Especially with chest strap... wasnt bulky at all.. like the beco..
But no getah for the gulung2 like patapum,... so kurang kemas sket...
Fabric so soft... is it canvas ke twill..?
But with backcarry im always worrying bout the head....
nak kena ade cermin... and I cant do it alone... need rafiq to pop him in..

Suruh rafiq lak pakai.. at summit... so that I can see his head..
I think its not worn properly to the correct tightness, coz rafiq dunno how comfy is supposed to feel ... so ape2 setting, die okay je.. hampas..
so amir's head... asik nak ter kebelakang... this happens with everything I try to do back carry..

So I used the hood as a sort of a head rest...

He didnt complain... (he = amir)...

I think with SSC and back carry.. it will get more comfy when baby is older.. toddlerhood...

I kinda like it... not bad lah for its price... I think USD 60 cam tu ek diorang beli new??.... on fsot maybe can get for USD 50...
aku cuba nak tengok.. but aku dah lupa yang ni angelpack yang mane.. yg APLX, APPS1, APPS2, AP eco.... memacam lak.. aku konfius... but this pattern and color is starting to grow on me... suka pulak aku kaler brown...