This cold water fiber reactive MX dye is known the world over. Use it for immersion dyeing, tie dye, batik, airbrush, garment dyeing, screen printing, spatter painting, gradation dyeing and more! This is the only dye you can fix without using heat in some form. A cold water, concentrated dye, which you add to tap water, this is the most vivid of all dyes for cellulose fibers. Procion dyes are permanent, colorfast and very washable. You can easily create a palette of colors ranging from light pastels to deep, vibrant hues.
Typically a 2/3 oz bottle will dye more than 1 pound of fabric. Very bright colors will require more dye; pastel colors will require less. A 2/3 oz bottle uses 2 cups regular salt in the mix, then after dyeing, add 1/4 cup of soda ash (in water) to set the dye.
Jacquard packages many of their products in the same size jars, approximately 2" high. Some are liquids, some powders. Procion is a powder, and fills the jar less than half way depending on the color. You are still getting a NEW FULL jar, however.
For detailed instructions, visit jacquard's web site at:
For a color chart of all Procion MX dyes, visit:
-- Post From My iPhone
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
copied from
for my Future ref:
Re: Wrap Dyeing Tips
I'd like to add my step by step instructions. In NO WAY am I saying this is the right way to do it, but it worked great for us!
It took awhile for me to come up with a plan, but then once I wrote it down and got organized we were good to go, so I'd thought I'd share!
We used Dharma Procion dyes. Also we did not use any of the extras, due to the warnings etc... but my results were perfectly even, no freckling, marbling etc...
First thing is to figure out how many gallons your machine holds on the smallest load. Mine was 10, which is average, so we'll use that as a guideline. Unless your wrap is over 8 lbs (which it won't be) the smallest load is fine.
1. Wash your wrap in HOT water, no detergent. Put somewhere clean and keep it wet.
2. Fill you machine again using WARM water. Once full, lift lid and add 10 cups of non-iodized salt. Close lid, let agitate a couple of minutes.
3. Mix 4 TBS dye (this is variable based on your colors, but in the ball park of what to use) in an old tupperware container with just enough water to make a paste. Then add another cup of warm water, mix again, and pour into washing machine. Let agitate another few minutes.
4. Add wet wrap.
5. Let agitate 20 minutes. You will need to periodically lift lid and reset the timer so it remains on the agitate cycle and does not drain your dye bath. Also periodically open lid and untwist wrap.
6. Measure 1 1/4 c. soda ash and put in an old tupperware container.
7. In another container put approx. 1/4 c. warm water, then sprinkle in a few TBS of the soda ash in and mix. This gets messy/ clumpy. Try to keep it as smooth as possible. Open lid and push your wrap to one side. Pour in the soda ash/ water mixture, making sure it does not directly touch your wrap. Close lid and let agitate a couple of minutes.
8. Repeat step 7 until all of your 1 1/4 c. soda ash ahs been added to the machine. This will take about 15 minutes, but don't rush it!
9. Close lid, let agitate 20- 60 minutes depending on depth of color. (I did 40 minutes) Periodically stop and untwist wrap.
10. Let finish the cycle when your time is up.
11. Do another cycle on cold.
12. Do a HOT cycle. Very important, this is what bonds the dye to the fabric so your LO doesn't ingest it!!
13. Do as many HOT cycles until the water is perfectly clear. (For me it was only 1, but dark colors can take MANY!)
14. Dry your wrap and enjoy!!
for my Future ref:
Re: Wrap Dyeing Tips
I'd like to add my step by step instructions. In NO WAY am I saying this is the right way to do it, but it worked great for us!
It took awhile for me to come up with a plan, but then once I wrote it down and got organized we were good to go, so I'd thought I'd share!
We used Dharma Procion dyes. Also we did not use any of the extras, due to the warnings etc... but my results were perfectly even, no freckling, marbling etc...
First thing is to figure out how many gallons your machine holds on the smallest load. Mine was 10, which is average, so we'll use that as a guideline. Unless your wrap is over 8 lbs (which it won't be) the smallest load is fine.
1. Wash your wrap in HOT water, no detergent. Put somewhere clean and keep it wet.
2. Fill you machine again using WARM water. Once full, lift lid and add 10 cups of non-iodized salt. Close lid, let agitate a couple of minutes.
3. Mix 4 TBS dye (this is variable based on your colors, but in the ball park of what to use) in an old tupperware container with just enough water to make a paste. Then add another cup of warm water, mix again, and pour into washing machine. Let agitate another few minutes.
4. Add wet wrap.
5. Let agitate 20 minutes. You will need to periodically lift lid and reset the timer so it remains on the agitate cycle and does not drain your dye bath. Also periodically open lid and untwist wrap.
6. Measure 1 1/4 c. soda ash and put in an old tupperware container.
7. In another container put approx. 1/4 c. warm water, then sprinkle in a few TBS of the soda ash in and mix. This gets messy/ clumpy. Try to keep it as smooth as possible. Open lid and push your wrap to one side. Pour in the soda ash/ water mixture, making sure it does not directly touch your wrap. Close lid and let agitate a couple of minutes.
8. Repeat step 7 until all of your 1 1/4 c. soda ash ahs been added to the machine. This will take about 15 minutes, but don't rush it!
9. Close lid, let agitate 20- 60 minutes depending on depth of color. (I did 40 minutes) Periodically stop and untwist wrap.
10. Let finish the cycle when your time is up.
11. Do another cycle on cold.
12. Do a HOT cycle. Very important, this is what bonds the dye to the fabric so your LO doesn't ingest it!!
13. Do as many HOT cycles until the water is perfectly clear. (For me it was only 1, but dark colors can take MANY!)
14. Dry your wrap and enjoy!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
and so i bought another stuff for Ayn... shhh dun tell my husband... hahaha sure tensen die tgk bill credit card nanti huuu... harap x ditarik balik supplementary kad ai..

org kata baby girl nanti addicted beli baju pinky2..... aku addicted beli toys and gadget lak ni.. sgt mengopakkan. huu...
-- Post From My iPhone

org kata baby girl nanti addicted beli baju pinky2..... aku addicted beli toys and gadget lak ni.. sgt mengopakkan. huu...
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, December 12, 2011
Puder Love !
comforting a cranky baby... Puder ku berani pakai dalam rumah jek.. sayang sgt...
which is dumb... patut lenjan jek... tapi adeh, risau tul aku aku nangeh kang if Puder terkoyak/terkena minyak tanah ke memane outside.. hahaha overrr...
memula backcarry... pastu die muntah on me..keluar and lepak crib jap..
then sejam pastu cranky balik.. so front carry plak...
Puder ni size 7 boleh wrap around and tie under bum...
cam best la plak kan.. tapi rimas nye maaaaaakk...
which is dumb... patut lenjan jek... tapi adeh, risau tul aku aku nangeh kang if Puder terkoyak/terkena minyak tanah ke memane outside.. hahaha overrr...
memula backcarry... pastu die muntah on me..keluar and lepak crib jap..
then sejam pastu cranky balik.. so front carry plak...
Puder ni size 7 boleh wrap around and tie under bum...
cam best la plak kan.. tapi rimas nye maaaaaakk...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
tgh mood kiasu beli baby stuff... dah beranak baru tergedik2 nak beli... sebabnye baru discover Ayn layan gadgets... dulu Amir, letak dalam rocker nangis, tido dalam cot takleh, pasang cot mobile pun amir tak layan.. play gym mat pon Amir tak layan.. yang die mau is human contact jek...
We first discovered Ayn layan gadgets is masa letak dalam
swing and aku ON kan mobile (yg pusing2 tu)... and die tengok mende tu for ~30mins bfore tertido...

and lately I'm taking care of Amir and Ayn at the same time... and Amir consumes most of my time.. nak makan la, nak mandi la, nak itu la, sepah sana, tumpah sini... panjat sana.. die memang high needs child masa kecik.. and now strong willed child and hyper .... so nasib baik Ayn chillex and aku kena ada gadget yg bagi Ayn chillex at time2 Amir demands my attention ...
so first is the mobile heheheh.. punye la sakan compare mobile and aku nak mobile yg lagu2 die soothing... (mobile murahan lagi2 die annoying nak mati.. we've heard some.. bingit)... and aku nak lampu2 hahhaah ngada..
anyways, lepas survey2... aku berkenan ngn Tiny Love punye
mobile... tiny love ni mmg kompeni yg create toys for child development.. harga pon boleh tahan tapi aku nak gak... added bonus, ade remote ctrl heheee

Ayn suka.. Rafiq pon kata Ayn suka...
Next, aku nak carik tempat to put Ayn down to watch TV... this is part of my masterplan to make her watch the "Your Baby Can Read" punye CDs ... yg aku dah download from torrent. :P
so this is todays catch.. redeemed my maybank treatspoints for this... best!

next thing to obsess about.. play gym and softbooks n teethers.. hehee... meroyan kot aku dulu amir xlayan mende ni semua...
and a pic coz she soo cute

-- Post From My iPhone
We first discovered Ayn layan gadgets is masa letak dalam
swing and aku ON kan mobile (yg pusing2 tu)... and die tengok mende tu for ~30mins bfore tertido...

and lately I'm taking care of Amir and Ayn at the same time... and Amir consumes most of my time.. nak makan la, nak mandi la, nak itu la, sepah sana, tumpah sini... panjat sana.. die memang high needs child masa kecik.. and now strong willed child and hyper .... so nasib baik Ayn chillex and aku kena ada gadget yg bagi Ayn chillex at time2 Amir demands my attention ...
so first is the mobile heheheh.. punye la sakan compare mobile and aku nak mobile yg lagu2 die soothing... (mobile murahan lagi2 die annoying nak mati.. we've heard some.. bingit)... and aku nak lampu2 hahhaah ngada..
anyways, lepas survey2... aku berkenan ngn Tiny Love punye
mobile... tiny love ni mmg kompeni yg create toys for child development.. harga pon boleh tahan tapi aku nak gak... added bonus, ade remote ctrl heheee

Ayn suka.. Rafiq pon kata Ayn suka...
Next, aku nak carik tempat to put Ayn down to watch TV... this is part of my masterplan to make her watch the "Your Baby Can Read" punye CDs ... yg aku dah download from torrent. :P
so this is todays catch.. redeemed my maybank treatspoints for this... best!

next thing to obsess about.. play gym and softbooks n teethers.. hehee... meroyan kot aku dulu amir xlayan mende ni semua...
and a pic coz she soo cute

-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
ADA AKU KeSAH? whateverrr laaaaa.... ai dah bosan... same old story.... jawapan aku: Ada aku kesah?
blogpress, when the hell are u gonna have the update u promised us?
photo of the day

Adriana's storchenweige Ulli.. 3.6m.... this size is soooo perfect for us right now.. walaupun "dense" ala2 girasol.. tapi sebab dok buat 1 layer carries je, tak rase panas but still supportive.. this is my go-to wrap right now... due to length and sbb x fragile.. muntah, basuh je dlm WM.. takde nak tertarik tarik (pull) thread ke ape..
reinfored ruck tied tibetan

Ruck TIF (tied in front)

Ruck TT (tied tibetan)

so convinient for quick ups and downs... untuk sidai baju, sapu/mop lantai time2 Ayn cranky..
taking a breather from mopping with camwhoring session

and I cant believe I can FWCC with a 3.6m (albeit tied at the tippy tails)

anyways, i bought a size 3.6m wrap also... on the way... wait with me 😝😍😘
-- Post From My iPhone
blogpress, when the hell are u gonna have the update u promised us?
photo of the day

Adriana's storchenweige Ulli.. 3.6m.... this size is soooo perfect for us right now.. walaupun "dense" ala2 girasol.. tapi sebab dok buat 1 layer carries je, tak rase panas but still supportive.. this is my go-to wrap right now... due to length and sbb x fragile.. muntah, basuh je dlm WM.. takde nak tertarik tarik (pull) thread ke ape..
reinfored ruck tied tibetan

Ruck TIF (tied in front)

Ruck TT (tied tibetan)

so convinient for quick ups and downs... untuk sidai baju, sapu/mop lantai time2 Ayn cranky..
taking a breather from mopping with camwhoring session

and I cant believe I can FWCC with a 3.6m (albeit tied at the tippy tails)

anyways, i bought a size 3.6m wrap also... on the way... wait with me 😝😍😘
-- Post From My iPhone
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