Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend play time at toysrus...
so glad amir's good behaviour continued till weekends..

cooked mee kicap/ketchup....
just boil yee mee and carrot/kentang/ayam and put in kicap/ketchup sket...
and lastly sayur...

oh yah, went to fab mom.... didnt really like any nursing tops...
but kinda loving the angel nursing bra.. tinggal 2 sizes only....
not my size, tapi bila pakai fits perfectly!... so nasib baik aaa
sanaa pun angkat satu angel... how can we wear same size? so weird hahahah...
and we also bought melilea soya... aku suka coz die larut dalam air sejuk..
and die tak manis...tapi tak pahit sgt....

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