Friday, September 11, 2009

susu EBM ade dalam peti...
tapi its the weekends, amir hanya mahukan the freshest milk (direct from source)...
kalu sua botol, die tolak tepi...

esok, aku 90% yakin boleh berpuasa....
maka esok plan is adalah utk berpuasa...
the last 3 days aku tak posa... tak try pun utk posa...
sahur tak bangun..
sebab dah tau susu tak cukup....
kesian die tak dapat tido malam.. tido kul 11-12 malam..
due to penat...then malam2 pun bangun banyak kali cari susu...

aku check2 balik blog aku...
1 month back.. yep.. its that time of the month where supply dips..
kalau campo posa lak... harus lagi kurang susu...

tapi mungkinkah aku konfiden semacam skang ni sebab aku baru melantak buffet?? heheheh
we'll see how tomorrow goes...

aku suka weekends sebab 100% direct feeding... then stimulation yg diberi oleh baby terhadap penghasilan susu memang bagus...
tu pasal isnin and selasa, susu akan ade more than usual...
maka boleh la berpuasa pada hari isnin dan selasa...
(but then also subject to whether aku plak dehydrated or not....
pening kepala gile bila dehydrated, berpinau.... kenkadang tak tahan.. maka harus ku telan panadol extend... maka end up tak posa gak)

last year ade byk gak hari aku tak posa.. tapi aku senyap sensorang jelah..
rafiq cam heran apsal last year larat, this year tak larat plak..
(sebnanye memang tak larat dari dulu hahahhaa.)
this is another reason for this entry.. last year bila aku tak posa...
bila rafiq tanye, posa tak... aku jawab "tah, posa kot"..
segan kot bila tak larat posa... ade je ibu nyusu lain yg boleh posa penuh...
basically same je last year and this year... tak larats!!

tahun ni, entry ni, bukan nak berbangga tak posa... tapi supaya org sedar, takyah be ashamed if ur not able to fast (tuju kat pregnant/nursing mothers je la nih)..
we have been given the keringanan to not fast.... u dont have to be in a dying state before u can break fast...
nursing our baby is so important that we are given this keringanan...
aku cam segan last year dgn ke tak laratan aku.... tahun ni make an effort nak ilangkan perasaan yg tak bertempat tu...
some people sanggup posa and biarla susu kering... lets give formula...we can fast and babies still get milk...
that is not the way.... if posa tu menjadikkan kita unable to provide our babies with our milk.... jadik tak cukup.. then jadik wajib tak puasa... haram berpuasa..
breastfeeding tu dituntut .... sangat2 la perlu BF ni..

to all, tolong jangan emo ye bace blog ni....
nak komen pape, komen lek lok...
biasala.. bab religion ni cam sensitip sket...
tapi esok aku konfident utk berposa.. ganbarru yo!

next time tak dapek tido malam disebabkan nak kena susukan baby..ingatlah hadis ini

In addition, Anas relates this hadith from al Tabarani:

Sallama, the nurse to the Prophet's (sallalahu aleyhi wa salaam) son Ibrahim said, 'O Messenger of God, you have brought tidings of all good things to men, but not to women.' He said, 'Did your women friends put you up to asking me this question?' 'Yes, they did,' she replied, and he said,' Does it not please any one of you that if she is pregnant by her husband and he is satisfied with that, she receives the reward of one who fasts and prays for the sake of Allah? And when her labor pains come, no one in the heavens or the earth knows what is concealed in her womb to delight her? And when she delivers, not a mouthful of milk flows from her, and not a suck does she give, but that she receives, for every mouthful and every suck the reward of one good deed. And if she is kept awake at night by her child, she receives the reward of one who frees seventy slaves for the sake of Allah.'"

p/s: alamak .. selepas aku dok gooogle google, aku jumpa website nih.. yg cakap ibu menyusu tak perlu puasa.. sebab puasa mmg akan effect susu... (tapi kalau nak posa, still boleh, takde halangan)... tapi ibu mengandung perlu cuba (prove intention) untuk berpuasa.... kena sahur lewat and sentiasa makan dari berbuka till sahur.... kalau end up still rase takleh posa, baru buka... tapi utk ibu menyusu tak perlu prove intention cam ibu mengandung.....

tapi aku skarang ni, usually praktikkan yang macam ibu mengandung...akan sahur gakla, cuba utk posa... unless kalau aku tau useless, then awal2 aku dah decide takyah posa .. maka tak bangun sahur pon...

hmm tak kisahla ibu ngandung ke ibu nyusu ke...... nak cuba posa, or terus tak posa terus...... yg penting, asalkan susu amir cukup ... tgkla esok camne..


Hanim said...

I'll share my experience. I managed to puasa penuh for 2 yrs in a wow (pregnant with Adam, then Arianna). Last year.. she was 9mths old masa ramadhan. Sahur pun bgn, patu lunch mkn, buka pun mkn. 19 days tak puasa (includes auntflo).

Sempat je ganti, no regrets coz my sleepless nights, faithful pumping has sadly ended at 18mths.

I'm glad to be EBF for as long as she wanted, no point to be ashamed of anything.

NITA said...

as for myself.. i tried to puasa penuh as long as i know my body can take it. So far this year belum tinggal, and last year penuh.

BUT, my ebm cukup2 hannah makan jer.. pump today give everything tomorrow -- after ramadhan kena build up stock, Insyallah! Say no to formula rule STAYS!

Good luck mamas, u know yur bodies best!!

Ariana said...

kalau pregnant 1st tri, dont think i can make it posa hahaa, relied heavily on non stop eating to combat nausea/puking... 2nd 3rd no prob i think..

satu, body.. satu lagi, baby....amir still reliying very heavily on milk.. 90% milk ..10% food... susah betul dia nak makan... but i still try to give other option than bm... soya milo vitagen laici manggo.. but all that 2-3 sip je then tolak.. food 2-3 suap sehari pon ada.. now i curi2 masukkan food dlm mulut masa dia tgk iklan...

alin said...

i pn mmg xlarat.. ni dh 6 ari kantoi pose .. tekak sgt le keringnyer.. yg xpose time weekend ler.. 100% direct Bf.. thn lpas pregnant 4bln n bf my elder son sgt xlarat puase 10 ari jer..kali ok skit tp ni stok ebm mmg dh abis lgsg.. risau kxcukup.. mmg ikutkn if bf dibolehkn tak puase.. tp ada dua hukum.. if mmg sbb badan xlarat kte jus kene ganti puase tu.. tp if kte xpose bkn sbb xlarat.. kira badan masih bertenaga tp hanya risau susu kurang, masih boleh xpuase tp nanti kene ganti n dikenekan bayar fidiyah.. eh phm ke ni.. xpela rujuk ustaz or ustazah la tuk makluman lebih lnjut.. :)

JumpSac Baby® Slings said...

i tak pose sehari (nih ard noon bukak pose), setelah tak bgn sahur..and feels so dehydrated.
(maybe it's all in the head juga)
today also i tak bangun sahur..
but today i wanna puasa..
cuma i know bila around kul 5.30ptg tuh.. dah terasa lah kelaparan yg melampau..
kene buat taktau jek.
harap2 berjaya today.
nowadays i pump today, give tomorrow.
And I can get about 10oz at most a day.. selalunye dpt dlm 8-9oz jek.
(nih kalau tak sahur.. ada lah dlm 3-4 kalik tak sahur..)
So.. before pegi keje, i direct feed abis2an,
then bila sampai rumah kul 5.30 camtu.. direct feed juga..
at least duration Ari kene wait to direct feed, tak lama sgt la..
And he kinda sanggup tunggu..
sian jugak.. hehe
yg dlm freezer Ari tak mau minum langsung dah..
tak sedap kot.
he only wants fresh milks..
but Ari suka milo, dutch lady fresh milk.. and choc milk sikit2..
tuh lah supplementnye.. :P
dunno lah if all these supplements is better or worse than the formula...
and he also makan jugak lah sikit2..
in conclusion..
hmm.. u know what's best your you and your baby.. :D
nak komen byk2 i dunno..

Ariana said...

alin.. bende tu kilaf sebnanyer...
generally kalau kat mesia, mmg kita amek as..

risaukan baby - wajib ganti & fidyah
risaukan diri - fidyah ajer

tapi kalau bace dengan lebeh dalam lagi, utk ibu yg risaukan baby susu tak cukup.. yang ni scholars tak unanimous... ade yg kata kena kena ganti posa and fidyah.. ade yg kata fidyah je...

tapi org mesia, usually dah lekat sgt rule puasa and both... ni la part yg sensitif yang I malas nak bincang tu :D .....

pandai2 research, faham and decide sendiri.. :D

Ariana said...

syaz... kalau above 1 tahun and baby tak dependen ngn susu okay la gak... ari can accept all other stuff kan..?

tapi i baru jumpa ayat ni..

If you are breastfeeding, you are not expected to fast during Ramadan. Most Muslim scholars believe that women who are breastfeeding (and women who are ill, or traveling) have permission not to fast. Some even say it is wrong to ignore this act of kindness by fasting when you do not have to.

Ray pun penah cakap kat I (I was emailing her about this previously)... keringanan dah tuhan beri utk tidak berpuasa... sape lah kita to rejct his blessing :)...

Ariana said...

oo by the way.. amir drinks 20-25 oz a day when I am at work... so I have to produce that much pumping....

then I kena ade supply lagi utk petang lepas balik keje and sepanjang malam lagi.... for direct feeding ...

heran apsal aku tak kurus2 lagi ni hahaha... (sedangkan mmg melantak non stop pon :P )

JumpSac Baby® Slings said...

nah i pun baru jek baca ni (thanks to ray..)

yay yayyy!! :D

i think kalau i sahur.. i would be larat to puasa..
which made me think.. salah i lah sapa suh tak bangun sahur..
but i amm sooo ngantuk to bangun sahur.. i wake up like 10 kalik kot agaknya malam2 Ari nak susu..

Anyway.. I liked what I read :D (the link yg i kasik ni..)

Ariana said...

wah.. ray baru bagi link ke?
how is she? sure busy with the new baby hehehe...

tuan punya said...

mak aii.. ruginya aku lambat tau... mmg bulan nih ada few days aku skip mengepam sbb tak larat... :(

alin said...

oo yeke elly.. i pn xsure ni pn mak i yg ckp.. kiranya if kita risaukn badan kte, so byr fidyah jer? mak i ckp ganti pose jer?.. hmm yg mana satu yg betul? so kalu bayar fidyah jer.. pose tu xyah ganti? cmtu yer? kene rujuk ustad or ustazah lakan.. confuse ni..