Tuesday, July 19, 2011

iPad Lurvee

Bila cerita pasal ipad… I am pro ipad for learning and enjoying learning…
Tapi ade yang komplen pasal diorang asik main game je memanjang on ipad…
Sometimes aku heran apsal parents complain their toddlers (2-4 years old) main game lama on ipad…
Kalau budak 5-6 tahun tu, logic aa gak.. tapi still requires password nak install games on ipad..
Bukan ke senang je nak control content on ipad tu….?
The best way is to not to introduce the game in the first place…
And if kalau tak suka, delete aa game tu….
I don’t get it… oh well….
Older kids, paham aa gaks kesusahan nak control…

Cam amir ade satu game tu… mickey’s dance ape tah….
Cam takde benefit je game tu…. Lagu and tengok mickey nari…
Amir suka sebab die suka lagi mickey tu…. After a few thousand loops…
And aku tak nampak ape benefit game tu… aku delete je terus…
Memula tercarik2 aa gak.. and rengek mau…. Tapi buat pekak jek…
Then die move on…. Byk lagi mende lain die suka on the ipad…

Semua apps dalam ipad tu adelah leaning games and learning cartoons…
Aku pon takde la rase guilty sgt if amir main ipad… sebab contents are beneficial…
But aku always make time to take him out to the real world….
Playgrounds… playzone… etc…etc…
If cam lama sangat mengadap… aku timeoutkan ipad….
And die main kereta, basical and truck die.. and legos..

Sharing few of amir fav things on ipad… yang I think tak buang masa ….
Please share with me some of yours…

Cartoons yang aku upload:
1. Mickey mouse clubhouse (blajar kira, and shapes and etc)
2. Special Agent Oso (blajar practical life stuff)
3. Superwhy (blajar logic and ABC)
4. Wordworld (blajar ABC)
5. Timmy Time… ini adalah katun yang paling tak beneficial… but aku letak 10 episode je.. for his comic relief…

Wordworld ajar amir recognize basic word spelling

Dengan adanye Disney Junior kat astro… ade yang katun pirates ape tah… die macam suka…
Aku still tatau lagi.. tapi rase cam ade blajar mengeja gak dalam tu….
Nanti nak kena carik and analyse…
Also, chuggington…

Games yang aku suka… (and amir suka)
1. Games by Grasshopperapps http://www.grasshopperapps.com/
2. Games by Alexandre Minard
3. ABC Garden by Leapfrog (they should make more ipad apps)

Memory match game by Alexandre Minard


ABC Puzzle by Alexandre Minard

ABC by Grasshopper apps

E-books yang aku suka …. (and amir suka)
1. Wordworld ebooks
2. Bert & Ernie’s great Adventure

1. Amir suka wallpaper kereta2 luxury … from here die tau bezakan brand keter hahaha

Morale of the story: 
iPad rocks….
Don’t put the blame on ipad if kids keep playing time wasting games on it…
Camne le hade situ in the first place


apis585 said...

angrybirds teach em bout projectile and precision. no? hahahha...
pape pun kene balance and parents have to be in control...

Juliah & Faridah said...

once dah masuk skolah cam anak aku. ko dload app subject skolah lak. aku letak maths, arabic, english, sains ada skit.. tapi x banyak yg menarik.
for idrees lak, dia takleh concentrate nak blaja sbb dia tau carik game dia. nnt dia tutup app blaja, dia pi main lak. mmg kena monitor.
plus bila dah besar, diorang ni ganas. main hentak2 ipad tu macam apa je.
lagi satu, apps quran & iqra'. haariz mmg jadi rajin bila suh ngaji guna ipad. but for idrees, alif ba ta punya app tak banyak (sbb kat msia ni je yg ajar alif ba ta kot). iqra nye style aku lak tak reti nak ajar.

true, nothing wrong bagi guna ipad. cuma u control what apps u install. senang & limit kan time guna ipad tu.. (set kan time bila boleh guna) .. (free time & time bosan2)

banyak lak bebel aku .. sekian.

Anonymous said...

cis, kluar nama juliah&faridah lak..
-farid la.