Monday, August 18, 2008

im not a hoarder...
i hate clutter.. i dont like to own a lot of things....
for example.. skin care & makeup..
since i have found the ultimate skincare and makeup...
i stop buying... i dont collect lipsticks in every color...
what i needed was simple.. skincare yg can control my blemishes..
makeup yg tak tebal n nampak natural n tak melemaskan..

dulu ade fasa dok beli and try memacam makeup..
estee la, MAC la, lancome la, dior la...
the reason being, aku tak jumpa the ultimate one... bukan aku addict...
so sejak aku jumpa and pakai everyday mineral... banyak duit saved hahah
i buy when stock dah habis.. which is every 3-4 months..
skincare pun, once-twice a year kot... aritu aku beli awal tahun.. tak abis lagi..
aku dah quit buying mekap sebab curious and sebab "want"...
aku beli bila perlu.. "need"

and right now.... im trying to find my ultimate babywearing gadget heheheh..
i am confident i will stop when i have found the one...
the thing is.. i dunno what that one is...
isit a wrap, an MT, a ringsling, a pouch?... or one of each...?
(I am fairly certain I want one of each....)
im eyeing this ringsling... aku tgk org tu pakai comfy gile...
not that expensive.. anything not exceeding Rm150 i consider a bargain...

so sila la terima justification for what MAY seem as an addiction... heheheh

panjang gile tak intro nak cerita yang aku beli jugak babyloft punye ring sling??
hahahah MYE!! I bought it.... so far liking it for tummy2tummy.... can free both hands..
but cannot do proper craddle carry or nursing yet... can only free 1 hand
you are right, it does require learning
aku rase wrapping is more easier for me...
tapi okayla, baru 1 kali try ring sling... need to practise more...
i also think i threaded it sloppily... hard to pull..