Thursday, June 25, 2009

sambung dari komen aku kat facebook mye ..
ni just nak explain perubahan seblum and selepas pakai medela freestyle..
aksi-aksi pengepaman ko refer sini...

1. sejak 2-3 months seblum aku beli/pakai FS, aku pakai spectra 3 and the supply was dwindling down, slowly dia turun, makin sket... and was slowly using up all my frozen stash... dahla aku dok campo sket air nak top up susu (to send to sitter during daytime)... aku send with 2 botol 10 oz... 9 oz EBM, aku masuk botol tambah 1 oz water.... rationing my milk... tapi tu pon stock aku dwindling.... bila aku cecah only 2 frozen stash left.... baru aku decided to buy FS.... but as u can note here... my production was on the way down for the duration of 2-3 months... bila FS aku sampai, stash aku ZERO.... sampai right on time... gile lah...

2. after aku pakai FS, susu makin banyak...
and orang2 yg perati susu aku mmg komen naik.. iaitu rafiq...
die uruskan susu amir pagi pagi.. he commented... whoo banyaknye susu...
and also my officemate, we share a fridge and take turns pumping.. and die pun notice the increase... weii gile banyak susu kau...
(so its not just my imagination)... tak perlu aku add water sket tu hahah 100% EBM.
lagipun sebab seblum tu sgt sikit susu aku.. so tu yg noticeable kot..

usually dapat 5oz tops each time pam, menyebabkan aku kena pam selalu...
pam slalu tapi tak naik naik pon...
kenkadang pam angin, so meaning I waster 15mins for nothing...
lepas FS tetiba naik dapat ~10 oz sekali harung..
(ikut time gak la kalau aku period maybe 7oz je, but kalau guna spectra i'd get 3-4 oz je time period.. soo its an increase also..)

2 March 2009 @ 9:02 AM - Masih guna spectra 3, last day

2 March 2009 @ 3:17 PM - Masih guna spectra 3 last day

15 March 2009 @ 10:08 AM - Dah pakai FS since 3 or 4th March camtu ..

29 April 2009 @ 9:07 AM - Dah pakai FS...

At variation, due to hormones, stress, amir reverse/normal cycling, etc....
Low ouput guna FS would be look like this, botol tak penuh.. lowest i think around 7oz camtu (aku bandingkan pagi punye outcome):

High output guna FS would be like this....
1 kali pam tapi terbabas sampai kena guna 2 bottles

3. Also, now no effort is needed for the 1st letdown...
aku tak start pum pun dah letdown...
dulu I have to concentrate real hard to even get the 1st letdown...
tengok movie amir, tgk gamba amir etc..
skang ni.... aku masuk pantry, lock the door....
open my shirt, unclasp the bra... let the boobs air out... perubahan suhu..
sambil2 tu aku akan pasang the corong2 and valves... (bab ni leceh sket FS)..
so time ni nipples dah cam di train yg lepas diorang bebas dari bra, diorang akan dipam...
die rase perubahan suhu.. dalam bra panas, lepas tu tetiba sejuk... merenyut...then letdown..
for the past month, aku tak sempat nak ON pam pun, dah letdown....
kenkadang aku rase cam race againts time...
sebab aku tak pasang lagi attachment nak pam ni... tapi susu dah nak keluar..
(macam org sakit perut berlari-lari carik jamban je rase...cepat, cepat cepat, sempat tak ni?)

tahla, aku rase macam magic gakla....
takde org sedut, takde pam sedut.. but still can let down..
kenkadang aku tak sempat pasang, habis seluar aku kena susu menitik..
harini, mmg tak sempat... menitik la atas lantai... aku masih tgh nak pasang attachments...

maybe "Pavlovian effect?"....
yg ujikaji bagi food kat anjing sambil bunyik loceng, anjing tu will drool..
then after a few times buat camtu.. dog is conditioned..
by just bagi loceng bunyik, no food.. the dog will drool...
aku bukak bra, tapi tak pam... tapi will letdown...
I think lah... hahahha

4. pastu.. 90% of the time, I would get a 2nd letdown... so tu pasal kot susu meningkat...
maybe due to the 2 phase expression thingy..
now everytime, i'd get a 2nd letdown.. except for the time aku nak cepat... so aku malas nak spend time pumping, after 1st letdown aku terus cabut and basuh

5. tapi aku benci gile nak cuci and pasang attachments die...
menbuatkan aku malas nak pam selalu.. so aku pam 2 kali je sehari...
2 kali pam dapat 20oz, cukupla nak bagi kat sitter..
kalau aku rajin, boleh je nak pam 3-4 kali... time ni yg aku bina frozen stock...
skang stock aku dah terbina.. 22 times 7 oz frozen stash...
dalam masa 3 bulan aku guna FS ni...
tapi malas betul aku nak pam... lecehs... kalau aku rajin, sure berstock-stock...

6. pastu silicone breastshield die ni cam fragile.. senang lose shape, thus losing suction bila dah lose shape.. so kena ganti selalu.. syaz kata 6 mths die ganti baru.. around rm60..

5. pastu disebabkan susu aku banyak... aku tak jaga makan... no more eating oatmeals, soya, longan.... now I eat crap.. buncit aa plak aku rase.... so ini pun payah gak.... i have no motivation to eat healthily....



anyways feel free to meet me to hear and see the FS...
aku gi gathering 4 july ni..
also usually aku kat curve ahad.. gym... so holla at me....