Friday, July 22, 2011

Beautiful, colorful life!

yesterday, I bought a baby carrier/sling that left me broke ... kat tengah middle of nowhere in langkawi pon aku masih boleh ilang duit beli sling... *daymnn*

tapi aku masih belum insaf, if ade lagi, aku nak beli lagi .... hopefully I dont find anything I fancy (sling/dolls/etc) in the next month.... if ade, TERPAKSA aku cuba beli gak.... in babywearing or waldorf doll world, usually LE/OOAK things are available for literally seconds (saat!!) only... so if fikir lelama, melepas and nyesal berpanjangan.... beli dulu, if tak suka jual... hahaha (racunnnn)....

justification aku, aku takde stash ... so if 1-2 things yg aku beli is kinda "mahal"... not that bad... hahahha.... and it is nowhere near the price of a Pamir or Rosie or other wraps... sooo it cant really be categorized as "expensive" hahahah... soo, kira okay la purchase ni hahahha (justify justify!!)..... alsooo, these things have resell value, you can recoup your losses... (all $$ or
most of it, depending on the item)

sooo pls WWM

kat forum,
WWM - wait with me
LE - limited edition
OOAK - one of a kind

#1 - colorful!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Jalan Pantai Chenang,Langkawi,Malaysia


Anonymous said...

mesti rainbow wrap ni..

E`n1x said...

but rainbow can't be that expensive...

Rozy said...

beli apa nih?

Ariana said...

hint #2: wrap

E`n1x said...

pfft we all know it's a wrap. lol. lagi hint??? =P~~~

Ariana said...

lolz... sure or nooot??? ;)