Wednesday, December 12, 2007

im back from aussie... soo freakin' tired....
whose great idea was it to travel while still in the first trimester....
nak buat camne, plan travel dulu.. baru plan preggie...
but lepas balik, dah gi check kat doc, everything looks okay... even looked at the nucal folds (??) leher spine for ketebalan die, nak tgk for down syndrome... visual only, looks negetive for down... tapi next check doc kata boleh buat blood test if i want... cuaknye aku...

and by the way, the head is supposed to be bigger... rafiq terkejut bila tgk kepala die besar.... (tula, aku suh bace buku/info tanak....)

Info from this web
"Even though your little Einstein’s body is still growing quite rapidly 2 inches long right now, the overall super-speedy growth of their amazing brain continues to leave the head proportionately larger than the body— and is actually slightly more than one third of their total body mass! The head and neck are still straightening at this point as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest."

okay, seriously rough gile kat aussie..
satu sorang akak ni ckp sorang minah ni miscarriage sebab naik flight...
something bout pressurization dlm rahim and aircraft..
aku pon blaja pasal pressurization, aku tau memang ade effect kat normal human...
some can tolerate it, some cant....
tapi aku tatau sal rahim.. so agak cuak gak..
but doc says okay... so okay la...
tapi still cuak...

then campo plak ngn sesat sebab org2 silap bace map.. so jalan extra jauh (for nothing!)...and tanak plak depa naik bas, sedangkan ade bas ... (thanks for being so considerate you guys......*sarcastic*)..... aku tak kisah nak jalan, kalau ade sebab... tapi kalau nak jalan kaki jejauh sebab sesat or jalan kaki coz exsaited sgt takleh dok diam nak tunggu bus, memang la aku hangin... seriusly tak considerate nak mampos....

kalau jalan kaki coz perlu, and ade mende nak tengok, takpela, aku sanggup jalan..... Ini tak pon, useless punye buang tenagaa.... berasap betul, rase nak sepak terajang je sesekor.... at the end of the day, derang ckp wuuh penat gileee, kaki nak patah..... oh really??? are you guys pregnant?? experiencing fatigue and constipation and wind and back pain and stomach cramps??? got someone inside you sucking your energy??kalau korang rase nak mampos, aku lagi nak mampos tau.. bengong betul...

pastu kat bondi beach.... nak mandi gak.. air sejuk... aku tunggu panaskan badan.. masuk gak la.. i underestimate the power of the 1 point cam tertarik perut aku dipukul ombak kuat.... cuak aku placenta terkoyak dari dinding rahimm (logik ke??.. itula yg aku imagine)....

seriusly banyak betul dugaaan baby ni lalui........rough and tumble...
lega betul aku tengok ultrasound semalam.. got so much bigger and even saw the tali pusat bergerak2 pumping stuff into the baby......and 1 point die gerak2 kaki die....

tapi sampai skang doc tak offer aku dgr heartbeat baby tu... dunno why...
kat forum org sume cakap sal heart rate....

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