Friday, June 1, 2012

Newest addition (addiction)

my new SSC..... huwahuwaaaa
soo reminiscence of beetlebum due to the narrow set shoulder straps...
instead of   \_/   .. its kinda like |_|   .. more or less...
straps wont fall of your shoulder feeling.. but i still wear chest straps... coz dah biasa..
sempit area around kepala/leher baby... but i think im starting to like it that way... cam more support je...

the waist is single adjust strap.. i hate that ... dont like it when one side is longer than the other
but im wearing the lowest setting.. so it is all symmetrical.. so it doesnt matter lol...
seb baik mak ramping huahuaaa *muntah*

the fabric is really light..  i do prefer heavier/sturdier fabric..
but this should be ideal for 1-2 hour shopping mall trips...
easy to bring sana sini.. very light...

actually syaz gave this to me to try...
but bila pakai.. i luv it so much... i just said to her i'm buying this one..
(i do need another SSC due to DH doesnt have his.. i sold his KP..
and when he uses my beetlebum, settings all messed up.. urgh)

syaz did say this is the older type waist padding... softer a bit...
newer ones will be firmer... due to someone yg berjaya wear wrongly and terpatah waist pad tu lol..
so I had to buy this old one hahaha.. coz if I buy new, I wont be getting this waist pad yg best..
(maybe the new ones best gak or even better.. i dunno... but im in love with this waist)..

and I do love the embroidery and the print fabric.. simple and brand-y.....
kang org tanye.. senang mak nak explen...

syaz, u shud pay me for advertising ur brand whenever im wearing thiss.. pfftt !
better yet, give me jumpsac card, so that senang aku nak handout if org tanye..
malasnye nak spell out hahaha..
banyak kali tau.. bila org tanye aku mane mau beli...
kena spellout and taip dalam phone/iphone diorang and
MBW card also can.. but soalan diorang is where to buy...
so kena bagi URL kedai gak lerrr...

So SSC Stash that I own currently:
1. Standard (Baby) size Stork by Snuggbaby  - for my mom
2. Standard (Baby) size Orbit by Jumpsac - for my husband
3. Standard/Standard Kinderpack - on temp trade with Mye for Pognae SSC used by my sister
4. Standard size full buckle Beetlebums - for me !

I love this.. I really do... very well made...
Bleh beli kat sini

p/s: aku tak dapat gaji or anything for this.. (eventhough I SHOULD!)

1 comment:

alin said...

Elly, nak pinjam boleh?