but since u asked...i thought it would be fun to show what a typical pumping session looks like..
1. This is my susu bag... pamnye kecik je, attachments yg banyak.. put in tupperware..
2. This is how it looks when assembled, with handsfree attachments.. using 1 large bottle, 1 small

1. With the handsfree .. attaches to standard nursing bras
2. Without the handsfree...

1. I'm currently pumping while watching Shin Chan... I put my hand there, so u can judge the size
2. I'm done..... susu not as much as usual explained below

1. Ada 3 parts .. ini yg aku malas gile nak pasang and cuci each time..
2. All done... Usually I can get full bottle (till the neck).. 10 oz aa..
Now is the week before period, this is the time where susu dipping low..
but previous before using freestyle, when my susu was low, I only got 3-4 oz...
so for me, this is awesome...