terpaksa la aku citer sal baby drama coz aku terperuk dalam rumah je ni....
breastfeeding is a bitch....
arghhh!!!! stress tul aku...
i hate big boobs and i cannot lie... aku just nak B cup je...
and BFing makes it even big....
i hate hate hate my boobs...
i dont have extreme pain yet... i know BFing is painful..
memang sakit... asik2 keras sebab penuh ngn susu...
nak tido takleh, sebab nak kena bgn utk mengepam.. dahla manual
sebelah nipple dah berdarah sket..
(apparently online it says, blood in breast milk is okay, damn aku perah semalam aku buang coz ingat takleh)
but its pain i can manage..... (hopefully this is the pain people are talking bout.. and no more)
tapi thinking its the best food for the baby...
and the fact that its free....
(i dont really buy into the.. breastfeeding makes you thin ...."fact"...)
pastu fikir long term... die sehat, takde senang kena penyakit cam papa die (heheh)
so aku bertekad gakla meneruskan perjuangan ini...
at least till dia 6 mths....
aku invest on electric breastpump lah....
senang je nak jual balik aku rase.... coz ade demand.... tgk kat forum2...
plus the baby likes breast milk... aku try gak sekali bagi formula...
asik cam muntah balik je... stool pun cam tak suci....
tapi aku tgk kat forum.. diorang hardcore gegila express susu...
mengalahkan lembu... siap beli freezer baru nak simpan susu...
ni aku boh gamba2 depa..... gila lah.....

neways.. ni aku, for today.... starting at 12 midnite aa punye expression...
tu pun, amir dah minum about same amount shown here....

aku guna botol nak feed the milk... kira aku express untuk feed, bukan simpan for future..
(ni bila dah banyak susu, boleh la buat).. okla ni for a 1 weekold mother...
and manual pumping and stressed-out bout big leaking boobs mother....
amir pulak minum macam monster (sungguh rakus expression die bila dpt susu)...
dah triple chin aku tengok...
aku beli spectra 3... hopefully kesabaran aku tak tercabar....