Monday, March 15, 2010

Apparently nutrient... VERRYY important for kids...
ingatkan cam aku... eat crap.. sehat je tak demam pon....
buat kids... rely heavily on nutrition...
since amir such a picky eater.. so susah nak bagi die nutrition yg lacking from breastmilk..
after 6 months... breastmilk is not complete food for baby... kena bagi makan mende lain gak..
kalau la breastmilk tu complete food, then we wouldnt be in this situation... coz amir guzzles of breastmilk like crazy..
iron 2.2 je... sedangkan kena at least 10.0...
so we decided to start using formula too...
dengan sangat blurr kena decide which to use...
pening laaa.... siap gadoh2 ngn makcik jual formula...
sukati je nak kencing aku... aku blur not bodo...

pediasure tu ape? pemakanan lengkap..?
should I have used this..?
still planning to BF part time...
and also wants amir to eat too...

anyways, so I outlined 4 ingredients yg penting for amir..

so belek2 la nutritient information....
so lastly decided on Nan-3, pro..
yang paling tinggi kandungan 4 items ni...

harap2 dapat membantu where breastmilk cant...
tapi sungguhla stress nak beli... mahal la susu...danggg...
sungguh berjasa boobs and pam aku... bapak mahal
beli beli... pastu amir nak minum ke..?
immunofortis tu ape..? tapi aku rase immune2, antibody semua leh dpt dari BM..
also, aku stress sebab formula ni mencepatkan kerosakan gigi...
I can just imagine amir minum susu and lepas tu terus tido.. kat nursery..
nak kena diorang gosok gigi amir setiap kali seblum tido.. dont think so..
aku rase sure bagi botol susu utk ditidurkan lagi ade la...
breastmilk have teeth protecting enzymes...
so malam aku still gosok gigi die... tapi lepas tu takleh makan minum kecuali BF jelah..

So my exclusive and fully BF journey stops here... at 1 year, 9 months...
okay la ni.. tak dapat pingat emas (going for gold)..
gangsa pun cukup la...
still akan sambung jugak ngn part time BF... till 2 years...

aku rase rafiq lagi pressure aku stop BF dari aku...
aku cam semangat je carik alternative BM..
adekah die takut aku gemuk tak BF? hahhaha...
aku yg takut aku gemuk with not BFing... so kena la stop makan crap..
and eat healthily..

anyways, I created 2 recipess for amir...
sedap pulak pada aku.... so can be used on me...
amir tak suka pon.. tapi bila iklan, die nganga, aku suap, die makan gak la..

vegeroni goreng...

panaskan olive oil (bukan EVO or EEVO)...
masukkan garlic
masukkan ayam breast chopped - source of protein
masukkan vegeroni yg el dante.... (vegeroni is pasta from vegetables)
dash of garam
dash of kicap...
chopped brocoli

Nasik Goreng Tuna...
(gross right? but okay la rase)

panaskan olive oil
masukkan garlic (good for immune)
masukkan tuna chucks (tuna chunks in olive oil canned) - source of protein & omega 3 oils.
masukkan nasik.
dash of garam
dash of kicap...
chopped brocoli - source of iron
chopped lettuce - source of iron

sungguh healthy.... aku rase aku kena masak ni and bawak bekal gi ofis, utk elakkan makan crap and oily food...
kicap tu leh ganti with tomato sauce, souce of lycopene... tapi amir tak suka sgt kot..


apis585 said...

hafie aku supply kan ngan pediasure kat nursery. memule aku bg isomil, dia cam xske so aku tukar enfagrow konon nak bg gemuk sket cam kakak dia, tp eczema makin teruk, so skang pediasure (lactose free). formula mmg doubled the price within 3 yrs ni. aku slalu beli kat kedai ubat cina murah sket...

Hanim said...

too many things to say.. nnt will do a blog post for u

Rayhana said...

hmmm... i never knew BF for a toddler past 1 is lacking in so many nutrients?

looking forward to hanim's post..

i knew ppl who BF'ed exclusively till 1 yr.. hmmm

elly, have you tried making smoothies? of course for now, if amir's tummy not so good, then don't use milk.
smoothies boleh masuk macam2 :p can hide, yummy, so creamy.. macam ice cream esp if you put in bananas! can add flaxseed oil, oat bran, other fruits, etc etc..

Ariana said...

great idea ray.. amir mmg suka isap straw... need to buy a new blender thou.. this is a good reason!

anyways, my sis dah warning dah dulu.. she says.. feed him iron-rich food since he is breasfed... (masa ni amir was 7 mths old)... I was like - malas laa nak layan kau...and was really happy and comfy (and lazy) so I just BF totally .. > 90% from BF... but then, I pun makan cam normal.. didnt try to improve my milk like minum anmum and enfamama ke.... so maybe my BM partly to blame...

but the ped said..(coz I asked if I eat iron rich food, cant he get iron from my milk).. he said iron susah nak masuk dalam BM.... so for now, continue on iron tablets...

Ariana said...


At this point there is NOTHING that your milk lacks that your child needs, with the possible exception of enough iron.

ciss..... so my sis can say i told u so...

Life is about continously learning said...

Woi, hish lain yg ko tangkap.suh makan bukan suh tukar susu formula. Susu lets conclude hampeh dlm mendistribute iron. Kurangkan susu, makan actual food. Kepada kawan nana,Mmglah boleh nak feed exclusively BM sampai setahun pon , but u run the risk of developing iron def, i thought mothers would like their child to stay healthy not to win some competition of i exclusively breastfeed my child for a year. Trust me, no paediatrician is gonna be impressed with that.

Its so frustrating watching this obsession with feeding milk. That child i was telling u was not even breastfed, he was on formula. The moral of that story was less milk, kid get hungry . He will eat. Even if he is fussy, he will learn to eat cos he is hungry. And food not milk is the source of ur nutrient.

Rayhana said...

if i am not mistaken, i read that kids cannot absorb that much iron from milk?

it has to be from food? like.. proper, iron-rich food?

that's why i never gave my son formula.. he just takes fresh milk. tu pun, not often.

but he takes yogurt, fruit, veg, nuts, etc..

formula mahal wor.. summore you still BF, tu cukup i think. work on giving him a variety of food.

E`n1x said...

jergh. i tgk ur tuna photo n terus terase lapar. i wonder if i should try it at home too. and not with Dayana in mind. kekekeke.

chikleen said...

dapat kat email..
saja post kat u..

Without iron, there would be no hemoglobin in the blood.
Hemoglobin gives red corpuscles their color. And it is the
hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
If you lack iron, an insufficient supply of oxygen in your
hemoglobin will produce sensations of fatigue, headaches and
shortness of breath.
Men don’t have to worry too much: most men have a reserve of
iron stored in their body that could last 3 years !
But women, because of the menstrual cycle, need twice as much
iron as men.
And the amount is even higher for pregnant women. Vitamin C
doubles the amount of iron the body absorbs: so it is a good idea to
add a glass of tomato or orange or grapefruit juice to every meal.
On the other hand, tea reduces the amount of iron absorbed by
50% and coffee by about 39%.