the only way to be 100% certain ur a pregnant is by ultrasound..
and blood test?..
but, as if i had any doubts la kan....
I took 3 pregnancy tests, all positive.. but that didnt make me believe it 100%...
aku rase, kot2 la HCG level aku tinggi due to other reason than pregnancy...
but the nausea + morning sickness... it is so awful, I just KNOW I AM pregnant..
Rafiq kata die berdebar jugak nak gi ultrasound, tgk2 takde mende kat situ...
hampas tul mamat ni.... hahahaha...
like I said, even if I didnt believe the 3 tests... the morning sickenss confirms it for me....
anyways the reason for the ultrasound was that I was bleeding a bit...
so went to see the SJMC gynae... she said the due date was 22 June.. and is 7 weeks ++.. kena alter balik ticker kat atas ni.....
damn, salah kira lagi aku.. apparently, my orginal calculation was correct..
and masa die nak buat ultrasound.. I was willing myself not to cry...
bukan sebab aku nak nangis.. but orang asik ckp they cried masa first time tgk ultrasound... so aku menahan in case that urge came.. but it never came because I was more anxious to know whether it is okay or not due to the bleeding....
anyways the doc said... rahim cantik... dalam semua cantik.. size-wise i suppose...
baby size also good and normal....
so I asked.. then bleeding is normal..? die kata No.....
die tunjuk la.. outside the uterus/placenta?? (i forgot).. u can see darkened areas right? die kata tearing of the uterus/placenta... and hormon aku produce for the baby tak cukup... as right now the baby can't produce its own hormon.... and kalau dibiarkan, antibodies aku will fight it (the walls i guess)... but wont recognize the baby as it is 50% me and 50% rafiq... so could cause miscarriage...
wah sungguh bersahaja die cakap... aku dah panic.. mungkin pasal tu kot die cakap rilex... 1st time pregnant women are known to be hysterical i guess... die kata take progesterone pills and fetus-dose aspirins.... and gave me MC for 7 days (the rest of this week and next week, 10 days rest)... shit, now I know it is kinda serius.. but MC SJMC tak diterima kot oleh MAS... and it is concerning the baby's health, not mine... MAS dont pay for labor and prenatal checkup (fetus health).. so entahla, dunno if this MC will be accepted.... agak sial disitu....
anyways this SJMC gynae ade klinik.. whereby charges murah sket compared to SJMC...
by day work kat SJMC.. malam keje klinik... and penuh gile la klinik tu.....
murah tak murah... RM 271 gak kena.. shitttsss....!!!
but RM160 was for medication...**sigh**...
p/s: btw there's just one in there.. i was kinda hoping for twins.. just because I only have to go thru this morning sickness once for 2 babies... it is that awful...