Monday, June 9, 2008

the ticker has spoken.. again... gile right on the money..!

the "runs"? meaning diarheaa??
i was just complaining to rafiq.... i can only poop diarheaa-ially...
i guess there is no space for solid poop to waltz its way out of my body...

and i am fully engaged... locked and loaded...
aku rase cam perasaan lebam je bawah tu...
the doc gave me 1 week (5 days) MC this week....
and today, i'm still at work... just wanna tie up some loose ends...
maybe if finish... tomorrow aku nak ber-MC till jumaat...
(actually guna MC 3 hari je, selasa till khamis... coz jumaat i already applied for in-lieu leave - befday agung)....

and next week, 16th.. aku nak start amek maternity leave...
malas aa nak berjalan2 dengan perasaan vagina yang beaten and bruised....
not to mention i can only get 3-4 hours of sleep every night....
why does it hurt even more at night? i feel like contraction selalu time malam...
maybe coz its sunyi and sepi and i can concentrate more on the pain....
or contraction likes to occur while laying down...
i know the baby looooooves to kick while im laying down...

dr suruh aku keep fetal kick chart....
from 9 am till 5 pm.... kira kicking/turning/grazing motion of the baby..
kalau cukup 10.... catat time kul berapa.. and takyah count....
kalau tak cukup, pi spital....

sunday - i woke up at 9.15 ..... 9.35 already ten movements...
i told you he likes to kick while im laying down... or trying to sleep...

monday - 9.30 also already more than ten.... (counted the ones yg aku perasaan, too busy trying to multitask.. breakfast and bace work email)....

what if from 9.30 am till 8 am next morning no movement...? pelik la aku cara pengiraan ni... they should say ensure 2-3 kicks every hour.... or every 2 hours....

p/s: the cot is already assembled.... come out la already.... tolong kuar masa weekdays yer.... weekend ade extra charges pulak...