baru ku faham tips yg yati bagi.... aku patutnye dok jejauh/baby tak nampak...
got the same tips from malaysianbabywearing forum board..
Hi Elly,
Sometimes the baby will refuse to be bottle fed by the mother.
Why not you try to ask others to feed you LO. Make sure you are not around.
Maybe this will help as the baby sometimes seek for comfort when they are with mummies.
Hope this help.
kiranye nak mengada ngan mak la kan... mak takde, tak ngada.....
at least this means that whenever im not around, he is drinking enough milk...
so relieved jugak to hear that.... kalau die nak comfort feeding when im around, takpelah, aku bagi la comfort feeding (boobies)..
perlu belajar lagi teknik2 breastfeeding... tak habis blajo lagi...