Tuesday, August 12, 2008

wuh... went to Mye's Blog... and then followed the link to Liza's Blog... wahh!! apparently, babywearing is "IN" right now... (also breastfeeding, but tu citer lain)...

aku tatau lak babywearing is a trend.... al kisahnye ....

aku gi website babycenter, bace info2 pasal babies.. tah camne termasuk website 10 stuff yg parents can't live without.. website parenting Aussie... so banyak yang boh Hugabub as no.1 on their list....amende la hugabub ni kan.. so aku gi la website hugabub... cam best la pulak.. so search-search la pasal wrap...

si amir ni pulak suka didukung....... what i was looking for, hanya hugabub type wraps je fulfill is:

1. Sesuai for new born yg takde neck support.... (aku tau babybjorn leh, tapi tu RM500.. gile)

2. I can be totally handsfree...

3. Distribute weight to both shoulders...

so wrap tu cam agak the only choice.... aku beli semata2 nak free kan tangan aku kat rumah asalnye, sebab awal2 tu aku dok dukung baby gi dapur, panaskan EBM (expressed breastmilk) sebelah tangan....basically, aku leh buat mende seblah tangan je.. tu pun from the siku down... coz aku still kena dukung baby with both hands... (newborn kan).....aku tak suka biarkan baby nangis sorang2 (aku byk gak masa sorang2 kat rumah ngn baby walaupun masih dalam pantang).... but setakat ni proven good investment wrap ni.. aku pun seronok experimenting..

tah nape berminat pulak mende2 ikat2 macam org dusun ni.... wrap ni cam panas for outdoors.. so aku tengok Mei Tai macam ade ruang untuk angin... so skang aku nak Mei Tai pulak....BabyHawk... tapi USD 90 (no wonder mahal.. its a trend rupanye)... so aku nak try buat sendiri lah.... heheh esok lusa siap aa kot.. aku buat versi kecik for babies (not toddlers).. and aku rase cam takde neck support.. tapi amir dah start ade control sket2... so tak lama lagi boleh la guna Mei Tai (sambil aku support sket2 guna tangan la)...

Mye punye sling looks so light and airy... nampak cam best.... tapi aku belum terbuka hati for 1 shoulder babywearing...... but damn, looks cool...

Liza punye sling pun pattern so totally suit her style....nama pun hotsling... but sling camtu is not for me...

slings, aku cam tak minat skang... tapi i might try it later.. just for the sake yg its easy to get in and out.. pop in and pop out....

Anyways, syok jugak ade geng yang babywearing ni..... can discuss and experiment together...

My Mei Tai Progress....

Dah 95% siap... hujung straps je tak hem lagi....
and tak doublestitch the whole thing together lagi.... mesin yg aku guna ni rosak sebnanye... i made it work.. barely.... tapi bila mende tebal2, die cam gagal nak jahit.... i broke 2 needles.. huhuh.... mungkin kena antar kedai or carik mesin lain... but this is what i have rite now

bila pakai should look like this: (leh pakai front n back)