payahnye idup takleh makan ubat sesuka hati....
cleanser muka pon kena kurangkan penggunaaan... sebab ade salicylic acid...
not sure if can absorb huge amount through skin.... but guna sket and basuh asap...
twice a day....
seb baik belum demam lagi.....
kang ubat ape plak la yg berpotensi membahayakan baby...
sucksss .. i love poppin pills...
anyways, i have no loya-ness at all..(kenkadang je bila extreme lapar)....
not too tired...
but i have back pains.. quite possibly unrelated to the pregnancy...
i dunno....
but i guess everything can be related to pregnancy...
kalau senang gusi berdarah pun sebab pregnant sebab bloodflow banyak.. or something like that... constipation sebab hormon2 pregnancy yg menrelaxkan muscle usus... so usus2 tu malas nak mengerakkan taik2 kau.. so constipated la .....
i guess u can blame pregnancy for everything....
but everything so far tak membuatkan aku rase sakit nak nangeh....
i cant complaint much..... takat nipple extra sensitive, perut kejang, takyah komplen laaaa, aku konsider them negligible inconvinences.... nanti labor kang komplen la puas puas....
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
its another babyboom tsunami.....
dulu time... angelina jolie, katie holmes, gwen stefani, britney....
now its... j.Lo, christina aguilera, nicole richie....
latest.... jessica alba and jamie lynn spears (16 years old...seriusly?)
britney's & jamie lynn's mom had to postpone her book on parenting....
(i guess its a WHAT-NOT-TO-DO to your kids book)....
even budak² (notice the PLURAL use) opis yg takde plan nak pregnant...
pun start mencuba dengan bersungguh-sungguh....
i think it is awesome.... tambah lagi populasi yg constantly nauseated, pissed-off, fatigued and hormonally imbalanced.... (seriusly)
coz i need someone who can relate......
during the weekend... i took 2 coloxyl...(constipation med)....
and sad to say.... the baby bump that i thought was..... wasnt...
it wass all craaaap and pee....
people keep saying I should be showing now.....
i dont think so la... but all this pressure, makes me wanna have a bump...
my bump, my bump, my bump, my lovely lady bump...
dulu time... angelina jolie, katie holmes, gwen stefani, britney....
now its... j.Lo, christina aguilera, nicole richie....
latest.... jessica alba and jamie lynn spears (16 years old...seriusly?)
britney's & jamie lynn's mom had to postpone her book on parenting....
(i guess its a WHAT-NOT-TO-DO to your kids book)....
even budak² (notice the PLURAL use) opis yg takde plan nak pregnant...
pun start mencuba dengan bersungguh-sungguh....
i think it is awesome.... tambah lagi populasi yg constantly nauseated, pissed-off, fatigued and hormonally imbalanced.... (seriusly)
coz i need someone who can relate......
during the weekend... i took 2 coloxyl...(constipation med)....
and sad to say.... the baby bump that i thought was..... wasnt...
it wass all craaaap and pee....
people keep saying I should be showing now.....
i dont think so la... but all this pressure, makes me wanna have a bump...
my bump, my bump, my bump, my lovely lady bump...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Dates and numbers:
You are 90 days pregnant.You are 3 months pregnant.
You are in your 3rd month of pregnancy.
Your 1st trimester: September 16, 2007 to December 15, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: December 16, 2007 to March 29, 2008. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: March 30, 2008 to June 22, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
The best news that 12th week brings along is that the risk of miscarriage has subsided.
The Key Changes For Mothers in the 12th Week
You are 90 days pregnant.You are 3 months pregnant.
You are in your 3rd month of pregnancy.
Your 1st trimester: September 16, 2007 to December 15, 2007. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: December 16, 2007 to March 29, 2008. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: March 30, 2008 to June 22, 2008. (28 - 40 weeks)
The best news that 12th week brings along is that the risk of miscarriage has subsided.
The Key Changes For Mothers in the 12th Week
- Early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, pregnancy back pain, darkening of areola, pregnancy constipation, excessive salivation, food cravings, frequent urination, headaches, increased sense of smell, lower abdominal cramps, tender or swollen breasts that during the initial weeks on conception made life difficult, have almost faded in the 12th week.
- The most critical pregnancy complication namely miscarriage has been dealt with by the end of the 12th week.
- The body is releasing necessary hormones like hCG and the natural changes like increased uterus size development of placenta, etc are all in place.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
today is the day I am telling my family and friends.....
why i have waited for so long?
1. coz 1st trimester is hell and I dont feel like I'm in a celebratory mood
2. bila aku gitau sorang minah ni, die tak kasik aku minum ais, kopi, bau asap.. ade akak tu pun lecture aku pasal high heels, nak naik flight, etc.... asik kena leterrr ajer... i dont like that... i'd rather do my research and decide... no old wives tales for me...
3. again, no nagging pleaseee....... cant take it...
4. wait till everything is fairly stable and safe to annouce to everyone... past the 3rd month is considered safe, probability of miscarriage drops to 5% from 20%.
5. aku BENCI KENA LETERRRRR, AKU BENCI FAKTA² TAK BETUL... AKU BENCI... AKU TANAK DENGAR... well meaning advice REPEATEDLY is annoying.... especially when the advice has no basis.... aku akan trust advice adik aku the doctor only..... and my other docs... statement like, "ouuu perut kau jatuh, ni tandanye anak laki ni" boleh gi mampos aku tanak dengar old wives tales camni.....
anyways, tu jela.... hope you guys will pray for me and the baby coz we'll sure need 'em, and jangan amek hati the fact we told you guys after 3 months.... bagi aku get used to the idea first....baru aku leh celebrate it..... with other people...
why i have waited for so long?
1. coz 1st trimester is hell and I dont feel like I'm in a celebratory mood
2. bila aku gitau sorang minah ni, die tak kasik aku minum ais, kopi, bau asap.. ade akak tu pun lecture aku pasal high heels, nak naik flight, etc.... asik kena leterrr ajer... i dont like that... i'd rather do my research and decide... no old wives tales for me...
3. again, no nagging pleaseee....... cant take it...
4. wait till everything is fairly stable and safe to annouce to everyone... past the 3rd month is considered safe, probability of miscarriage drops to 5% from 20%.
5. aku BENCI KENA LETERRRRR, AKU BENCI FAKTA² TAK BETUL... AKU BENCI... AKU TANAK DENGAR... well meaning advice REPEATEDLY is annoying.... especially when the advice has no basis.... aku akan trust advice adik aku the doctor only..... and my other docs... statement like, "ouuu perut kau jatuh, ni tandanye anak laki ni" boleh gi mampos aku tanak dengar old wives tales camni.....
anyways, tu jela.... hope you guys will pray for me and the baby coz we'll sure need 'em, and jangan amek hati the fact we told you guys after 3 months.... bagi aku get used to the idea first....baru aku leh celebrate it..... with other people...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

im back from aussie... soo freakin' tired....
whose great idea was it to travel while still in the first trimester....
nak buat camne, plan travel dulu.. baru plan preggie...
but lepas balik, dah gi check kat doc, everything looks okay... even looked at the nucal folds (??) leher spine for ketebalan die, nak tgk for down syndrome... visual only, looks negetive for down... tapi next check doc kata boleh buat blood test if i want... cuaknye aku...
and by the way, the head is supposed to be bigger... rafiq terkejut bila tgk kepala die besar.... (tula, aku suh bace buku/info tanak....)
Info from this web
"Even though your little Einstein’s body is still growing quite rapidly 2 inches long right now, the overall super-speedy growth of their amazing brain continues to leave the head proportionately larger than the body— and is actually slightly more than one third of their total body mass! The head and neck are still straightening at this point as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest."
okay, seriously rough gile kat aussie..
satu sorang akak ni ckp sorang minah ni miscarriage sebab naik flight...
something bout pressurization dlm rahim and aircraft..
aku pon blaja pasal pressurization, aku tau memang ade effect kat normal human...
some can tolerate it, some cant....
tapi aku tatau sal rahim.. so agak cuak gak..
but doc says okay... so okay la...
tapi still cuak...
then campo plak ngn sesat sebab org2 silap bace map.. so jalan extra jauh (for nothing!)...and tanak plak depa naik bas, sedangkan ade bas ... (thanks for being so considerate you guys......*sarcastic*)..... aku tak kisah nak jalan, kalau ade sebab... tapi kalau nak jalan kaki jejauh sebab sesat or jalan kaki coz exsaited sgt takleh dok diam nak tunggu bus, memang la aku hangin... seriusly tak considerate nak mampos....
kalau jalan kaki coz perlu, and ade mende nak tengok, takpela, aku sanggup jalan..... Ini tak pon, useless punye buang tenagaa.... berasap betul, rase nak sepak terajang je sesekor.... at the end of the day, derang ckp wuuh penat gileee, kaki nak patah..... oh really??? are you guys pregnant?? experiencing fatigue and constipation and wind and back pain and stomach cramps??? got someone inside you sucking your energy??kalau korang rase nak mampos, aku lagi nak mampos tau.. bengong betul...
pastu kat bondi beach.... nak mandi gak.. air sejuk... aku tunggu panaskan badan.. masuk gak la.. i underestimate the power of the 1 point cam tertarik perut aku dipukul ombak kuat.... cuak aku placenta terkoyak dari dinding rahimm (logik ke??.. itula yg aku imagine)....
seriusly banyak betul dugaaan baby ni lalui........rough and tumble...
lega betul aku tengok ultrasound semalam.. got so much bigger and even saw the tali pusat bergerak2 pumping stuff into the baby......and 1 point die gerak2 kaki die....
tapi sampai skang doc tak offer aku dgr heartbeat baby tu... dunno why...
kat forum org sume cakap sal heart rate....
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
ahhh crap... i thought 1st trimester ended at 12 week.... but apparently it ends at 15 week... (who the hecks knows the right way to calculate these cycles)..
tapi yela... 12 weeks = 84 days, tak sampai 3 bulan... and god knows die start kira lepas seminggu habis period, or the first day of last period.... banyak sgt cara aku tengok...
hmmm okay aku baru googled... ade 3 cara, no wonder
my 2nd trimester start:
by development - 9 dec
by gestation - 19 dec
by conception - 28 dec
aku nak guna by development - supaya kengkonon cepat habis 1st trimester, and boleh gitau orang and dah takde morning sickness...
the 3 ways
There are basically three ways of dividing up a pregnancy into the three trimesters; they are by:
Development, Gestation, Conception. They give different dates for when the second trimester begins and for when the third trimester begins. Your health care provider might prefer to use the Development method, while another Midwife or Doctor may use the Gestation method.
I am sure they do that just to confuse pregnant women.
This uses actual developmental stages to divide up a pregnancy. From LMP to 12 weeks the embryo develops all the major organs and becomes a fetus. From 12 weeks to 27 weeks the fetus continues developing and reaches viability. From 27 weeks on the fetus finishes development and prepares for delivery. Here the second trimester begins at 12w 0d and the third at 27w 0d.
With this method you take the 40 weeks of gestation and divide by three. Here the second trimester begins at 13w 3d and the third at 26w 6d.
This method is where you take the 38 weeks of post conception development, divide by three, and add two weeks. Here the second trimester begins at 14w 5d and the third at 27w 3d.
What is the length of the first, second and third trimesters?
The length of the trimesters is often a source of confusion. The word trimester means 'three months'. Three periods of three months each, gives pregnancy a beginning, a middle and an end period.
These periods match the developmental stages to divide up a pregnancy. From LMP to 12 weeks the embryo develops all the major organs, becomes a fetus, and the placenta takes over control. From 12 weeks to 27 weeks the fetus continues developing and reaches viability. From 27 weeks on the fetus finishes development and prepares for delivery.
When does the first trimester end or third trimester begin?
Does it really matter exactly when you are out of the first trimester or start the third trimester? No. When the trimesters start and end depends on who you ask, which book you read or what website you visit. Most health care providers actually talk about your pregnancy in weeks, rather than months or trimesters.
tapi yela... 12 weeks = 84 days, tak sampai 3 bulan... and god knows die start kira lepas seminggu habis period, or the first day of last period.... banyak sgt cara aku tengok...
hmmm okay aku baru googled... ade 3 cara, no wonder
my 2nd trimester start:
by development - 9 dec
by gestation - 19 dec
by conception - 28 dec
aku nak guna by development - supaya kengkonon cepat habis 1st trimester, and boleh gitau orang and dah takde morning sickness...
the 3 ways
There are basically three ways of dividing up a pregnancy into the three trimesters; they are by:
Development, Gestation, Conception. They give different dates for when the second trimester begins and for when the third trimester begins. Your health care provider might prefer to use the Development method, while another Midwife or Doctor may use the Gestation method.
I am sure they do that just to confuse pregnant women.
This uses actual developmental stages to divide up a pregnancy. From LMP to 12 weeks the embryo develops all the major organs and becomes a fetus. From 12 weeks to 27 weeks the fetus continues developing and reaches viability. From 27 weeks on the fetus finishes development and prepares for delivery. Here the second trimester begins at 12w 0d and the third at 27w 0d.
With this method you take the 40 weeks of gestation and divide by three. Here the second trimester begins at 13w 3d and the third at 26w 6d.
This method is where you take the 38 weeks of post conception development, divide by three, and add two weeks. Here the second trimester begins at 14w 5d and the third at 27w 3d.
What is the length of the first, second and third trimesters?
The length of the trimesters is often a source of confusion. The word trimester means 'three months'. Three periods of three months each, gives pregnancy a beginning, a middle and an end period.
These periods match the developmental stages to divide up a pregnancy. From LMP to 12 weeks the embryo develops all the major organs, becomes a fetus, and the placenta takes over control. From 12 weeks to 27 weeks the fetus continues developing and reaches viability. From 27 weeks on the fetus finishes development and prepares for delivery.
When does the first trimester end or third trimester begin?
Does it really matter exactly when you are out of the first trimester or start the third trimester? No. When the trimesters start and end depends on who you ask, which book you read or what website you visit. Most health care providers actually talk about your pregnancy in weeks, rather than months or trimesters.
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