Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EDIT 17 Sept: adding front carry and back crossbody bag... :D

maintaining handsfree while babywearing is crucial to a usually single mother like me
macam2 tangan ni nak kena pegang...
nak kena bayar for food while babywearing..
nak korek2 purse... nak carik Jcard, la bonus link la etc..
if handbag biasa, sure akan slip from shoulders...
the only way to achieve that is crossbody handbags!! :D
tapi coach punye handbag crossbody straps die quite short for me.. stress aku..
this MBMJ one is long and perfect length! I love!
the best material would be leather.. easy to clean, doesnt stain (like fabric)

what to carry (amir-wise)
I dont carry anything for amir.. maybe 1 small bottle of drink.. 1 toy, 1 iPod.. and small tupperware of bribefoods (which is marshmallow, for those impossible moments)
but usually beli je air kotak kat kedai..
if terasa cam akan lama sket.. then wipes and 1 pampers..
baju spare, pampers spares everything else ade dalam bakul in the car...
why carry sebakul macam nak berkampung...
just carry what u need to make it back to the car ...
lets admit it.. 95% of the time u dont need whatever crap u have in the diaper bag anyways...
if small babies, then yes the diaper bag is crucial.. but toddlers... dun think so lah..

anyways.. travel light, carry light...
happy babywearing

1 comment:

Baiti Mustafa said...

aku suka tengok ko babywearing ni (dahle cecantik semua)..definitely will do for my next one (tak tau bila...but not now)

aku tak penah ada baby diaper bag sebab aku tak jumpa yg cantek..my usual bags just suit me fine anyway.