i cant wait to hear the baby's heartbeat...
somehow i think it will make it all seem more real..
now.. i feel surreal...
also, i would like to know whether it is single or twins...
there is a possibility ... so i am dying to know...
each visit to the doc will be expensive.. around RM150..
too bad our "companies" dont pay for pregnancies...
so i wanna wait till the right moment to see the doc..
when i can see the heartbeat and able to distinguish single/twins...
the next one after that... to see boy/girl....
it is exciting.. but to feel nausea like what im feeling now for 9 mths...
i would seriusly consider adoption next time...
it's a good thing that this nausea/morning sickness lasts only 12 weeks (generally)
hopefully.. im in the general mass.....
i hate this crappy feeling.....
cant remember the feeling of non-nausea....
i read somewhere...
Personal Reflection: "I spent the first 11 weeks of my pregnancy bent over the toilet, begging God to make it stop. Two days after I finally got over the morning sickness, I had forgotten how awful it was." -- Rosalind Skinner
i hope i will forget this feeling... because, i always forget pain easily...
i just dont go thru it easily...
i love this
day-by day calendar
i admit i also tune in to this blog everyday, watching the ticker's comment on how the baby is progressing... easy step to keep up to date...
susah jugak if you know too early that ur pregnant...
the waiting becomes longer...
i know my fren and my cousin found out they were pregnant at 7 week...
i found out at 4 weeks.... and now barely reaching 7 week...
it feels like an eternity.......
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
luv this article.... im expecting a lot of 'You can't...' in the near future... already heard 4 from the small number of people who knows about this pregnancy...
1. no coffee at all
2. no exercising
3. no flying
4. no high heels...
i say.. let me judge for myself... as if i dont care enought to find out all the true facts first before doing it.... as it im going to do harm to this baby.... macam aku tak kisah.... menyampah aku nak layan...
Once I started “showing” a little baby belly, there were certain things, such as downing a pitcher of beer, skateboarding and pole vaulting, that I decided to stop doing in public.
You see, many people view that belly as a way to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I don’t know how many times I walked into a coffee shop only for them to ask me if I wanted my drink “decaf.”
Uh, no. If I wanted my drink without the “good stuff” in it, I would have told you so. Also, why are you looking at me strange? What? You don’t allow cigar smoking inside Starbucks? Okay, fine.
All kidding aside, it really chaps my hide when I see people telling a pregnant woman what to do. Even better is when the advice is coming from someone who has never been pregnant.
I know that the 16-year-old making my mocha thinks that all caffeine is bad, but it isn’t. That is because she hasn’t studied up on what is okay during pregnancy.
Instead, she listens to what she has heard and assumes that any woman that dare drink a cup of joe that isn’t decaf is going to have a five-headed baby.
Even if the baby does have five heads, I’ll make sure to teach those heads not to give unsolicited advice to pregnant women.
1. no coffee at all
2. no exercising
3. no flying
4. no high heels...
i say.. let me judge for myself... as if i dont care enought to find out all the true facts first before doing it.... as it im going to do harm to this baby.... macam aku tak kisah.... menyampah aku nak layan...
Once I started “showing” a little baby belly, there were certain things, such as downing a pitcher of beer, skateboarding and pole vaulting, that I decided to stop doing in public.
You see, many people view that belly as a way to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I don’t know how many times I walked into a coffee shop only for them to ask me if I wanted my drink “decaf.”
Uh, no. If I wanted my drink without the “good stuff” in it, I would have told you so. Also, why are you looking at me strange? What? You don’t allow cigar smoking inside Starbucks? Okay, fine.
All kidding aside, it really chaps my hide when I see people telling a pregnant woman what to do. Even better is when the advice is coming from someone who has never been pregnant.
I know that the 16-year-old making my mocha thinks that all caffeine is bad, but it isn’t. That is because she hasn’t studied up on what is okay during pregnancy.
Instead, she listens to what she has heard and assumes that any woman that dare drink a cup of joe that isn’t decaf is going to have a five-headed baby.
Even if the baby does have five heads, I’ll make sure to teach those heads not to give unsolicited advice to pregnant women.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i'm depressed.. i dont feel ready...
i still wanna enjoy my life...
i dunno where i get the idea that my life ends when babies come...
but i think its from my married frends with babies that dont have a life...
but to wait till im ready.... the day might never come...
same as... waiting for the right day to be ready to go out into the working world..
i know people love their college life so much.. its hard to tear away from the no job responsibility life as a student into a worker...
thats why many people still go on to do masters and PhD....
personally i dont think they are the brainy/academic type...
people who really care and want to prove new theories in academic studies..
they just wanna prolong their happy go lucky life as a student longer....
back to the story.... this is not something people are ready for...
so i'll go with it.. same as i did when i had to wakeup early and go to work...
its time to be an adult....
hopefully my life wont end with this baby....
i know my marriage was a blast and didnt end my social life...
hoping for the same thing ere too....
i still wanna enjoy my life...
i dunno where i get the idea that my life ends when babies come...
but i think its from my married frends with babies that dont have a life...
but to wait till im ready.... the day might never come...
same as... waiting for the right day to be ready to go out into the working world..
i know people love their college life so much.. its hard to tear away from the no job responsibility life as a student into a worker...
thats why many people still go on to do masters and PhD....
personally i dont think they are the brainy/academic type...
people who really care and want to prove new theories in academic studies..
they just wanna prolong their happy go lucky life as a student longer....
back to the story.... this is not something people are ready for...
so i'll go with it.. same as i did when i had to wakeup early and go to work...
its time to be an adult....
hopefully my life wont end with this baby....
i know my marriage was a blast and didnt end my social life...
hoping for the same thing ere too....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
i found out that morning sickness is because of low blood sugar..
which is why we have to eat carbs a lot..
make sense.. coz i get very nauseaus early in the morning on an empty stomach...
which is weird.. coz i thought food would be the reason for me wanting to vomit...
but after breakfast.... and cold orange juice.. im good to go....
i have decide to forgo the healthy slim diet pregnancy...
i want to be able to eat what i want... kinda what like reese witherspoon said..
pregnancy... u can eat what u want whenever u want without people judging you...
although i'm hoping not to eat a cow every day like norjuma did....
but i kinda like the idea of eating what u want because u can..
then striving to work it off at the gym....
which is why we have to eat carbs a lot..
make sense.. coz i get very nauseaus early in the morning on an empty stomach...
which is weird.. coz i thought food would be the reason for me wanting to vomit...
but after breakfast.... and cold orange juice.. im good to go....
i have decide to forgo the healthy slim diet pregnancy...
i want to be able to eat what i want... kinda what like reese witherspoon said..
pregnancy... u can eat what u want whenever u want without people judging you...
although i'm hoping not to eat a cow every day like norjuma did....
but i kinda like the idea of eating what u want because u can..
then striving to work it off at the gym....
Friday, October 19, 2007
hmm i guess it is a BFP (BIG FAT POSITIVE)-->

*look at me using all these TTC,Pregnancy, Mommies forum's abbreviation...
spend sum time reading these forums to research whether can u get a BFP without being pregnant? they have a thread for people to post their HPT pictures.... and some people have fainter line (barely a line even)than me... but people are saying its a BFP..... well, i guess u can call my BIG FAT GIANT LINES coz its so clear..
Also i have theory what happened last month.... i pee-d on a stick... there were no results.. its a cheapie ... 1.5 buck.... even the control lines werent even showing... screw it... 1.5 bucks down the drain... but after 10 mins.. the control line showed.. and the test line showed blurry color... not sure if u can even call it a linee...i thought it was a positive... but too late in the nite to buy a new HPT.. also too broke... so waited till the day after... dragged my husband to pharmacy and bought an EPT box.. able to test up to 3 days earlier... and there were 2 tests in the box.. and tested... negetive..... 2 days later AF came to town..
now i now.. what the blurry lines were with the cheapie.. its called an evap line.. (learned that from the forum).. its reading the test not immediately.. but after stuff has evap and shows false results...
this month.. i used the other EPT (there were 2 in the box).. that result shown in the previous entry... its obviously a positive... coz it showed negetive last month.... so i deducted that it wont show positive if its a negetive like last month.. but still scarred to believe .....
last nite i used a normal HPT, not EPT... my period was due yesterday... i should have waited till today.. this morning for good result... why morning? because u collect urine while sleeping... easier to detect HCG... and HPT can only detect HCG level high enough, (after period due).. (HPT is not sensitif like EPT which can detect lower levels of HCG)... anyways eventhough I used diluted urine (evening after peeing a lot of time).. and tested the EPT on the day AF was due... it still showed positive.... so i guess i can safely say its a BFP... but still apprehensive that i can have a chemical pregnancy... which means EPT shows postive but the embryo is unsuccessful to latch on the wall of the uterus.. and goes out with AF...
basically a very early miscarriage that wont usually even know... unless u test before AF is due...
whatever it is.. just have to wait and see.. and freak out later when i'm sure there is something to freak out about...
the most used abbreviateion (cracked my brains trying to decipher these)
1. BFP - Big Fat Positive
2. BFN - Big Fat Negatif
3. HPT - Home Pregnancy Test (can detect after 1 day supposed period due date)
4. BCP - Birth Control Pill
5. EDD - Estimated Due Date
6. DPO - Days Past Ovulation
7. AF - Aunt Flow (period)
8. EPT - Early Pregnancy Test (can detect 3 days before supposed period due date)
9. FRER - First Response Early Result
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
am I .. or am I not.....
i've had vague positive results in the past... cloudy lines
but ended up gone with the period anyways..
so how do I feel for this test..? it looks like a clear line..
but i'm still not counting the chicken just yet...
beside my gut feeling literally tells me im aching to get my period...
period dates
13 Aug
16 Sept
*hence its a 33 days cycle....
around 3-6 Oct.
earliest to test
17 Oct (today)
latest to get period
21 Oct (if no period by this date, ups the possibility that I am pregnant)
week of pregnancy
3rd week...
*apparently pregnancy week is counted by 1st day of period,
i've always thought it was from the conception date
have to wait it out for a few days
currently researching all drugs/medication (i.e acne antibiotic etc)...
for its pregnance category, safe = A & B
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