Wednesday, March 17, 2010

aku tak bukak lagi NAN itu hahah...
tapi was researching about formula...

Aritu, I was deciding between lactogen and NAN..
since both have very high iron...
(fokus aku ni sgt iron-oriented, walaupun adik aku kata iron bebanyak pon tak diabsorb)

aku jumpa these:

"Nan is a 100% whey based formula
Lactogen is a predominantly Casein based formula

Whey is more easily digested and has more similarities to breastmilk proteins as it is also very high in whey. Casein is heavier and harder to digest for babies.

To answer your question, Nan is scientifically the better formula as it is more similar to breastmilk but it depends on what you prefer and what agrees with your baby. If your baby is underweight than the casein formula may be better to bulk them up."

Nasib baik la I made the right choice...

Easier to digest and takkan bulk-up amir yg dah sedia debab...

Also found this..

"I told my doc that and he said that lactogen is sweeter compared to NAN(which is true , i have tried it) and hence children love Lactogen whereas NAN is bland just like BM"

bagus la, sebab rase akan dekat similar with my "bland" BM.. so patut amir boleh minum... and kurang gula utk rosakkan gigi amir...

tah betul tah tidak.... tapi so far so good... tak terasa made the wrong choice...

you are what you eat.... harap2 habis satu tin... if not... bapak mahal aaaa buang duit... stress hahaha


Miss Me said...

i dapat nan free from our paed. but he refused to drink that. good that i get info from u sebab bila i beli Fm i always forgot to look at its ingredient. ikut rasa hati je capai dan bayar. tak suka tukar lain...

Crazy Chemist said...

I juz baca your comment about "bland" bm and was head over heels laughing. I think there are certain brands of formula busuk (esp the ones with more xxx) so when compared to bm rasa macam bland. Like comparing sambal and bubur kacang hijau. Both I like but I won't call either one "bland"

Ariana said...

never tasted...
and i dont get the joke...
are you being sarcastic..
or funny.. or real..?
i dont get what's funny... maybe coz i'm not well versed with formula...
what is xxx..? ape yang busuk..? as in gone bad..?

blur ....