feeling these kicks lately... especially when bila aku baring on my back...
maybe he feels sempit and keeps kicking then...
and also can feel bila die nak turn.. (im imagining, turn kepala dari kiri gi kanan)... coz then tgh2 perut tu rase ketat je... and keras.....
then lembut balik....
pastu bila aku boring... nanti aku cucuk2 die suruh bangun..
"budak kecik, bangun.. im bored..." hwa hwa hwaaa.....
went for the 21 week check... (patutnye 20 weeks kot)...
to do the whole anatomy scan... tgk jantung, tengok tengkorak, tengok spine, tgk muka, tengok kidneys, tengok tulang, tengok perut... ukur sana, ukur sini...
sebelum masuk bilik dr., aku dah cucuk2 budak tu, suruh bangun... heheheh
nak tengok die gerak2 dlm tu....
before buat ultrasound, doc guna wand ape tah... nak dengar perut....
die kata bising nye, asik gerak....bergaduh ape kat dalam tu....
aku dlm hati "are you sure its not my quesy stomach?"perut aku bising gak
then heart rate 161... first time aku dgr heartbeat....
then doc nak start ultrasound...
the first image of the baby... was him lying face down, with his butt in the air... then die gerak2kan bontot... seriusly ya Allah.. buruknye gaya... aku teringat kat shin chan, tarian punggung die... lama plak tu.... tak tahan aku gelak... walaupun aku seriusly mortified/appalled... rafiq & dr pun gelak gile.. die kata "astaghfirullahalazim, tak penah tgk la baby buat camtu"... seriusly, it was so appalling.... anyways we couldn't analyze the face at first....
but everything was fine... lama membelek.. still a boy.... soket mata pun kena ukur.... to check for down... byk gile aa possibility of deformation... down syndrome, thalasemia, jantung, perut/usus kat luar, kidney, hunchback, cleft lip, dwarfism, neural tube.... cuak aku, seb baik okay je.....
mata pun boleh nampak... mata die at one point, open... nampak iris (vague la).. tapi aku tgk cam mata rafiq je....hmmmphhh...
balik rumah, rafiq cakap...."yeaah, my baby!, boleh nari sesama"... sebab rafiq pun suka buat bontot dance yg tak perlu aku describe kat sini... like father like son... menyampahnyee aku....
p/s: i got a CD with the ultrasound clips... klip pependek je... takde dance tu... :(
starting now, add-on ultrasound clip onto the CD.... hi-tech gak klinik tu... tapi still boleh bayaq cash je... get a credit card machine please!!!!