Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Now that I know better…. And have seen some result …I would like to say..
There is a big difference aa giving breastmilk and formula…..
I knew there was, but did not think it was a huge difference….


1. Healthier baby – well, cannot prove la amir ni sehat sebab ape…..mungkin kah kalau minum formula he’d be this healthy? Mungkin… but I personally don’t think so… I feel like this healthy baby is due to God's willing, my OBIMIN while preggy and Breastmilk…. Seriously, even aku demam lagi kerap dari dia….Rafiq toksah citer laa…. Kalau rafiq deman 12 kali, aku akan deman 3 kali… amir deman 1 kali…. Itula ratio die…. Die punye temperature kenkadang naik aa lepas cucuk or kalau org deman dok pegang2 die… tapi then it goes away…. Aku recall only 1 time aa die demam macam org demam, with snot and all… even then he’s still okay enough to play and laugh… Aku gi cucuk DTP die hari jumaat lepas, pastu sabtu bawak gi workshop, ahad gi babywearing walk…. he was fine… didn’t feel any temperature… mintak2 berterusan camni, InsyaAllah...

2. Healthier digestive system - Taik yang suci murni…. Don’t have to worry about sembelit…. Which u always have to, if ur using formula…. Always have to keep track bape kali die berak etc…… Dulu penah gak sampai 8-10 days tak berak….(okay, selalu sebnanye berak once a week)... But if u go to paed, they’ll ask… 100% breastfeeding..? yes…. then No worries, its normal if babies act normal… which memang pun.. no crankiness (cam sakit perut ke), no perut keras.. everything feels normal except die dah 10 hari tak berak…. Pastu die berak aaa, banyak gile… but soft and yellow…. Soooo… as long as I feed breastmilk, I don’t even give a crap about his crapping…. Orang lain je give me crap bout his crap…… stress aku kenkadang … people keep saying, ‘camne kalau kita tak berak seminggu, sure something wrong, rase sakit etc etc’… 'we should feed him prune jus, orang jus, grape jus'....

Understanding breastmilk and not pooping often... well for one, we don’t drink 100% breastmilk… so don’t compare…… breastmilk is 88% (more) water… so mostly keluar as pee… and balance tu, diserap…. Little waste… make sense right?

and also awal2 digestive system babies tak fully developed.... so slow la die nak process... pastu bagi pulak nestum baby less than 2 mths (i know a guy who told me his wife buat kat anak die camtu).... entahla, i dont want to judge.. but kesiannye.... even yg 6 month exclusively breastfeeding pun I read might not be enough time for digestive system to develop.... 6 mths tu paling awal aa (bukan 4-6 mths seperti saranan before this)... boleh lagi go beyond that... people should consider delaying solid..... as per this:


Hmmm well… this 2 main reason jelah…. But those are 2 huge reasons… lifelong effect okay!….. cam aku yang lifelong sembelit…. It’s a pain in the ass (literally)… so, i really take this digestive thing seriusly...

banyak lagi reason... kurangkan berat (dulu aku tak caya, but it works eventhough i should be fat gile rite now tgk gaya aku makan skang...), jimat duit, bonding blablablaaa..... but pada aku yg paling penting, the 2 reasons above... kalau ikut duit, dah dapat pulangan dah balik beli 2 pam nih.... tapi kalaulah aku beli pam yang mahal cam PISA/freestyle and tak dapat pulangan.. would be worth it, if it helps me breastfeed for as long as God is willing... (ni kira intro for 'im looking for Freestyle when I go to states!!' or when my sis goes there... or tumpang when someone from illinois comes back to malaysia.. *hinthint* hahahah... pricetag RM2100+ in malaysia and USD 300+ in US....)

So basically…. Try to BF if you can…. Try your darnest… because it will be worth it I read somewhere, adalah hak baby tu to be feed right with breastmilk…..and when I think about it, I kinda agree…… tapi kalau takde rezeki, takleh aa nak tolong…