Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What was up Doc?

had a long entry about wrap
conversion typed up... tapi nak letak a few pictures... so will post that later....

now just some random photos...

we tried Homst shah alam on saturday night... I tot it was good... definately comparable to Muhibbah... and pricess cheaper here... the sirap limau is TDF, sedap sial!

and the sotong goreng tepung was tasteless on its own... tak masin... memula nyesal kejap sebab order medium... but lepas cicah ngn sos die, baru terangkat! layan gile....

anyways I thought everything was good.. but stress coz szehuan soup banyak gile and xdapat abis 2 people, shouldda just had the tofu punye kuah as kuah.. btw, tofunye dish die also had ayam... so rafiq kata ginger chicken xyah order next time... rafiq tak makan chicken dish tu, just me... hahaha 2 people sket sgt makan nak perabih macam2 dish...solution: kena bawak ramai org..

we took firefly to langkawi on standby tickets.. sebab we were already on standby MAS and 2-3 hari sebelum departure dah penub... berdebar gak aku naik
propellar aircraft ni... but take off was smooth... climbing ade sket ala2 dutch roll.. descent was ear popping.... refer below
photo of amir covering his ears >:( ...

memula je dok ngn rafiq

pastu nyemak ngn aku gak

descent - landing

panasla papa oiii...

-- Post From My iPhone

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