MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby Smiling Contest
Easiest contest to enter... photo contest...
Even more easier... smiling photo contest...
I didnt know momsblogger planet got contest every month..
like this.. i wanna enter every month !!
Name: Amir Ridhwan Bin Rafiq Hidayat
Currently: 1 year 6 month (in 2 more days!)
Why i love to see him smile: I believe that what we are right now, was shaped and wired when we were kids/babies... therefore to raise a happy, thriving, caring and self sufficient person, happiness is key... (yes, I watch too any criminal minds, oprah... so I really believe that all the bad people in the world became bad due to bad childhood experience).... so everytime amir smiles, i know i am doing something good...
let's enter here:
sponsored by the lovely service of :
i kinda like the RM20 pin consolation prize sponsored by them :
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