sebab aku dah stashified...
nakgi kizsports sebenonyer..
tapi baru tau harga nye RM30 per entry.. gile ke ape? baik aku gi sunway lagoon..
so aku bawak amir gi mainkat fabulous mom hahha.. main free....
aku tak try any carrier... leceh tul ngn warning2 ni...
its like bila masuk rumah org, tuan rumah tu cakap... hi, jangan letak kasut atas my new precious sofa ek... poyo je... takde nye aku sebagai tetamu nak buat gitu.. tapi bila tuan rumah tak semene mene cakap gitu, aku rase ..ishkk poyonye die ni.. semua dah adult.. perlu kah...? MBW dah survive 2 tahun without all these poyoness ...temptrade dan bagai, takde isu pon..... ... i miss the days where we used to longgok everything in 1 fluffy mountain and try... babies are welcomed to swim the fluffy pile without being judged.... its just carriers for goodess sake.. if kotor, cuci aaa... tapi yea yea i know, the diplomatic thing for mbw is to set rules, kinda like a disclaimer...... aku paham, walaupun tak suka hahah .. who likes rules anyways.... hahah nasib baik aku bukan committee dahs... sukati je nak bebel...
anywayssss.... with the rules etc... still comes great people ..
people who genuinely love babywearing.. who actually wears their babies and love SHARING the babywearing loveee..who offers their slings to others to try... to temp trade.... to all my fellow babywearing mamas... you guys rockss !.. sebab korang aa aku datang, nak catch up and borak2 walhal takde try pape pon.. (also nak bg amir main hahah)
i temp trade my O and A with fazians O and A.... both are 18".. tapi hers old style.. middle stitch shoulder strap... straight waist... hoodie hood... made from lime colored didymoss elippsen wrap.. ( ito wearing my DC.. i am wearing the O and A lime)

ito wearing my O and A.. mine has flat hoodie..

i miss my O and A... hahah baru je nak jatuh cinta.. dah ditemp trade plak.....
so perfect for amir dont cha think? amir seated so comfortable.. have ruang in front of his face to play with ipod or cars...

i miss this huge pile of mess ... old style gathering..

salam elly!!
hehehe.. a very bold n3, but looks like Amir had fun.
mood kurang sket ah malam ni...,
but its just my point of view
i think mbw dah berkembang too big..,
so kena gakla letak rules kott
its not a small get together like it used to be...
and carrier makin mahal bagai..,,maka harus ade rules ...kott ... tahla... feels soo uppity...
miss the old days.. where ppl wanna share babywearing... not tayang babywearing...
hi elly. sometimes when something become an IN thing, dah tak syok kan.
i feel you.
I get where you're coming from. All the rules make me kinda afraid to touch ppl's carriers.
On a lighter note, love seeing the photos of iliya playing with amir. She only plays well with smaller kids. Cause they're less rowdy and rough. She can't handle rough. :)
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