Friday, August 29, 2008

btw amir dah cucuk DTP, polio, hib - dose 1...
RM90 for cucuk and ubat demam.. sjmc ni selalu akan termurah dari
jangkaan aku.... best betul...
temperature die naik kejap.. tapi takde demam... main happy cam biasa..

tapi tak berak since jumaat lepas kul 3 petang.. sakit jiwa aku
dibuatnye... mak aku dah siap beli oren suruh perah kasik jus... mak
rafiq nak bagi jus apple aaa ape.... aku lak degil tanak campo susu
badan with anything... dr paed aku jumpa pasa cucuk tu pun cakap
normal for breastfed babies to go 1-2 weeks without pooping.. tapi
memang la berdebar jugak kan..

org dok cakap
"kalau kita tak berak seminggu, sure rase sakit and lain

nak aje aku reply...
"kita tak minum susu ibu aje, kita dok
makan crap setiap hari.. so WE have to crap

mane boleh samakan kita ngn baby.... why would paediatrition exist..
tapi malam semalam die dah berak.. kul 1 malam.. stool lembut and
kuning.. so healthy indication.... tapi banyak nye ya Allah... lepas
satu, satu pampers kena tukar sebab dah sarat... 3 pampers terbuang...
lepas tu biar je berak atas lapik.. pastu cuci lapik plastic...

im just glad takyah bagi enema or jus jus... he is too young for that....
nasib baik aku degil + berkeras tanak campo...kalu tak tatau la ape yg terjadi dlm perut die... selagi just susu ibu, we know its safe...

Now aku nak masuk topik plain water and newborn...

mesti kau akan disuruh bagi baby minum air kosong sket.. aku pun ngikut je...
especially sebab tak berak2 tu... lagi la gatal sumer org nak supplement ngn air kosong la air buah laa....
rupa2nye selepas dikaji.. tak perlu pon bagi air kosong.. breastmilk is 88% water..... here are a few articles on water and breastmilk..

MORALE OF THE STORY: STICK WITH BREASTMILK... exclusively.... nothing else (unless told to under dire circumstances)