...
cinched the bottom with getah (yg macam utk seluar pyjamas)....

today cranky amir only wanted to sleep in the Kozy.. cradle la dengan tangan ke ape.... die tanak tido.... i was afraid that i had unleashed a monster..... penat gile aku memakai kozy harini.....but rite now sleeping on the bed.. so everything's good again..

p/s: always remember that the knees should be above butts bottom...

Friday, August 29, 2008

love my kozy!!!! first try wearing it... no prob n comfy..
froggy 2 months baby,, guess im lucky my baby likes to froggy...
(now typing while wearing the kozy & amir sleeping in it)

im still supporting his neck... too afraid to let go fully..
maybe when more confident, i'll be totally hands free

thank god i picked black straps..

btw amir dah cucuk DTP, polio, hib - dose 1...
RM90 for cucuk and ubat demam.. sjmc ni selalu akan termurah dari
jangkaan aku.... best betul...
temperature die naik kejap.. tapi takde demam... main happy cam biasa..

tapi tak berak since jumaat lepas kul 3 petang.. sakit jiwa aku
dibuatnye... mak aku dah siap beli oren suruh perah kasik jus... mak
rafiq nak bagi jus apple aaa ape.... aku lak degil tanak campo susu
badan with anything... dr paed aku jumpa pasa cucuk tu pun cakap
normal for breastfed babies to go 1-2 weeks without pooping.. tapi
memang la berdebar jugak kan..

org dok cakap
"kalau kita tak berak seminggu, sure rase sakit and lain

nak aje aku reply...
"kita tak minum susu ibu aje, kita dok
makan crap setiap hari.. so WE have to crap

mane boleh samakan kita ngn baby.... why would paediatrition exist..
tapi malam semalam die dah berak.. kul 1 malam.. stool lembut and
kuning.. so healthy indication.... tapi banyak nye ya Allah... lepas
satu, satu pampers kena tukar sebab dah sarat... 3 pampers terbuang...
lepas tu biar je berak atas lapik.. pastu cuci lapik plastic...

im just glad takyah bagi enema or jus jus... he is too young for that....
nasib baik aku degil + berkeras tanak campo...kalu tak tatau la ape yg terjadi dlm perut die... selagi just susu ibu, we know its safe...

Now aku nak masuk topik plain water and newborn...

mesti kau akan disuruh bagi baby minum air kosong sket.. aku pun ngikut je...
especially sebab tak berak2 tu... lagi la gatal sumer org nak supplement ngn air kosong la air buah laa....
rupa2nye selepas dikaji.. tak perlu pon bagi air kosong.. breastmilk is 88% water..... here are a few articles on water and breastmilk..

MORALE OF THE STORY: STICK WITH BREASTMILK... exclusively.... nothing else (unless told to under dire circumstances)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

heheh aku bace blog wawa tu.. and i found this:

best aa jawapan tu...aku suka!!.... soalan kau la tu kan mye.... ;)

but i agree... kecoh tul orang2 kat (not all ek, yg obsess je) .... asik sound² org yg campo formula.. or formula feed.. nak suruh orang tu exclusively BF jugak.... aku sampai kena sound... rilex rilex.....

aku obsessed part shopping for breastfeeding.... not so much the BF part...
awal2 sebelum lahir lagi aku dah set mind....
kalau ade susu, aku BF.. kalau takde aku formula feed...
aku takkan la nak nangis kalau aku tak boleh BF (some people nangeh and sedeh rase less motherly.... )... whatever la yg tuhan dah tetapkan... tak kisah pon..
asalkan baby dpt susu secukupnya..

aku pun sebnanya tak cukup kesabaran nak BF pun awal2 tu... nurse marah aku coz aku just nak tido je, malas nak feed baby... aku anta baby nangis balik nursery, aku ckp susu dah habis... nurse dtg bilik aku... pastu die pulas nipples aku (sakit sial)... "tu susu, feed the baby" ...heheheh garang sial .. but the dr did say, baby baru lahir.. dilahirkan kenyang (as in ade bekalan untuk 2-3 hari... 2-3 hari tu patut guna utk prektis BF laa.. tapi aku bila tau baby dilahirkan kenyang, aku nak tido je.. prektis later)...

tapi lepas berusaha nak BF... pam sana sini... dapat susu...
aku continue la BF.. some people even after berusaha pun takde susu...
cannot blame them la if kena formula feed... kalau depa tak try pun and terus decide nak formula feed pun takpe, sukati depa laa...
but for BF some hardwork and patience and pain tolerance is required.... bukan senang BF ni.. milk memang free, tapi cam liza cakap, nothing comes free...

pastu ade pulak org nangeh and sedih kalau baby tanak latch on and tanak direct BF.... rase less motherly/tak bonding la...
lecehla kalau mende2 camni pun nak emo.... aku asalkan die dapat breastmilk okayla....tak kisahla dari botol ke boobs... (botol berangin sket, kena make sure burpp).... but its not a big deal to me.....

formula feeding pun not a big deal... aku masa baby diformula-fed.. adik-adik aku semua.... i think i turned out quite okay... takde la demam selalu... 2-3 times a year....

plan aku asalnye ... nak bagi BF till 4-6 mths.. and lepas tu, while stock lasts .... sebab aku nak gi gym, leceh tul nak gi gym workout.. sakit boobs aa.. also aku nak tido for once sejak pregnant for 8 direct hours...... dulu bangun nak kencing.. skang bangun nak pump..... i heart my 12 hrs 8-hr sleep

tgk la camne, yg aku tau, aku nak jual pumps aku masa warranty tinggal 1 mth left, supaya org confident nak beli.... kalau aku nak sambung pumping, aku akan beli pump baru... i tak suka mende takde warranty ni... (alasan nak shopping pump baru huhuhuh)
its taking over the freezzaaa....

i am obsessed passionate about breastfeeding feeding breast milk.. tapi everything is settled... i got pump for heavy duty use... i got pump for travel and work.. i got travel system, thermoinsulated bag and ice pack... i got storage systems down pat (playtex liners 4oz and 8oz and zip tie)... i got deep freeze (mak rafiq punye, susuku akan menumpang disana bila tak muat)....

there's nothing left to be obsessed about... everything is settled... hmm boring... if not, ade je idea dalam kepala otak aku ape nak beli.. expo haritu pun aku beli tommy tippee bottles for storage (shown below, yg kepit botol avents tu).. 6 bottles usual price RM70+.. on sale RM35... dapat organizing rack lagi... what a stealll!!

which is why i am obsessed with babywearing right now...
i am confident that when i find my perfect carrier... i'll be done and settled ... (yeah rite)....


anisah is 4+ months... lahir 4 april 2008
amir is 2+ months.. lahir 17 july 2008

"sehat" amir tu.... huhuhuh... tapi selagi he just drinks breastmilk (no formula, jadik ape size pun aku okay lagi... coz i know he is healthy...

heheheh buruk betul expression amir.... dengan seblah tak pakai sarung tangan nyer.... serabai sungguh.... its the definition of cute!!... (ugly but adorable - in the dictionary)

also notice how well dressed anisah is, dengan jeans ngan kasutnye.... mama amir tu takde nafsu nak shopping baby clothes.... bukan best pun beli baju baby boy... lagipun kejap lagi kang tak muat dah...huhuhuhu

ooo i also dun like botakheads.... lagi obvious how big his head is..
compare to his hairy head below..... kan terlindung bigheadedness die...
(its from me, i have a big head.. tu pasal aku pakai tudung kedepan to give the illusion of small head.... kalau pakai topi rafiq, my head cant fit in in.. camne tu ...adehhh)....

Monday, August 25, 2008

If I lavish love and attention on my baby, will I spoil him?

No. Young babies are completely spoil-proof. Your baby needs all the care and attention you can give. Ignore the advice of well-meaning relatives who think babies need to learn independence. Instead, listen to your parental instinct — that inner voice that tells you to comfort your baby when he cries.

"Spoiled children" have learned to use negative behavior to get what they want. But your baby is too young to purposefully manipulate or annoy you. He cries to communicate his needs, whether they're for a snack, a dry diaper, or a little cuddling with Mom or Dad. When you respond quickly to your baby, you're building his sense of self-worth. You're also establishing a foundation of trust that can last for years to come.

If you give your baby prompt attention, he'll feel more secure and less anxious, giving him the courage to explore the world on his own. And once he understands that you take his cries seriously, he'll be less likely to cry for no reason. In the long run, responding quickly to your baby's needs will make him less clingy and demanding, not more.

By the time your baby is 6 to 8 months old, he'll be paying close attention to cause and effect — noticing, for instance, that his bowl falls when he drops it from the highchair. He'll also start to see a direct link between his actions and your responses. At this point it's okay to set some limits. If your baby starts crying to get something he doesn't need, hold your ground and give him a hug when he calms down. Similarly, give hugs and praise for good behavior and gently redirect him when he's doing something hazardous.

The right blend of love and guidance will eventually help your child understand his place in the world. But for now, your focus should be on giving him as much attention and comfort as you can. No matter how much you give, it's not more than he needs.
for ther first time ever... aku bawak amir keluar jalan-jalan by myself..
and for the first time ever jugak, aku guna ring-sling (RS) tu untuk berjalan luar rumah..
gile lah... patut aku try with stroller... then baru RS... one by one la kan..

tapi since kata nak jumpa bebudak babywearers semua, takkan nak bawak stroller kot...
huahuahuaa... aku belasah je pegi... harap2 amir tak mengamuk.....
tapi die baik.. dalam keter dalam carseat pun tak meragam, tengok aku drive..
rase tak syok sebab takleh tengok die balik... have to remind myself to look at the road first and foremost..

sampai-sampai saje, parking level mane tah baru bukak.. so banyak aa kosong.. no hassle..
berusaha nak masukkan amir dalam RS... amazingly, not that difficult... die suka...
jalan-jalan nak naik ke tingkat atas... die dah tidoq...
and he slept for 3 hours.. then aku gi tuka pampers die and susukan dekat Jusco ..
sambung gi makan sushi ngn jirah and matde.... ade la bising2 sket, tapi nothing too bad... aku balik lepas 4 jam...

huii penat, definately need 2 shoulder carrier for long trips... (Kozy!! BEco!!)
but the benefits of babywearing are obvious!!

1. baby baik tak meragam
2. exercise for me
3. takyah tunggu elevator yg sentiasa penuh bila nak tukar floor
4. senang gerak dlm expo yg pack tu.

cons die: kalau ade stroller, senang sket aku nak makan... ni kena jaga2 makanan tak tumpah kat die..

but aku nak announce yang dengan berjayanye aku outing 2 orang ngn amir.....
im well on my way to becoming a yummy mummmy!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

OMG!! loove this pattern....
gypsy mama baby bali stretch wrap

tapi tak sure nak stretchy wrap ke... non stretch wrap...
but corak ni.. waaa.. LURRVEE IT!!

BTW... aku dah period... gile lah... aku expect takkan period for like months... kata menghasilkan susu mungkin tak period lama... hmmm... no "natural" contraceptive option then...

my train of thought after lunch..
(masuk restroom looking in the mirror).. hmm gemukknye.. need to diet.. puasa lah esok.. ganti posa and diet at the same time... (masuk jamban stall)... ciss period... cannot diet lah..

hopefully sempat la ganti posa.. 5 more days... i did not expect the red flag at all...

Monday, August 18, 2008

im not a hoarder...
i hate clutter.. i dont like to own a lot of things....
for example.. skin care & makeup..
since i have found the ultimate skincare and makeup...
i stop buying... i dont collect lipsticks in every color...
what i needed was simple.. skincare yg can control my blemishes..
makeup yg tak tebal n nampak natural n tak melemaskan..

dulu ade fasa dok beli and try memacam makeup..
estee la, MAC la, lancome la, dior la...
the reason being, aku tak jumpa the ultimate one... bukan aku addict...
so sejak aku jumpa and pakai everyday mineral... banyak duit saved hahah
i buy when stock dah habis.. which is every 3-4 months..
skincare pun, once-twice a year kot... aritu aku beli awal tahun.. tak abis lagi..
aku dah quit buying mekap sebab curious and sebab "want"...
aku beli bila perlu.. "need"

and right now.... im trying to find my ultimate babywearing gadget heheheh..
i am confident i will stop when i have found the one...
the thing is.. i dunno what that one is...
isit a wrap, an MT, a ringsling, a pouch?... or one of each...?
(I am fairly certain I want one of each....)
im eyeing this ringsling... aku tgk org tu pakai comfy gile...
not that expensive.. anything not exceeding Rm150 i consider a bargain...

so sila la terima justification for what MAY seem as an addiction... heheheh

panjang gile tak intro nak cerita yang aku beli jugak babyloft punye ring sling??
hahahah MYE!! I bought it.... so far liking it for tummy2tummy.... can free both hands..
but cannot do proper craddle carry or nursing yet... can only free 1 hand
you are right, it does require learning
aku rase wrapping is more easier for me...
tapi okayla, baru 1 kali try ring sling... need to practise more...
i also think i threaded it sloppily... hard to pull..

Sunday, August 17, 2008

so I went to the M'sian Babywearer meet last weekend with Mye..
long time no see babe... last time jumpa, was the time I went to ur wedding....
now dah beranak, toddler dah pon...

dont know if its good to share this addiction passion for babywearing with friends..
banyak betul idea baru yg muncul... mende baru nak try...
dari suka mende ikat2.. now im wanting all types of babywearing stuff..
neways, we missed the learning part of the meet.. sampai lambat
but got to try out all the different stuff from everyone's stashes..
aku takde baby so tengok and tolong amek gambo jela..
but 1 lady was kind enough to lend me her 2.5 mths old baby (baya amir) to try the pouch..
easy but still feels awkward.. probably need to be more loose or need more practice...

anyways these are our pics...

p/s: i know what u are thinking.. elly?? babywearing??
i like to baby my baby.. kalau boleh aku nak dukung sentiasa..
and tido peluk sentiasa... but i dont think its good to always do that..
especially for working moms... SAHM bolehla... takde separation anxiety ...
but itulah... ikut hati ku.. ku pelukkkkkk sentiasa...

damn sucksnyerr.... i hate change!!..
awal2 dulu aku tak mau cuti..
skang aku tak mau keje....

i miss my baby already....
no wonder why a lot of people wanna be SAHM (stay@homemom)..

If you read the papers... MAS bagi flex employment option kat employees die..
to temporarily reduce worker....tempting jugak nak amek 6mths option tu...
priviledge travel still jalan.. gaji masuk RM500 sebulan.... takyah keje ....

but deep down i know its not for me...
kejap je la aku stress kena keje ..(bukan stress pasal keje, stress sebab perubahan).... after 1-2 days, sure aku cant imagine living at home all day...
but i sure do miss the baby.... hmmm.....sob

Friday, August 15, 2008

i need lists!!.. going out is starting to tax me out...
bukan boleh pop in and out cam tu je with a baby...
anad every time nak kuar... aku kena figure out ape nak kena bawak...
usually makan banyak masa nak figure out what to bring....
and ade aje yg tertinggal..

short trip - 1 hour and close to home
1. wrap the baby
2. puting
3. susu dalam botol

medium trip - 2 hour
1. wrap or stroller (if stroller, bantal n selimut)
2. puting
3. susu dlm botol
4. pampers x2
5. wipes
6. bedak agnesia
7. changing mat + plastic bag

longer trips - 3 hours +
1. wrap/stroller (if stroller, bantal n selimut)
2. puting
3. susu dlm botol x2
4. pampers x2
5. wipes
6. bedak agnesia
7. changing mat + plastic bag
8. breastpump with batteries
9. milk container

overnight stay
1. stroller/wrap/bantal/selimut
2. puting
3. susu and bottles
4. pampers x10 at least
5. wipes
6. bedak agnesia
7. changing mat + plastic bag
8. breastpump with batteries and adapter
9. milk container x4
10. milk transport bag with icepacks
11. baju, seluar, mittens and booties
12. gripe water
13. towel n baby shower
14. mosquito net
15. comforter
pulak la skang aku bace forum yg mei tais not supposed to be worn by newborn.. (if u are being politically correct la.. cannot wear before 5-6 mths)
so i guess, more waiting before i can try out my new mei tai (belum sampai lagi)..

i want another wrap.. an all cotton, non stretch wrap.....
and probably a shorter one too... probably a didymos... or babybali .. or or... or...hhehehehe

anyways... hopefully i can wear my MT when it arrives... nak kena read up on that dulu... banyak lagi mende tak khatam belajar...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

okay.. i was in denial... still lusting over babywearing stuff..
aku rase selagi aku tak dapat a "branded" babywearing gadget...mesti aku tak senang duduk... damn, im such a SNOB!!

also, i did not know yang Mei Tai boleh pakai for newborn...
lookatdis pic..!! not only newborn, but back carry!... so cute!..


damn damn... kalu ku tau, aku beli awal-awal...
tapi papehal pun, aku dah beli tadi.. jengjengjeng....

but i would like to point out some of the most beautiful mei tais i've seen..
these are work of art...!!

Kleinsmekker Mei Tai...

ohmigod, aku terasa nak pegi je... norway? and beli kat kedai die (aku rase la norway coz currency krone)
cos die tak ship mende ni out of the nordic countries...
1 mei tai.. cost USD 220
tapi tengok ebay auction ni.. ebay auction ni....yg discontinued pattern terjual sampai USD 720+

damn, i love it so much...
i would ask it for my birthday/anniversarries etc (hint rafiq)
but even aku pun tatau camne nak get my hands on one....

Kindercarry Mei Tai

Free Image Hosting at Image Hosting at

wuhh also a work of art.. so cute okay!!!
org buat tu take orders ikut lottery.... kira ko kena tunggu turn kau dalam lottery...gile la susah nak dapat satu... die buat ikut yahoogroup.. aku still pending membership so aku pun tatau harga 1 mei tai bape..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

chiss.. i knew it, but still could help to look fwd to trying it ASAP...
Mei tai ku terlalu besar.. yela, kata ukuran for 4-6 months and above...
tapi nak jugak try boh amir dlm tu.. but too big :(....
budak ni umur tak sampai 2 bulan....
back to good old wrap la for now.... which i now use for morning walks.... kul 8 pagi gitu..

okay, aku dah get Mei Tai out of my system... (i already own one la... walaupun tak penah try out bebetul lagi)..
now looking for the next cool gadget... slings mye and liza are starting to tempt me...
tapi tu lagi la lama in the future baru leh pakai.... babyhawk pun dah tak nampak menarik sejak aku dah ade Mei tai...(ewah, baru hari ni siap Mei Tai)...
(sebenarnye... im a shopping addict, not babywear addict, i think).....
ape ek nak beli for next gaji...?? i do need a diaper bag...
been eyeing this... skip hop messenger diaper bag...

nasib baik la baby boy... sungguh tak selera tengok baju/accessories clothing baby...
wuh... went to Mye's Blog... and then followed the link to Liza's Blog... wahh!! apparently, babywearing is "IN" right now... (also breastfeeding, but tu citer lain)...

aku tatau lak babywearing is a trend.... al kisahnye ....

aku gi website babycenter, bace info2 pasal babies.. tah camne termasuk website 10 stuff yg parents can't live without.. website parenting Aussie... so banyak yang boh Hugabub as no.1 on their list....amende la hugabub ni kan.. so aku gi la website hugabub... cam best la pulak.. so search-search la pasal wrap...

si amir ni pulak suka didukung....... what i was looking for, hanya hugabub type wraps je fulfill is:

1. Sesuai for new born yg takde neck support.... (aku tau babybjorn leh, tapi tu RM500.. gile)

2. I can be totally handsfree...

3. Distribute weight to both shoulders...

so wrap tu cam agak the only choice.... aku beli semata2 nak free kan tangan aku kat rumah asalnye, sebab awal2 tu aku dok dukung baby gi dapur, panaskan EBM (expressed breastmilk) sebelah tangan....basically, aku leh buat mende seblah tangan je.. tu pun from the siku down... coz aku still kena dukung baby with both hands... (newborn kan).....aku tak suka biarkan baby nangis sorang2 (aku byk gak masa sorang2 kat rumah ngn baby walaupun masih dalam pantang).... but setakat ni proven good investment wrap ni.. aku pun seronok experimenting..

tah nape berminat pulak mende2 ikat2 macam org dusun ni.... wrap ni cam panas for outdoors.. so aku tengok Mei Tai macam ade ruang untuk angin... so skang aku nak Mei Tai pulak....BabyHawk... tapi USD 90 (no wonder mahal.. its a trend rupanye)... so aku nak try buat sendiri lah.... heheh esok lusa siap aa kot.. aku buat versi kecik for babies (not toddlers).. and aku rase cam takde neck support.. tapi amir dah start ade control sket2... so tak lama lagi boleh la guna Mei Tai (sambil aku support sket2 guna tangan la)...

Mye punye sling looks so light and airy... nampak cam best.... tapi aku belum terbuka hati for 1 shoulder babywearing...... but damn, looks cool...

Liza punye sling pun pattern so totally suit her style....nama pun hotsling... but sling camtu is not for me...

slings, aku cam tak minat skang... tapi i might try it later.. just for the sake yg its easy to get in and out.. pop in and pop out....

Anyways, syok jugak ade geng yang babywearing ni..... can discuss and experiment together...

My Mei Tai Progress....

Dah 95% siap... hujung straps je tak hem lagi....
and tak doublestitch the whole thing together lagi.... mesin yg aku guna ni rosak sebnanye... i made it work.. barely.... tapi bila mende tebal2, die cam gagal nak jahit.... i broke 2 needles.. huhuh.... mungkin kena antar kedai or carik mesin lain... but this is what i have rite now

bila pakai should look like this: (leh pakai front n back)


Monday, August 11, 2008

i've decided to TRY and make my own Mei Tai...
im expecting it to fail.. as in, ade la yg terpanjang terpendek, silap placement...blablabla...
lepas dah buat 1.. boleh la customize sket and fit to baby's body...
lepas tu, boleh aku bukak business...muahahhaha

Nasib baik aku decided to use kain kotak2... ade reference lince.. takyah gosok and jahit.. just peniti and jahit...lebeh kurang la ukuran

PHASE 1.... Hemming the straps....

heheh, i practised a new wrapping technique on rafiq... the silang2 one on the outside.. should be easier and faster to assemble.. but less restriction(hold) on the baby....


we used the wrap to grocery shop because mane muat kelisa nak boh stroller and groceries...... nasib baik die tido je... tak larat nak angkut... setakat ni, everytime pop him in the wrap.. he sleeps a deep sleep.... best betul....

sebelum gi carrefour, siang tu gi midvalley.. we brought the stroller... die ngantuk.. tapi die tanak tido... sebok nak tengok lampu2 dalam mall..... stress aku sebab dah 3 jam tak tido... umur tak sampai 2 bulan mane boleh main lelama...

kalau la die boleh tido nyenyak dalam stroller.. that is the ideal situation..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

forget the hugabug.. now I want a BabyHawk!!...
BabyHawk Mei Tai.... but cost about USD 100 to have one (plus shipping)...
but I really want one!!.. tgk la next gaji camne...
boleh pilih color straps and corak hundreds to choose from.. aku dah konfius coz sumer lawa)..


Saturday, August 9, 2008

i have found various tying techniques for the wrap..!!
i knew it could do other stuff.. but tak jumpa kat website sleepywrap ngn hugabub..

but macam best nak try kangaroohold

also boleh buat hiphold macam typical sling

also ni cam best nak try bila die dah beso nanti

(nampak gaya, aku jela yg dukung baby ni - sebab nak cuba segala bagai posisi... rafiq kata kalau die dukung tak best, baby takde bantal nak rest kepala ..iaitu boobss.... takpaa...exercise... exericse)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

amir's first flight... (you have to start 'em young!!)

the sleepy wrap helped a lot... so much difference kepenatan tangan aku nak mendukung ... also he is more comfortable in the wrap and slept 3-4 straight hrs in it... malam2 tido pun tak senyenyak ini.. tapi malam takleh la bagi tido dalam wrap... kang terbiasa plak...

i will buy the hugabub for the next bub... hopefully its a she, so I can get the pink one...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

no more space for memum milk bags.. they take too much space.. so skang nak pakai playtex liners.. ikat with zip tie.... ni paling murah 100 pcs for RM35... but the intent of the liners is actually to line bottles and feed babies.. (plastic will collapse inside bottle so less air into baby's stomach).. but apparently can be used for storing breastmilk... so aku guna jela.. i bought the 4oz one.. so can put 3 oz in there.. bila dah ikat semua... beku.. boleh pile them up on top of each other.. so jimat space jugak aku rase..

memum milk bags frozen stock... dah fill in semua 25 plastic pieces... and time emergency dah open up 4 of the frozen stock.. so tinggal 21 je la.... lepas dah guna abis all .... gua pakai playtex ajela...

oh yer lupa pulak nak cerita... spectra tu kan kena ade letrik .. and bit bulky for travel... so as a backup for travel and time takde letric... i bought a medela mini-electric.... memula ade jugak nak beli medela PISA or freestyle... but spectra tu dah okay for me.. cuma I want something really small for travel.. and walaupun PISA and freestyle tu small...i still think it is cumbersome.... mesin sedut die mmg kecik.. but tubing tu melecehkan... so mini-e ni, dalam keter pun aku boleh pump

aku dah jual avent isis manual aku... too lazy...

so basically dah spent RM800 for breastpump.. so kena breastfeed 4 bulan baru balik modal pump2 ni... (anggarkan sebulan harga susu formula RM200, tapi kalau tgk si amir ni.. mungkin RM250 sebulan hahahha.. gile susu)

another pic of wearing the sleepy wrap.. (cheaper version of the HUGABUB)...
bestnye amir tido dalam tu.... damn, teringin sangat hugabub tu.. just because die ade poket and design so much nicer.... tapi cost RM300+... and sleepy wrap ni sama je cam hugabub, cuma kosong and takde poket and takde "brand"... RM100...

well, i'll just look at these hugabubs and droool.... soo cutee!!..
