I reaally want to love it....
i really want an SSC (soft structured carrier)

but.... I feel tightness at the perut.. the level where amir's butt is..
cam butt amir tu besar and menyempitkan ruang situ...
aku try adjust bahu straps and chest straps...
but couldnt find out how to only loosen that area..
kalau loosen chest and bahu.. then bahagian leher die pulak tak ketat....
kinda uncomfy laa ketat kat perut/butt baby... amir can feel it too I think...
last2 jalan kat OU, die merengek-rengek... had to take him out..
that would not happen with ringsling lah..
he'd already be asleep in the RS aa....
i was kicking myself for not bringing my RS as a backup...
rafiq had to carry him... for like 10-15 mins..
and die complain lenguh biceps/tri muscle..
time nak pusing stereng keter terasa...
mesti korang cakap.. alah bukan berat sangat pun...
if amir wasnt twisting around... i think okay la nak carry
but with all the twisting and leaning sana sini.. rengek2 ... u can feel the weight and force everywhere..
penat la kalau dukung... not babywearing....

back to patapum...
the weightlessness ... is something else laa.. all weight on the waist..
not bahu or back.... I can carry him all day... takdak hal punye...
if only
1. the perut area is looser..
2. the back body is higher... (amir asik nak melentik aje... hard to prevent with low body)
then I would definately want this carrier...
the sleeping hood is soooo freaking awesome lah... jaring-jaring and stretchy...
tak put force.. but prevents head from swaying here and there bila baby tido..
amir tido kejap in the patapum masa gi carrefour pagi tadik..
I think I need to tweek the straps aaa... maybe lower the chest straps.. i dunno..
i love these rubbers yg lipat kasik pendek all the extra steps..