Friday, March 6, 2009

okeh..since dah ade contest baru, aku pun join ajer...

1) MomBloggersPlanet - malaysian mom bloggers unite... where we can find other moms experiencing what we are experiencing.. to swap ideas and tips and tricks in raising children in the hip and funky world that we now live in.... tips dari our moms/MIL/aunties might not be releveant anymore nowadays.... (example: feed your baby nestum through a bottle.. so they will sleep through the night... total bullshit and DANGEROUS!! ade kawan aku ni anak dah la preemie... umur 2 minggu dah forcefeed ngn nestum... kejam is the only word that comes to my mind)... dengan adanya internet we can educate ourself and learn from others to provide the best for our babies.. so sila la breastfeed, babywear and cloth diaper okay?? hahaha.... Links to other malaysian mom who blogs.. .. siap split ikut negeri mana... so u can swap/sell/buy 2nd hand stuff to other moms yg tinggal near to you..

As to which prize I think I want?? Maybe this one..

why... because... it looks like a vibrator in disguise... i need masaage after stressful day at work and babywearing during weekend

How to win:

p/s: okay ... I admit the main reason for this entry is because the Uvibe really cracks me up... reminds me of an episode of sex and the city... samantha shopping for vibrator/"neck" massager