Sunday, August 3, 2008

no more space for memum milk bags.. they take too much space.. so skang nak pakai playtex liners.. ikat with zip tie.... ni paling murah 100 pcs for RM35... but the intent of the liners is actually to line bottles and feed babies.. (plastic will collapse inside bottle so less air into baby's stomach).. but apparently can be used for storing breastmilk... so aku guna jela.. i bought the 4oz one.. so can put 3 oz in there.. bila dah ikat semua... beku.. boleh pile them up on top of each other.. so jimat space jugak aku rase..

memum milk bags frozen stock... dah fill in semua 25 plastic pieces... and time emergency dah open up 4 of the frozen stock.. so tinggal 21 je la.... lepas dah guna abis all .... gua pakai playtex ajela...

oh yer lupa pulak nak cerita... spectra tu kan kena ade letrik .. and bit bulky for travel... so as a backup for travel and time takde letric... i bought a medela mini-electric.... memula ade jugak nak beli medela PISA or freestyle... but spectra tu dah okay for me.. cuma I want something really small for travel.. and walaupun PISA and freestyle tu small...i still think it is cumbersome.... mesin sedut die mmg kecik.. but tubing tu melecehkan... so mini-e ni, dalam keter pun aku boleh pump

aku dah jual avent isis manual aku... too lazy...

so basically dah spent RM800 for breastpump.. so kena breastfeed 4 bulan baru balik modal pump2 ni... (anggarkan sebulan harga susu formula RM200, tapi kalau tgk si amir ni.. mungkin RM250 sebulan hahahha.. gile susu)

another pic of wearing the sleepy wrap.. (cheaper version of the HUGABUB)...
bestnye amir tido dalam tu.... damn, teringin sangat hugabub tu.. just because die ade poket and design so much nicer.... tapi cost RM300+... and sleepy wrap ni sama je cam hugabub, cuma kosong and takde poket and takde "brand"... RM100...

well, i'll just look at these hugabubs and droool.... soo cutee!!..
