Sunday, September 27, 2009

milk preparation for tomorrow....
hope all goes well...

I think its too much to ask la kalau nak hantar amir nursery tapi die tak nangis bila ditinggalkan.... sebab skang ni pon akan nangis bila tinggalkan kat rumah maktok die yg tinggalkan die since he was 2 mths old...

so i have resigned to the fact that he will cry..
but I hope he will learn to have fun and enjoy there after the leaving cry...
and not worry whether mama/papa will ever come back or not...
coz mama & papa WILL ALWAYS come back... dont worry...


apis585 said...

this will be a long one - if u can bear with me...

experience aku, anto both kiddos to nursery as early as 2m.o. mase nina mmg syahdu giler..aku hantar, then nagis gegile(aku laa bdak tu rilek jek xphm mende)...smpai caretaker dia ckp, xpe laa balik laa dia ok je ni hahaha malu biasa 1000s of qs came into me laa 1st baby, 1st time nak tinggalkan..aku slowly htr 1/2 day, then 3/4 day, then baru 7-6. time kat ofis jgn citer laa asik call je tanya Alhamdulillah org tu pon phm..agaknya most mothers pun mcm aku gak..everything seems ok for her, happy joy joy...

then we had to move to rwg. found a new nursery wic is very near n satistified with the cleanliness, mgmt etc. i think she was nearly 2y.o.fuhhh first 2 weeks sgt mencabar..she'll wail sampai aku rasa sgt kejam tglkan dia kat situ. she turned from a very talkative hyperactive girl to mandom, unfriendly girl(kat skolah). caretaker kata asik baringg je xnak join pun any xtvt..sgt sadis aku dgr..then kalau dgr org lain nangis pun dia nagis sedih gak..tapi Alhamdulillah Tuhan bagi aku kekuatan to bear with it..aku doa jek n keep on saying, this will pass...dekat sebulan gak laa baru dia adjust and adapt well..agaknya rindu kat caretaker lama and weird tgk sumer unfamiliar faces. biasalah tu...skrang ni....weekend pun nak g nursery buleh???

hafie pun aku htr situ since 2m.o sbb tgk ok jek + ppl say dont separate adik n kakak...lagipon aku rasa secure sket sbb kakak reporter bernama, so kalau anything goes wrong, aku ade trustworthy source...

so aku rasa mmg xde masalah langsung nko anto skrang. its good though that he has his maktok to take care of him in his early days, so now let him socialise a bit. i dont think its a mistake to prolong nina antar awal, tapi bila tukar nursery nangis gak...biasala tu...n skrang da 4y.o pun kenkadang liat gak nak bgn pagi g nursery..sbb dok umah leh tgk cn &phdc *dushhh*

n he cries doesnt mean he detest staying there...biasalah bdak nak manja...good luck!!!

E`n1x said...

hoh, i'm thinking of campakking dayana somewhere too. atm she screams jugak la temporarily bile tinggalkan her with the maid. with strangers, sometimes she's ok, sometimes she's not, depending on her current mood...
does anyone know any good nurseries in shah alam?
btw, looking at ur ebm stash... makes me rindu gilaa those times when i had bottles of my own ebm in the fridge... huhu

Ariana said...

lil.. how old is she now ek?
now sape jaga?

E`n1x said...

she's 1 year oledi. a few more days 1 year 1 month =P
now i leave her with my in law (i live with her) and the maid.
sometimes if they are unable to care for her i campak her to my mom's place. so the number of ppl she meets each day is really limited to the family.