LABOR DAY STORY PART I=========================================
sempena count down to amir's first birthday...
akhirnye I'm writing bout my birth story...
bak kata kak eila... ni adalah anniversary hari aku melahirkan amir..
anyways... ni gamba melawat baby kak eila... gabriel umairah.. gabby
at this time..7.5 months pregnant...
I have 1.5 months to go.. coz gabby lahir 2 may 2008...
Jumaat (13 June 2008)Aku bercuti annual leave ke in-lieu leave....
Aku gi sale yang kat 3K....bersesak-sesak...
Pastu malas nak lalu jem, I parked jauh.. so panjat la aku jejantas tu..
I bought some Anna Sui cosmetics...
pastu gy pyramid... konon nak jumpa ngn adik aku.. tapi die nak gi main futsal lak kat aku jalan sorang...
Weekend Sabtu and Ahad... (14-15 June 2008)Aku gi sale Xixili.... fuh sesak nak mampos...
my belly is not an excuse for people to be sorry for me I guess..
Pastu.. tengah hari till petang I went to watch rafiq main volleyball..
hari sukan PWC i think..
Pastu gi midvalley for my exercise.. I walk in malls as my exercise...
Ahad, aku gi sale xixili tu balik ahahahha...
sebab nak beli lagi Bra yg best tu...bought 5-6 of the same ones..
(which till now I cant wear coz now Im all about nursing bra without wire..)
pastu gi shopping at ikea/curve area..
Isnin (16 June 2008)Aku tak buat ape.. aku masih guna annual leave, esok baru aku start maternity leave..start gak la cuti bersalin, walaupun due date 21st...
semua org kecoh suh aku cuti.. takut terberanak kat opis kot...
(actually doktor dah bagi aku MC sejak 2 weeks ago..
tapi cam tak perlu je amek... )
aku dok rumah... main internet.. tengok TV....
dari pagi sampai kemalam... bosan nak mampos..
esok aku nak gi shopping la..
then kul 9 malam... felt this contractions....
ape bezanye with braxton hicks?
when the time comes, u'll know it....
and I knew... tapi takut aku silap...
so I timed it... memula 45 mins apart...
makin lama makin cepat..
rafiq dah terbongkang tido atas katil...
aku malas nak kacau.... I'll wake him bila dah masa...
so aku pun setiap kali contractions berguling2 aa atas katil menahan...
rafiq masih tak sedar diri... hampeh...
sometimes bila tak tahan, aku gi mandi...
sambil-sambil tu... aku gi pack barang.... and main my Nintendo DS...
game ape ek nama die...7 wonders of egypt..? camtu la.. matching game...
best gile...
anyways, aku pun terseksa la sendiri sensorang sepanjang malam..
4-5 kali gak aku gi mandi..
Enema-ed myself 2 times.. nak elakkan terberak on the table...
I thought it was enough....
Selasa (17 June 2008)doktor kata when it's 10 mins apart, then baru gi hospital...
tapi at 15 mins apart, aku dah tak tahan dok umah...
masa ni umah aku takde aircond... and it was freaking hot and I was sweating everytime contractions...
at least kat spital ade aircond kan.... kejut la rafiq....
so we went to SJMC... at 5.00am...
the nurse check opening dah 3cm.. yep in labour... (aku sebnanye cuak diorang kata, ni bukan labor lagi lah)
then they enema-ed me.. industrial size enema....
and aku gi jamban.. ade lagi banyak saki baki crap in me...
that's one helluva enema..

they they strapped me in... monitor blood pressure, monitor perut....
sambungkan kat graph2 tu...
then they IV-ed me..... antibiotics coz I was positive for strep B....
I hate needles.. takutnye masa nak masukkan jarum kat tangan tu..
and then to leave it the for days lak tu.... arghh the horror....
sambil-sambil tu... aku masih contractions every 10-13 mins...
sakitnye...... they asked whether I wanted epidural...
aku tanye can take now ke? they say can...
aku lak takut jarum epidural tu je...
fikir gak la 2-3 kali....
then sebab contractions tak tahan... aku cakap i want it !!..

then bila tunggu anethetisian datang.. and contractions abis... fikir lagi...
then 30 minit baru die sampai kot.... berpeluh2 dah aku masa ni...
chinese lady.. die bagi la aku lecture on possible side effects etc etc...
tapi aku tgh contractions so kuar telinga kiri... I want it now damn it....
then bila die nak buat.. die suruh go into fetal position...
aku pun merengkok la... mengigil2 aku.....takutnye jarum tu... die kata jangan gerak.. tapi aku mengigil..
nurse semua pegang aku.. rafiq pun pegang..
and at the first prick I did move.. then dr stop, die kata dok diam-diam...
fuhh tuhan jelah tau betapa susahnye nak achieve that diamness...
ngn gigil... ngn tahan contractions lagi.... die buat masa aku tak contract.. tapi then slow sgt hindered by my shaking...
tengah2 tu aku contract.... adeh.... lagi susah nak dok senyap...
after dah berjaya.... fuhh beza langit dan bumi.... i feel nothing....

not contractions at alll .. heavennyeerr...
then the waiting starts...time ni kul 6 kot....
kenkadang nurse masuk to pee-me.... masukkan catheder and kuarkan pee aku..
masa die buat tu, aku tak rase ape... aku ingat citer horor kak ina..
die kata nyilu and pedih.... ..thank you happydural...
nurse tu tekan2.. and got a bowful of my pee... mane datang air banyak ni....
ooo dari IV aku la... by the way, last time I ate was at 8 pm monday........
and last time I slept was sunday to monday morning....
so at 8 am selasa morning aku dah tak makan 12 jam and tak tido 24 jam...

sambil2 tunggu terbukak 10cm.. aku cuba nak tido... tapi takleh sgt ...
tak selesa... dedua kaki aku limp....
so rase pelik je....
dr. kata jangan pakai handphone or devices near the machines kat perut tu..
tapi after 1-2 hours of boredom.. aku gi main gak nintendo DS aku..
and so we wait
to be continued...