now have to wait for hanim's reply on where to buy these cutesies...
(hanim, I pinjam arianna's bfast gamba.... promote sket fishball comel nih heheh)
hanim is one healthy cookin' mama...
u guys can get various recipees at her website...
wish I can make amir like to eat brocoli...
but amir tengok pun tanak... sentuh pun idak.. taste pun idak...
its like.... "i aint eatin anything green"
i am demoing to eat brocoli.. I told rafiq.. makan laa.. then amir ikut...
he's also like.. "i aint eatin anything green"
i read that it is okay for 1.5 year ole babies to be independent on milk...
so im relax sket bout the eating part....
although geram jugak ... if u can see how amir purse his lips...
and when any food gets through, he buang out with his toungue...
huhhh geramnye aku rase cam nak sumbat-sumbat je food dalam budak degil nih... hahaha
but nasib baik milk is sufficient.....
i gotta NOT listen to my hyperchonriac (I just learnt this word) sister...
shes nut.... worrying bout everything... iron lah, protein lah...
im sure shes gonna worry bout the coloring in the fishball...
im right am I not? .. hahaaa..