Tuesday, November 20, 2007

makin teruk aaa.... aku makin pening...
this headache is killing me....
memalam 40 kali nak pi jamban... bila gi, rase nak muntah..
malas nak makan gegula ilangkan nausea sebab malas nak gosok gigi....
it is amazing i havent vomitted yet, never ...sepanjang2 pregnant ni...
sungguh nauseous....... arghhhhhhh i hate it.....
i am tired... only because i dont get enough sleep...
i take benadryl to cause drowsiness...
it helped earlier.. but now, the headache and nightmares really cant make me sleep...

my biggest fear... coz i've read it happened to someone somewhere...
the baby just stopped growing...MC and the ultrasound technician couldnt find it...
org la citer.... aku cuak betul...
1 month till the next ultrasound is gonna be a looong loong timeee...
but i guess it should be preceeded by bleeding as a sign or what not..
cannot simply gone...
but heck, i wanna see it every weeeekk.... !!