okeh tak cukup penutup pulak.. terbabas...
seb baik sanaa ade... pinjam satu...
kiranye quantity wise susu normal aa..
tapi aku my mind rase cam sikit...
sama cam kalau aku melantak.. weightwise beratnye maintain sama je
tapi aku akan rase gemuk gile..
disebabkan susu cukup, tak perlu la berbuka posa...
P/S: MBW booth for tomorrow's event at Hospital Pantai Bangsar is cancelled, due to Jess's son Arthur demam... I was supposed to help her tomorrow.... nak suruh aku handle sorang2, dont think I can do it hehehe...
Also Tiny Tapir's BW Talk... MBW booth also cancelled (as per Jess's sms)
I am not sure whether the event itself is still on...
Syaz... on ke tak? I'm supposed meet Kak Shada to get my SB double linen RS back.. If on, I'm going...