My first Indio, PUDER (Powder Silk Indio) ! and I'm in love!
Powder is the color, Silk is the wrap type, Indio is the pattern (Indio is tikar pattern)
This wrap is made by Didymos (german brand)
This is my 2nd Didymos wrap (that I actually bought, others were loaned to me).
My first Didymos wrap is a size 6 diamond weave, 55% Linen in Azur (aka the beast)
My Puder is a size 7 meaning it is 5.2 meters...
It is longer than what I wanted... I want a size 6 which is 4.6 meters
But at the time.. size 7 was much cheaper than even a size 4 and 5... so beli jela size 7.
My first impression bila bukak package.. ur kidding me!
This cannot be a size 7! ringan and folds so thin! (Aku dah terbiasa ngn other wrap Didy yg more tebal)
Bila unfold... yep, mmg la size 7 ... huish camne nak handle panjang gini...
I might send it to get chopped short..
So thin, but supportive... rase nak nangis pon ade sebab its so awesome!
Totally newborn-worthy wrap
Puder is made from 70% organic cotton in Powder and Pink colored threads.
Also 30% silk (white color)
Powder Silk Indio (aka Puder)
Reinfoced Rucksack Back Carry, tied Tibetan
Double Hammock Back Carry
Comes with sleepy dust

Close up of the Indio weave

Now, I want all Indios ! uwaks!

Powder is the color, Silk is the wrap type, Indio is the pattern (Indio is tikar pattern)
This wrap is made by Didymos (german brand)
This is my 2nd Didymos wrap (that I actually bought, others were loaned to me).
My first Didymos wrap is a size 6 diamond weave, 55% Linen in Azur (aka the beast)
My Puder is a size 7 meaning it is 5.2 meters...
It is longer than what I wanted... I want a size 6 which is 4.6 meters
But at the time.. size 7 was much cheaper than even a size 4 and 5... so beli jela size 7.
My first impression bila bukak package.. ur kidding me!
This cannot be a size 7! ringan and folds so thin! (Aku dah terbiasa ngn other wrap Didy yg more tebal)
Bila unfold... yep, mmg la size 7 ... huish camne nak handle panjang gini...
I might send it to get chopped short..
So thin, but supportive... rase nak nangis pon ade sebab its so awesome!
Totally newborn-worthy wrap
Puder is made from 70% organic cotton in Powder and Pink colored threads.
Also 30% silk (white color)
More wrap pics and info HERE
Can be bought new HERE or HERE... (aku beli 2nd hand jek)Powder Silk Indio (aka Puder)
Reinfoced Rucksack Back Carry, tied Tibetan
Double Hammock Back Carry
Comes with sleepy dust
Close up of the Indio weave
Now, I want all Indios ! uwaks!

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