peringatan to all.. need to be somewhat ready before u should have kids...hahaha
Sunday, May 31, 2009
read from hanim's... thought it was a good read...
Hot Milk - The unbottled truth about formula
John Hoffman
It’s a safe bet that most parents who use infant formula — and the majority of Canadian parents do at one time or another — know little about it. One reason is the difficulty in finding an unbiased, unpoliticized source of information about formula. There are those who would prefer parents didn’t use it; they don’t like to talk for fear of promoting formula. Others openly promote it, offering vague and sometimes misleading marketing info but few details. Still others try to be more balanced, but in an attempt to avoid guilt trips, they soft-pedal the differences between formula and human milk.*
The one thing all these sources agree on — at least they all say so — is that “breast is best,” which leads to much discussion and, at times, debate about breastfeeding. All the while, formula sits quietly on the shelf, relatively unscrutinized. We hear and read a lot about breastfeeding, but little about formula. It’s time to correct that with some straight answers.
What is in formula?
Most infant formula comes from cow’s milk (the exception is soy formula), but a lot has to happen before it goes from the cow to the can and, ultimately, babies. The short, blunt version is that the manufacturing process literally takes cow’s milk apart and puts it back together again with some components left out and others added.
Cow’s milk is very high in saturated fat, which human babies have trouble digesting, and low in monounsaturates, the main fats in human milk. So the first step is to remove all the fat. The resulting skim milk is heated, then dehydrated if it’s going to be in powdered form. Then new fats, in the form of vegetable oil blends, are added along with proteins, milk sugar (lactose) and a long list of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are required by federal regulation to approximate their levels in breastmilk.
Cow’s milk has three times as much protein as breastmilk. Calves need this because they grow so quickly, but for human babies it would put too much of a load on the liver and kidneys. Cow’s milk also has a higher proportion of casein to whey — the two kinds of proteins in mammal milks — than breastmilk does. So formula manufacturers must reduce the overall amount of protein and add extra whey to mimic the protein balance found in breastmilk.
Other ingredients prevent the mixture from separating or going bad. Some formulas have thickeners, and specialized formulas for premature babies have enhanced levels of nutrients. Any newly developed formula must meet a number of safety and nutritional standards, including clinical evidence that it is nutritionally adequate to promote normal growth.
What’s not in formula?
Human milk is a complex substance which, even now, is not fully understood. The list of known breastmilk components not present in formula is too long to go into fully and includes enzymes, hormones, growth factors and substances that fight infection and help develop the immune system.
Simply put, human milk is alive, says James Friel, professor of human nutrition at the University of Manitoba. “Some components are biologically active. They play a role that goes far beyond nutrition,” he explains. “For example, if you put an oxidant stressor — something like cigarette smoke — in breastmilk, it resists the stressor, and breastmilk does this better than formula even though formula contains more antioxidants. That strikes me as odd and I wish I understood it better.” Friel thinks it might one day be possible to add biologically active material to formula, but doesn’t expect to see this any time soon.
One important biologically active component of human milk is a protein called secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), which has the ability to bind to foreign substances (including harmful bacteria) so they can be eliminated from the body. It lines the wall of the gut, which is one of the main entry points for infection. Colostrum, the thicker milk that a mother’s body produces in the first few days, is especially high in sIgA.
Formula contains these little fighters as well, although they’re less plentiful and they’re bovine (cow) immunglobulins which are programmed to recognize micro-organisms that cause disease in cattle rather than humans, and operate in the bloodstream rather than the gut. Bottle-fed babies still develop immune systems, obviously, but they miss out on some of the early and long-term protection provided by sIgA.
The most immediate threat from lack of sIgA is during the first weeks of life, when a baby’s gut is vulnerable to infection. Advances in hygiene and sanitation, plus ready access to treatment, have made life-threatening gastrointestinal infections rare in Canadian babies. But they still cause considerable illness and many infant deaths in the developing world, where powdered formula is sometimes mixed with contaminated water.
Another biological capability, present in breastmilk but not formula, is the ability to alter itself. Breastmilk changes, both as the baby grows and during each feeding. Foremilk, which is produced at the start of each feeding, is relatively low in fat. As the baby sucks, the level of fat rises, satisfying him and lulling him into that blissful state a nursing mom loves to see. The fat levels of human milk also change in the baby’s second six months, when his growth rate slows. In recent years new formulas, called follow-up formulas, have been designed to more closely match some of the nutritional needs of an older baby.
How close is formula to breastmilk?
Both are milks that can sustain fledgling human life, but the similarity ends there. Nutrients in a man-made substance do not work the same way as they do in a naturally occurring substance. As dietitian Cristine Bradley, senior manager of medical affairs for Indiana-based formula maker Mead Johnson, puts it: “Compositionally, I’d call it apples to apples but functionally, it’s apples to oranges in many ways.”
A couple of examples: Iron was added to formula in the 1980s. However, the iron in formula is not nearly as well absorbed as that in breastmilk, so formula must contain considerably more for a baby to get the same amount.
Another example is nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA and help strengthen the immune system. After they were added to formula in the ’90s, Bradley says, the expected immunity benefit was not borne out. “There was some excitement about this for a while, but after inconsistent research findings it was generally agreed that this was not as promising as we first thought.”
What are they doing to improve formula?
Although formula is still fundamentally different from human milk, several significant improvements have been made in the past 30 years, including fine-tuning to improve the balance of proteins and the blend of fats. Manufacturers have added new varieties, including lactose-free formulas, special formulas for premature and ill babies, and hydrolyzed formulas with predigested protein, for infants with digestion problems.
The most recent innovation is the addition of two long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid). Both play a key role in brain development and it has been theorized, though never proven, that the presence of DHA and ARA in breastmilk may explain why breastfed babies score higher than formula-fed babies on toddler mental development tests.
This past winter Canadian babies got their first taste of formula with DHA and ARA (made from algae and fungus, respectively). The question is, will these additives make formula-fed children smarter, as the “A+” in one product’s name implies?
Sheila Innis, a professor of paediatric nutrition at the University of British Columbia, says the clinical research is mixed. “I would be very cautious about making that statement for a healthy full-term baby. In one small study, 18-month-old babies fed formula with DHA and ARA scored higher as a group than babies fed standard formula, but four other larger studies showed no difference. The evidence is much clearer for premature babies, who are born without stores of these and other nutrients.”
What are the risks associated with formula?
There are risks associated with formula feeding. To help mitigate them, parents need to fully understand them.
Improper mixing: Formula should be mixed exactly according to directions. Some parents have made mistakes, sometimes because of literacy or language problems. Some have over-diluted powdered formula, which can lead to malnutrition, or failed to properly dilute concentrated liquid formula, sometimes in a misguided attempt to increase nutrients. The result can be dehydration and kidney problems.
Contamination: Formula manufacturers say their quality control and product safety are the tightest in the food industry. Still, any man-made food carries the risk of contamination. In recent years there have been several small, isolated outbreaks of serious illness and a few deaths (mostly premature babies or those with immune problems) caused by a bacterium called E. sakazakii which was found to have come from powdered formula. (The outbreaks prompted Health Canada to recommend liquid formula — which is less likely than powder to be contaminated — for bottle-fed babies who are immuno-compromised or in intensive care.)
The take-home message is that powdered infant formula is not a sterile product and must be handled and stored properly. Dawn Walker, a nurse and former executive director of the Canadian Institute of Child Health, says that one of the most common infant feeding questions she hears is, “Can I reheat formula?” “The answer is no,” Walker says. “Once formula has been warmed up for use, if you reheat it, bacteria growth increases exponentially. It’s very risky.”
Illness: Statistically, formula-fed babies are more likely to get colds, ear infections, milk allergies, diarrhea, urinary tract infections and bacterial meningitis. How much more likely? That’s hard to say. Obviously, few babies (formula fed or not) get meningitis, so the risk is very low to begin with. With more common illnesses like ear infections, other factors also increase the risk — such as whether mom smokes or the child is in group daycare. One large study of two- to seven-month-old babies found that the risk of ear infection increased with the proportion of formula in the child’s diet; those fed entirely on formula were twice as likely (13.2 percent) as those who breastfed exclusively (6.8 percent) to have had an ear infection in the past month.
Bottle-fed infants are also at greater risk for becoming overweight; they grow and gain weight more quickly and, on average, are less lean than breastfed babies. One large German study of five- and six-year-olds found a 4.5 percent rate of obesity among those who had been bottle-fed, compared with 2.8 percent for breastfed children. Since it’s mom or dad who decides how much goes in the bottle and when, a formula-fed baby may not learn to read his body’s signals as easily as one who nurses on demand. Stephanie Atkinson, professor of nutrition in paediatrics at McMaster University, comments, “I’m concerned that there may be some kind of metabolic programming going on that may explain the increased rates of obesity in formula-fed children.”
Another concern is that formula-fed children may face an increased risk for developing Type 1 diabetes. Some studies have found a higher incidence in children who were exclusively formula-fed or who were breastfed for less than three months. Other research has found that early exposure to cow’s milk increases the likelihood of developing a type of antibody that can be found in children with diabetes. No clear link has been established, but a major ten-year international study was launched in 2002 to compare the rates of Type 1 diabetes in babies fed standard formula versus those fed hydrolyzed formula.
When you add up all the risk factors, it sounds daunting. However, trying to predict the likelihood that any one child will get any one illness is impossible. Likewise, lower risk is no guarantee; some breastfed babies get ear infections and some bottle-fed babies don’t. And let’s face it: There are a lot of healthy adults walking around who were raised on formula.
If we look at formula as a medical intervention, a way to nourish a baby when breastmilk is not available, it stands up fairly well. The problem is that this substitute became a competitor. And formula simply can’t compete with human milk. Here’s how James Friel views it: “We’ve been making formula for over 100 years and I’ve spent 20 years of my life trying to make formula better. All the people I’ve dealt with in the industry are honest, hard-working and dedicated. In spite of that, we are still unable to make formula that comes very close to human milk and, for me, that’s a disappointment. We try to break human milk down into its components and put it back together again, but it really doesn’t work that way.”
Formula’s greatest achievement may be that, although it still doesn’t really compare to human milk, it has become a reasonably safe substitute that has improved over the years. Perhaps that is all it ever can be.
Soy: Who Needs It?
About 15 percent of the formula sold in Canada is soy based. Soy formula was developed because many babies had trouble digesting cow’s milk formula. In recent years concerns have been raised because soy formulas contain high levels of isoflavones, a plant-based form of the hormone estrogen. Isoflavones have been found to affect the fertility and sexual development of rats. No clear link has been made to problems in humans, although researchers are paying attention.
According to Stephanie Atkinson, professor of nutrition in paediatrics at McMaster University, the real story about soy formula is that too many parents are using it inappropriately. “Very few infants actually need soy formula,” she says. “Non-breastfed infants who have trouble digesting regular formula would do better on the new hydrolyzed cow’s milk formulas [where the protein is predigested]. But many parents are still switching to soy formula when there is a digestion problem. The only sound indication for soy formula that I can think of would be a non-breastfeeding mother who wants her baby to follow a strict vegan diet.”
* The terms human milk and breastmilk will be used interchangeably, as will formula-fed and bottle-fed.
Originally published in Today's Parent, September 2003
Hot Milk - The unbottled truth about formula
John Hoffman
It’s a safe bet that most parents who use infant formula — and the majority of Canadian parents do at one time or another — know little about it. One reason is the difficulty in finding an unbiased, unpoliticized source of information about formula. There are those who would prefer parents didn’t use it; they don’t like to talk for fear of promoting formula. Others openly promote it, offering vague and sometimes misleading marketing info but few details. Still others try to be more balanced, but in an attempt to avoid guilt trips, they soft-pedal the differences between formula and human milk.*
The one thing all these sources agree on — at least they all say so — is that “breast is best,” which leads to much discussion and, at times, debate about breastfeeding. All the while, formula sits quietly on the shelf, relatively unscrutinized. We hear and read a lot about breastfeeding, but little about formula. It’s time to correct that with some straight answers.
What is in formula?
Most infant formula comes from cow’s milk (the exception is soy formula), but a lot has to happen before it goes from the cow to the can and, ultimately, babies. The short, blunt version is that the manufacturing process literally takes cow’s milk apart and puts it back together again with some components left out and others added.
Cow’s milk is very high in saturated fat, which human babies have trouble digesting, and low in monounsaturates, the main fats in human milk. So the first step is to remove all the fat. The resulting skim milk is heated, then dehydrated if it’s going to be in powdered form. Then new fats, in the form of vegetable oil blends, are added along with proteins, milk sugar (lactose) and a long list of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are required by federal regulation to approximate their levels in breastmilk.
Cow’s milk has three times as much protein as breastmilk. Calves need this because they grow so quickly, but for human babies it would put too much of a load on the liver and kidneys. Cow’s milk also has a higher proportion of casein to whey — the two kinds of proteins in mammal milks — than breastmilk does. So formula manufacturers must reduce the overall amount of protein and add extra whey to mimic the protein balance found in breastmilk.
Other ingredients prevent the mixture from separating or going bad. Some formulas have thickeners, and specialized formulas for premature babies have enhanced levels of nutrients. Any newly developed formula must meet a number of safety and nutritional standards, including clinical evidence that it is nutritionally adequate to promote normal growth.
What’s not in formula?
Human milk is a complex substance which, even now, is not fully understood. The list of known breastmilk components not present in formula is too long to go into fully and includes enzymes, hormones, growth factors and substances that fight infection and help develop the immune system.
Simply put, human milk is alive, says James Friel, professor of human nutrition at the University of Manitoba. “Some components are biologically active. They play a role that goes far beyond nutrition,” he explains. “For example, if you put an oxidant stressor — something like cigarette smoke — in breastmilk, it resists the stressor, and breastmilk does this better than formula even though formula contains more antioxidants. That strikes me as odd and I wish I understood it better.” Friel thinks it might one day be possible to add biologically active material to formula, but doesn’t expect to see this any time soon.
One important biologically active component of human milk is a protein called secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), which has the ability to bind to foreign substances (including harmful bacteria) so they can be eliminated from the body. It lines the wall of the gut, which is one of the main entry points for infection. Colostrum, the thicker milk that a mother’s body produces in the first few days, is especially high in sIgA.
Formula contains these little fighters as well, although they’re less plentiful and they’re bovine (cow) immunglobulins which are programmed to recognize micro-organisms that cause disease in cattle rather than humans, and operate in the bloodstream rather than the gut. Bottle-fed babies still develop immune systems, obviously, but they miss out on some of the early and long-term protection provided by sIgA.
The most immediate threat from lack of sIgA is during the first weeks of life, when a baby’s gut is vulnerable to infection. Advances in hygiene and sanitation, plus ready access to treatment, have made life-threatening gastrointestinal infections rare in Canadian babies. But they still cause considerable illness and many infant deaths in the developing world, where powdered formula is sometimes mixed with contaminated water.
Another biological capability, present in breastmilk but not formula, is the ability to alter itself. Breastmilk changes, both as the baby grows and during each feeding. Foremilk, which is produced at the start of each feeding, is relatively low in fat. As the baby sucks, the level of fat rises, satisfying him and lulling him into that blissful state a nursing mom loves to see. The fat levels of human milk also change in the baby’s second six months, when his growth rate slows. In recent years new formulas, called follow-up formulas, have been designed to more closely match some of the nutritional needs of an older baby.
How close is formula to breastmilk?
Both are milks that can sustain fledgling human life, but the similarity ends there. Nutrients in a man-made substance do not work the same way as they do in a naturally occurring substance. As dietitian Cristine Bradley, senior manager of medical affairs for Indiana-based formula maker Mead Johnson, puts it: “Compositionally, I’d call it apples to apples but functionally, it’s apples to oranges in many ways.”
A couple of examples: Iron was added to formula in the 1980s. However, the iron in formula is not nearly as well absorbed as that in breastmilk, so formula must contain considerably more for a baby to get the same amount.
Another example is nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA and help strengthen the immune system. After they were added to formula in the ’90s, Bradley says, the expected immunity benefit was not borne out. “There was some excitement about this for a while, but after inconsistent research findings it was generally agreed that this was not as promising as we first thought.”
What are they doing to improve formula?
Although formula is still fundamentally different from human milk, several significant improvements have been made in the past 30 years, including fine-tuning to improve the balance of proteins and the blend of fats. Manufacturers have added new varieties, including lactose-free formulas, special formulas for premature and ill babies, and hydrolyzed formulas with predigested protein, for infants with digestion problems.
The most recent innovation is the addition of two long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid). Both play a key role in brain development and it has been theorized, though never proven, that the presence of DHA and ARA in breastmilk may explain why breastfed babies score higher than formula-fed babies on toddler mental development tests.
This past winter Canadian babies got their first taste of formula with DHA and ARA (made from algae and fungus, respectively). The question is, will these additives make formula-fed children smarter, as the “A+” in one product’s name implies?
Sheila Innis, a professor of paediatric nutrition at the University of British Columbia, says the clinical research is mixed. “I would be very cautious about making that statement for a healthy full-term baby. In one small study, 18-month-old babies fed formula with DHA and ARA scored higher as a group than babies fed standard formula, but four other larger studies showed no difference. The evidence is much clearer for premature babies, who are born without stores of these and other nutrients.”
What are the risks associated with formula?
There are risks associated with formula feeding. To help mitigate them, parents need to fully understand them.
Improper mixing: Formula should be mixed exactly according to directions. Some parents have made mistakes, sometimes because of literacy or language problems. Some have over-diluted powdered formula, which can lead to malnutrition, or failed to properly dilute concentrated liquid formula, sometimes in a misguided attempt to increase nutrients. The result can be dehydration and kidney problems.
Contamination: Formula manufacturers say their quality control and product safety are the tightest in the food industry. Still, any man-made food carries the risk of contamination. In recent years there have been several small, isolated outbreaks of serious illness and a few deaths (mostly premature babies or those with immune problems) caused by a bacterium called E. sakazakii which was found to have come from powdered formula. (The outbreaks prompted Health Canada to recommend liquid formula — which is less likely than powder to be contaminated — for bottle-fed babies who are immuno-compromised or in intensive care.)
The take-home message is that powdered infant formula is not a sterile product and must be handled and stored properly. Dawn Walker, a nurse and former executive director of the Canadian Institute of Child Health, says that one of the most common infant feeding questions she hears is, “Can I reheat formula?” “The answer is no,” Walker says. “Once formula has been warmed up for use, if you reheat it, bacteria growth increases exponentially. It’s very risky.”
Illness: Statistically, formula-fed babies are more likely to get colds, ear infections, milk allergies, diarrhea, urinary tract infections and bacterial meningitis. How much more likely? That’s hard to say. Obviously, few babies (formula fed or not) get meningitis, so the risk is very low to begin with. With more common illnesses like ear infections, other factors also increase the risk — such as whether mom smokes or the child is in group daycare. One large study of two- to seven-month-old babies found that the risk of ear infection increased with the proportion of formula in the child’s diet; those fed entirely on formula were twice as likely (13.2 percent) as those who breastfed exclusively (6.8 percent) to have had an ear infection in the past month.
Bottle-fed infants are also at greater risk for becoming overweight; they grow and gain weight more quickly and, on average, are less lean than breastfed babies. One large German study of five- and six-year-olds found a 4.5 percent rate of obesity among those who had been bottle-fed, compared with 2.8 percent for breastfed children. Since it’s mom or dad who decides how much goes in the bottle and when, a formula-fed baby may not learn to read his body’s signals as easily as one who nurses on demand. Stephanie Atkinson, professor of nutrition in paediatrics at McMaster University, comments, “I’m concerned that there may be some kind of metabolic programming going on that may explain the increased rates of obesity in formula-fed children.”
Another concern is that formula-fed children may face an increased risk for developing Type 1 diabetes. Some studies have found a higher incidence in children who were exclusively formula-fed or who were breastfed for less than three months. Other research has found that early exposure to cow’s milk increases the likelihood of developing a type of antibody that can be found in children with diabetes. No clear link has been established, but a major ten-year international study was launched in 2002 to compare the rates of Type 1 diabetes in babies fed standard formula versus those fed hydrolyzed formula.
When you add up all the risk factors, it sounds daunting. However, trying to predict the likelihood that any one child will get any one illness is impossible. Likewise, lower risk is no guarantee; some breastfed babies get ear infections and some bottle-fed babies don’t. And let’s face it: There are a lot of healthy adults walking around who were raised on formula.
If we look at formula as a medical intervention, a way to nourish a baby when breastmilk is not available, it stands up fairly well. The problem is that this substitute became a competitor. And formula simply can’t compete with human milk. Here’s how James Friel views it: “We’ve been making formula for over 100 years and I’ve spent 20 years of my life trying to make formula better. All the people I’ve dealt with in the industry are honest, hard-working and dedicated. In spite of that, we are still unable to make formula that comes very close to human milk and, for me, that’s a disappointment. We try to break human milk down into its components and put it back together again, but it really doesn’t work that way.”
Formula’s greatest achievement may be that, although it still doesn’t really compare to human milk, it has become a reasonably safe substitute that has improved over the years. Perhaps that is all it ever can be.
Soy: Who Needs It?
About 15 percent of the formula sold in Canada is soy based. Soy formula was developed because many babies had trouble digesting cow’s milk formula. In recent years concerns have been raised because soy formulas contain high levels of isoflavones, a plant-based form of the hormone estrogen. Isoflavones have been found to affect the fertility and sexual development of rats. No clear link has been made to problems in humans, although researchers are paying attention.
According to Stephanie Atkinson, professor of nutrition in paediatrics at McMaster University, the real story about soy formula is that too many parents are using it inappropriately. “Very few infants actually need soy formula,” she says. “Non-breastfed infants who have trouble digesting regular formula would do better on the new hydrolyzed cow’s milk formulas [where the protein is predigested]. But many parents are still switching to soy formula when there is a digestion problem. The only sound indication for soy formula that I can think of would be a non-breastfeeding mother who wants her baby to follow a strict vegan diet.”
* The terms human milk and breastmilk will be used interchangeably, as will formula-fed and bottle-fed.
Originally published in Today's Parent, September 2003
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Rumparooz give away click here

last last weeks diaper saved by using cloth diaper... 19 keping
last week's disposable saved by using cloth diaper ... 18 keping

last last weeks diaper saved by using cloth diaper... 19 keping
last week's disposable saved by using cloth diaper ... 18 keping
semalam... agenda aku .. gi carik kasut for amir...
I was ready to pay ~RM90 per pair of shoes
if thats what it takes to get a comfy shoe...
sebab aku bila beli kasut.. wajib melecet dulu..
thennn bila dah lembut, baru boleh pakai..
but time melecet tu.. siap darah2 luka semua lah...
so tanak jadik camtu kat amir...
so tak kisah nak carik kasut mahal.. gaji pun baru naik maaa...
pastu konon2 jadik hadiah befday amir (was trying to justify my actions)
start at tiny tapir...
bestnye kedai ni.. it is cloth diaper and babywearing heaven...
aku tak try pon carriers coz amir cranky sket...
tapi shopped for cloth wipes and angel mama baby bottom...
tried some LLC bras...
for amir... tried Isabooties and soo shooes...
tak sesuai... size either to small or too big...
so on to KLCC...
kat KLCC teruskan pencarian kat parkson, mothercare, isetan...
segala bagai la.. crocs, clarks, etc etc..
kat isetan tu... oshkosh on sale 50%...
but size again, tak de...
so try tgk yg tak sale.. RM80.... pun takde... either too small/too large..
bengong lah...
last2 on the way nak balik gi bata...bubblegummers
hahhaa jumpa ape aku nak...
soft soled (soft as in flexible cam nike free shoes)..
then blakang kasut tak keras... and ventilated...
and ade a few design... first 2 design, org tu kata dah abis size...
last design.. tried the pink on.. coz on display was size 4.. tu size yg nak try...
malas nak suruh die gi amek yg kaler biru.. nak test size je dulu..
and it fits.... so we bought the blue one...
fits perfectly (meaning 2-3 minggu lagi dah tak muat kot)
but RM19 je... soo...beli jelah...takkan nak beli size besar tapi fitting not good for now to walk in, semata2 nak jimat?
pastu amir cam biasa... charmed the store.. hahah
bebudak and sales person semua nak dote on him... yg tergedik2 jalan sana sini...
usually bebudaks tak suka bebudak..
(dah banyak kali bebudak umur 2-3 tahun nak pukul amir sbb dengki mak diorang main ngn amir)
tapi bebudaks dlm store tu cam suka nak main ngn baby...
theyd make great older siblings....
in total.. jalan for 5 hours.. daymnn penat...

I was ready to pay ~RM90 per pair of shoes
if thats what it takes to get a comfy shoe...
sebab aku bila beli kasut.. wajib melecet dulu..
thennn bila dah lembut, baru boleh pakai..
but time melecet tu.. siap darah2 luka semua lah...
so tanak jadik camtu kat amir...
so tak kisah nak carik kasut mahal.. gaji pun baru naik maaa...
pastu konon2 jadik hadiah befday amir (was trying to justify my actions)
start at tiny tapir...
bestnye kedai ni.. it is cloth diaper and babywearing heaven...
aku tak try pon carriers coz amir cranky sket...
tapi shopped for cloth wipes and angel mama baby bottom...
tried some LLC bras...
for amir... tried Isabooties and soo shooes...
tak sesuai... size either to small or too big...
so on to KLCC...
kat KLCC teruskan pencarian kat parkson, mothercare, isetan...
segala bagai la.. crocs, clarks, etc etc..
kat isetan tu... oshkosh on sale 50%...
but size again, tak de...
so try tgk yg tak sale.. RM80.... pun takde... either too small/too large..
bengong lah...
last2 on the way nak balik gi bata...bubblegummers
hahhaa jumpa ape aku nak...
soft soled (soft as in flexible cam nike free shoes)..
then blakang kasut tak keras... and ventilated...
and ade a few design... first 2 design, org tu kata dah abis size...
last design.. tried the pink on.. coz on display was size 4.. tu size yg nak try...
malas nak suruh die gi amek yg kaler biru.. nak test size je dulu..
and it fits.... so we bought the blue one...
fits perfectly (meaning 2-3 minggu lagi dah tak muat kot)
but RM19 je... soo...beli jelah...takkan nak beli size besar tapi fitting not good for now to walk in, semata2 nak jimat?
pastu amir cam biasa... charmed the store.. hahah
bebudak and sales person semua nak dote on him... yg tergedik2 jalan sana sini...
usually bebudaks tak suka bebudak..
(dah banyak kali bebudak umur 2-3 tahun nak pukul amir sbb dengki mak diorang main ngn amir)
tapi bebudaks dlm store tu cam suka nak main ngn baby...
theyd make great older siblings....
in total.. jalan for 5 hours.. daymnn penat...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
a few backdated movies... for my sis yg request some so she can study (ape tah die cakap... developmental blablabla) from amir's movies.
ni masa 5.5 months... nak suruh golek pun payah...
ni masa 6 bulan... takleh nak gerak.... crawling lambat...
sama la ni... hahaha lawak aaa..
ni dah boleh gerak sket..
ni masa 5.5 months... nak suruh golek pun payah...
ni masa 6 bulan... takleh nak gerak.... crawling lambat...
sama la ni... hahaha lawak aaa..
ni dah boleh gerak sket..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ade org tanye aku pasal CD… so ni lah jawapannye…
So harap2 membantu ibu2 lain yg tgh consider nak cloth diaper tapi pening..
Aku pun pening awal2 tu… mmg kena beli try and jual kalau tak sesuai…
kena trial n error… Kena rase sendiri baru tau best ke tak…
Usually brand yg murah2 org try awal2 is lunatots, coolababy...
tak pun, try yg 2nd hand... kat forum2 diapersasia.. ngn mbw ...cari..
13 June ni ade cloth diaper punye gathering.. sape nak join, sila gitau...
boleh aku tanye host die, boleh tak aku bawak org lagi....
Topik hari ini, jenis-jenis cloth diaper, basic:
- Fitted & Diaper cover
- Pocket
- AIO (All-in-one)
- AI2 (All-in-two)
- Lampin & Diaper cover
yang one-size lak..... it's just a term nak cakap yg ianye boleh guna dari baby sampai todller... fitted ade one size, poket ade one-size, AIO ade one-size....




So harap2 membantu ibu2 lain yg tgh consider nak cloth diaper tapi pening..
Aku pun pening awal2 tu… mmg kena beli try and jual kalau tak sesuai…
kena trial n error… Kena rase sendiri baru tau best ke tak…
Usually brand yg murah2 org try awal2 is lunatots, coolababy...
tak pun, try yg 2nd hand... kat forum2 diapersasia.. ngn mbw ...cari..
13 June ni ade cloth diaper punye gathering.. sape nak join, sila gitau...
boleh aku tanye host die, boleh tak aku bawak org lagi....
Topik hari ini, jenis-jenis cloth diaper, basic:
- Fitted & Diaper cover
- AIO (All-in-one)
- AI2 (All-in-two)
- Lampin & Diaper cover
yang one-size lak..... it's just a term nak cakap yg ianye boleh guna dari baby sampai todller... fitted ade one size, poket ade one-size, AIO ade one-size....





Monday, May 18, 2009
huiyoo.. the O&A coop closing 18 May....
semalam sebelum aku tido... was 37 orang confirmed
so I was praying it will hit at least 40 people..
so that the price will drop to USD117....
aku bangun pagi ni.. dah 85 orang....!!
so we have reached more than 50 people... so harga turun to USD102...
bila harga dah turun paling minumum lepas cukup 50 org, baru org start boh nama aa tu... tapi aku bace pulak maximum 75 org... skang 85... camne ek org yg lambat order tu? hahaha dah terbabas...
aku no. 20.... so harap2 cepat siap..
now which colors to pick....
black twill.. best just because I hate it the body and straps lain kaler ngn baju aku... buruk aa macam nangka kena ikat...with bulging stomach... kalau itam/brown tak nampak.. org ingat baju..
twill ni lembut ke tak..? AP shida ni kain ape..? anybody know?
canvas or twill..? but black seems to pickup dust/lint...
i really hate spending time melembutkan carrier... cam nak pengsan aku nak lembutkan linen sakura bloom tu..
earth brushed denim...
kaler nih cam okay gak... tak nampak dust/lint...
org kata brushed denim ni yang paling soft....
tapi nampak keras cam linen je dalam gamba nih.. hmmm hmm
I like avocado.. but i cant pull this off... noway...
takpelah.. grobaby aku dah beli kaler kiwi... aritu terkilan coz ittibitti aku tak beli kaler lime kot..

There's 12 colors to choose from.. but fabric pun penting gak pada aku.... I think im going for earth brushed denim..
For info on fabric..
Black, Jalepeno, Wine, Lemon Twill are all 8 oz twill
Organic Avocado & Hibiscus are 7 oz twill
Earth is 11 oz brushed denim
Organic Sweet Potato & Dandelion are 9 oz cotton duck
Brown, Stone, Pink and Blue canvas are all 10 oz.
Whats this all mean? There will be a significant difference (in my opinion)
weight wise, between the avocado & the earth. The twills are going to be softer
than the canvas & cotton duck straps because of the weave but the earth is
probably going to be the softest of them all due to it being brushed denim.
If you want super soft, go for earth.
If you want super lightweight, go for the organic avocado or hibiscus
If you are going to be carrying a bigger kid, I think you will prefer the canvas
or brushed denim for more support.
semalam sebelum aku tido... was 37 orang confirmed
so I was praying it will hit at least 40 people..
so that the price will drop to USD117....
aku bangun pagi ni.. dah 85 orang....!!
so we have reached more than 50 people... so harga turun to USD102...
bila harga dah turun paling minumum lepas cukup 50 org, baru org start boh nama aa tu... tapi aku bace pulak maximum 75 org... skang 85... camne ek org yg lambat order tu? hahaha dah terbabas...
aku no. 20.... so harap2 cepat siap..
now which colors to pick....
black twill.. best just because I hate it the body and straps lain kaler ngn baju aku... buruk aa macam nangka kena ikat...with bulging stomach... kalau itam/brown tak nampak.. org ingat baju..
twill ni lembut ke tak..? AP shida ni kain ape..? anybody know?
canvas or twill..? but black seems to pickup dust/lint...
i really hate spending time melembutkan carrier... cam nak pengsan aku nak lembutkan linen sakura bloom tu..

earth brushed denim...
kaler nih cam okay gak... tak nampak dust/lint...
org kata brushed denim ni yang paling soft....
tapi nampak keras cam linen je dalam gamba nih.. hmmm hmm

I like avocado.. but i cant pull this off... noway...
takpelah.. grobaby aku dah beli kaler kiwi... aritu terkilan coz ittibitti aku tak beli kaler lime kot..

There's 12 colors to choose from.. but fabric pun penting gak pada aku.... I think im going for earth brushed denim..
For info on fabric..
Black, Jalepeno, Wine, Lemon Twill are all 8 oz twill
Organic Avocado & Hibiscus are 7 oz twill
Earth is 11 oz brushed denim
Organic Sweet Potato & Dandelion are 9 oz cotton duck
Brown, Stone, Pink and Blue canvas are all 10 oz.
Whats this all mean? There will be a significant difference (in my opinion)
weight wise, between the avocado & the earth. The twills are going to be softer
than the canvas & cotton duck straps because of the weave but the earth is
probably going to be the softest of them all due to it being brushed denim.
If you want super soft, go for earth.
If you want super lightweight, go for the organic avocado or hibiscus
If you are going to be carrying a bigger kid, I think you will prefer the canvas
or brushed denim for more support.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Trip to midvalley.... 2 hours... weight all at the waist.... really like this..
Especially with chest strap... wasnt bulky at all.. like the beco..
But no getah for the gulung2 like patapum,... so kurang kemas sket...
Fabric so soft... is it canvas ke twill..?
But with backcarry im always worrying bout the head....
nak kena ade cermin... and I cant do it alone... need rafiq to pop him in..

Suruh rafiq lak pakai.. at summit... so that I can see his head..
I think its not worn properly to the correct tightness, coz rafiq dunno how comfy is supposed to feel ... so ape2 setting, die okay je.. hampas..
so amir's head... asik nak ter kebelakang... this happens with everything I try to do back carry..

So I used the hood as a sort of a head rest...

He didnt complain... (he = amir)...

I think with SSC and back carry.. it will get more comfy when baby is older.. toddlerhood...

I kinda like it... not bad lah for its price... I think USD 60 cam tu ek diorang beli new??.... on fsot maybe can get for USD 50...
aku cuba nak tengok.. but aku dah lupa yang ni angelpack yang mane.. yg APLX, APPS1, APPS2, AP eco.... memacam lak.. aku konfius... but this pattern and color is starting to grow on me... suka pulak aku kaler brown...
Especially with chest strap... wasnt bulky at all.. like the beco..
But no getah for the gulung2 like patapum,... so kurang kemas sket...
Fabric so soft... is it canvas ke twill..?
But with backcarry im always worrying bout the head....
nak kena ade cermin... and I cant do it alone... need rafiq to pop him in..

Suruh rafiq lak pakai.. at summit... so that I can see his head..
I think its not worn properly to the correct tightness, coz rafiq dunno how comfy is supposed to feel ... so ape2 setting, die okay je.. hampas..
so amir's head... asik nak ter kebelakang... this happens with everything I try to do back carry..

So I used the hood as a sort of a head rest...

He didnt complain... (he = amir)...

I think with SSC and back carry.. it will get more comfy when baby is older.. toddlerhood...

I kinda like it... not bad lah for its price... I think USD 60 cam tu ek diorang beli new??.... on fsot maybe can get for USD 50...
aku cuba nak tengok.. but aku dah lupa yang ni angelpack yang mane.. yg APLX, APPS1, APPS2, AP eco.... memacam lak.. aku konfius... but this pattern and color is starting to grow on me... suka pulak aku kaler brown...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Why sizing matters.... not all carriers are created the same...
baby patapum feels small and low for my then 5.5 mnths old baby

Angelpack feels perfect for my now 11 mths old baby.. he likes everything in...

aku berminat plak ngn angelpack ni..
kak wieraa.. muat lagi tak ur luggage...? hahahaha
tapi mampu kah aku...? fulus-wise huhuhu....
baby patapum feels small and low for my then 5.5 mnths old baby

Angelpack feels perfect for my now 11 mths old baby.. he likes everything in...

aku berminat plak ngn angelpack ni..
kak wieraa.. muat lagi tak ur luggage...? hahahaha
tapi mampu kah aku...? fulus-wise huhuhu....
Friday, May 15, 2009
Photos of BabyKanga as requested by a few people...
Sape cepat die dapat...
(although memula aku amazed apsal ramai yg berminat ngn kanga, GAD takdak pon... coz I love GAD more... pastu baru teringat kanga ni one-size... but GAD is sooo best laa... beli la GAD aku woiii, supaya aku boleh beli GAD size L pulak...)
kekerapan guna.. once to twice a week.. for 4 months camtu.. I prefer my Itti Bitti more..
so email me if interested..
Sape cepat die dapat...
(although memula aku amazed apsal ramai yg berminat ngn kanga, GAD takdak pon... coz I love GAD more... pastu baru teringat kanga ni one-size... but GAD is sooo best laa... beli la GAD aku woiii, supaya aku boleh beli GAD size L pulak...)

kekerapan guna.. once to twice a week.. for 4 months camtu.. I prefer my Itti Bitti more..
so email me if interested..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Selling off some of my Cloth diaper and inserts ...
Funding for grobaby cloth diaper!!
email me at couette [at]
Add RM 5 for postage... post laju..
it's stretchy wrap...
Comes with the bag and all the original packaging and documentation..
refer to for more info
color: khaki
I'm selling for RM50...

action pic with 3 weeks old baby and.. not sure how old he is in 2nd pic..
Pouch... measurements, tak ukur lagi... balik opis kang aku ukur
Kain a bit stretchy... I bough from Joanne (littlepods)...
it's one of her prototype ....
I used once... amir did sleep in it... but I prefer Ring Sling..
I'm selling for RM 15

GAD (Green acres design)...
Love the fit, the trimness, the plushness..
but sayangnye it's a sized....not one-size...
so it's time for it to go...
I need to go one size up...
read about sizing here;

Size: medium husky
With out the insert... I bought the GAD insert for RM18 at ezmotherhood too...
best gile insert ni, so im keeping it :)
but u can use any insert u want... it is a pocket diaper after all
retail: RM65 (at tinytapir)
I'm selling for: RM45
I use it paling kerap pun, twice a week...
for 3-4 mths...
Baby Kanga One Size, Pocket Diaper
Color: Robin's egg (yup aku sungguh suka kaler nih)

retail: RM 70 (at tinytapir)
I'm selling for: RM 50
nanti I'll snap pic of my CD.....
Insert microfiber....
tak ingat brand ape, bought online from aussie...
almost exactly like Happy Heiny large size..
tapi die trim sket part tengah tu compared to my HH insert
selling for RM 8

Snap in soaker for berryplush..
actually meant to be used snap in with berry plush cover..
but can be used with anything u want really...
insert dlm pocket.. or with ur cover...(i just thought of this... if this doesnt sell, pun takpe..leh aku try with my bummis cover..and some lampin...
seven thirsty layers of hemp fleece topped with a buttery-soft minkee.
dunno if this have size or not...but kat label tulis S/P
also bought new at tinytapir diaper swap
can be spread out/unfolded for fast drying
if u want, u can get the outershell at tinytapir or ezmotherhood
Actual price USD: 8.95
Selling for RM15
Funding for grobaby cloth diaper!!
email me at couette [at]
Add RM 5 for postage... post laju..
it's stretchy wrap...
Comes with the bag and all the original packaging and documentation..
refer to for more info
color: khaki
I'm selling for RM50...

action pic with 3 weeks old baby and.. not sure how old he is in 2nd pic..
Pouch... measurements, tak ukur lagi... balik opis kang aku ukur
Kain a bit stretchy... I bough from Joanne (littlepods)...
it's one of her prototype ....
I used once... amir did sleep in it... but I prefer Ring Sling..
I'm selling for RM 15

GAD (Green acres design)...
Love the fit, the trimness, the plushness..
but sayangnye it's a sized....not one-size...
so it's time for it to go...
I need to go one size up...
read about sizing here;

Size: medium husky
With out the insert... I bought the GAD insert for RM18 at ezmotherhood too...
best gile insert ni, so im keeping it :)
but u can use any insert u want... it is a pocket diaper after all
retail: RM65 (at tinytapir)
I'm selling for: RM45
I use it paling kerap pun, twice a week...
for 3-4 mths...
Baby Kanga One Size, Pocket Diaper
Color: Robin's egg (yup aku sungguh suka kaler nih)

retail: RM 70 (at tinytapir)
I'm selling for: RM 50
nanti I'll snap pic of my CD.....
Insert microfiber....
tak ingat brand ape, bought online from aussie...
almost exactly like Happy Heiny large size..
tapi die trim sket part tengah tu compared to my HH insert
selling for RM 8

Snap in soaker for berryplush..
actually meant to be used snap in with berry plush cover..
but can be used with anything u want really...
insert dlm pocket.. or with ur cover...(i just thought of this... if this doesnt sell, pun takpe..leh aku try with my bummis cover..and some lampin...
seven thirsty layers of hemp fleece topped with a buttery-soft minkee.
dunno if this have size or not...but kat label tulis S/P
also bought new at tinytapir diaper swap
can be spread out/unfolded for fast drying
if u want, u can get the outershell at tinytapir or ezmotherhood
Actual price USD: 8.95
Selling for RM15

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
yeah.. a chocolate virgin no more...
stressing over what to feed him...
trying all sorts of things now....
its like he's programmed to shut his mouth...
even when I holding sweets/chocs (saje nak test)...
so basically he doesnt know what im trying to feed him..
but still instinctively rejects everything...
sometimes when im lucky enough to get something in his mouth...
then baru die realized .. waa mende ni sedap sebnanye
(like cheese... and bread and fish..)
then baru terhegeh2 nak lagi....
he liked calciyum choco yogurt.... 4-5 tiny spoonfulls..
the rest mama amir yg makan hahaha...
no allergic reactions...
"Yogurt may be introduced as early as 7 months old, (the typical age recommendation is 8 months old) depending on your baby’s pediatrician and your baby’s propensity to allergies. Yogurt is a great way for baby to get calcium and the “bacteria” in yogurt that is so good for our digestive systems."
I love those good bacterias!!!
Next time: finding a fruit yogurt lak aa for amir... this yogurt is actually for me.. aku bagi rase sket..
stressing over what to feed him...
trying all sorts of things now....
its like he's programmed to shut his mouth...
even when I holding sweets/chocs (saje nak test)...
so basically he doesnt know what im trying to feed him..
but still instinctively rejects everything...
sometimes when im lucky enough to get something in his mouth...
then baru die realized .. waa mende ni sedap sebnanye
(like cheese... and bread and fish..)
then baru terhegeh2 nak lagi....
he liked calciyum choco yogurt.... 4-5 tiny spoonfulls..
the rest mama amir yg makan hahaha...
no allergic reactions...
"Yogurt may be introduced as early as 7 months old, (the typical age recommendation is 8 months old) depending on your baby’s pediatrician and your baby’s propensity to allergies. Yogurt is a great way for baby to get calcium and the “bacteria” in yogurt that is so good for our digestive systems."
I love those good bacterias!!!
Next time: finding a fruit yogurt lak aa for amir... this yogurt is actually for me.. aku bagi rase sket..

Monday, May 11, 2009
Children learn what they live
If children live with criticism,
They learn to condemn...
If children live with hostility,
They learn to fight...
If children live with ridicule,
They learn to be shy...
If children live with shame,
They learn to feel guilty...
If children live with tolerance,
They learn to be patient...
If children live with encouragement,
They learn to be confident...
If children live with praise,
They learn to appreciate...
If children live with fairness,
They learn justice...
If children live with security,
They learn to have faith...
If children live with approval,
They learn to like themselves...
If children live with acceptance and friendship,
They learn to find love in the world...
~Dorothy Law Nolte
If children live with criticism,
They learn to condemn...
If children live with hostility,
They learn to fight...
If children live with ridicule,
They learn to be shy...
If children live with shame,
They learn to feel guilty...
If children live with tolerance,
They learn to be patient...
If children live with encouragement,
They learn to be confident...
If children live with praise,
They learn to appreciate...
If children live with fairness,
They learn justice...
If children live with security,
They learn to have faith...
If children live with approval,
They learn to like themselves...
If children live with acceptance and friendship,
They learn to find love in the world...
~Dorothy Law Nolte
Sunday, May 10, 2009
So we went out for dinner at Fish n Co..
adik aku cakap bapak aku googled my name and saw my blog....
(ni semua gara2 adik aku yg sorang lagi ckp ade video amir on my blog)
biar betull.... so I had to know what the heck he saw of me on the net..
so aku pun google my name....
coz I know I have another controversial/potty mouth blog of my own...
hahahah certainly not parent friendly..
and google punye google.. aku terjumpa my old blog template...
KOSMOS character from Xenosaga...
the coolest character ever IMO...
adik aku cakap bapak aku googled my name and saw my blog....
(ni semua gara2 adik aku yg sorang lagi ckp ade video amir on my blog)
biar betull.... so I had to know what the heck he saw of me on the net..
so aku pun google my name....
coz I know I have another controversial/potty mouth blog of my own...
hahahah certainly not parent friendly..
and google punye google.. aku terjumpa my old blog template...
KOSMOS character from Xenosaga...
the coolest character ever IMO...

Saturday, May 9, 2009
need to buy & want to buy
1. SSC (need)
2. belanja family makan dinner (want)
3. kasut comfy like scholl or clarks (need & want)
4. mascara feline maybelline baru(want for the sake of buying something totally selfish for myself) clothes (want.. although my college might say its a need, coz my wardrobe is so pathetic, repeating the same clothes)
6. PC (want/need)
7. nursing bra (need/want)
thats all i can think of right now... battery laptop nak abis..
kalau ade need and want to... maknanyer ada keperluan... tapi aku masih boleh hidup kalau mende tu tak beli pon...
1. SSC (need)
2. belanja family makan dinner (want)
3. kasut comfy like scholl or clarks (need & want)
4. mascara feline maybelline baru(want for the sake of buying something totally selfish for myself) clothes (want.. although my college might say its a need, coz my wardrobe is so pathetic, repeating the same clothes)
6. PC (want/need)
7. nursing bra (need/want)
thats all i can think of right now... battery laptop nak abis..
kalau ade need and want to... maknanyer ada keperluan... tapi aku masih boleh hidup kalau mende tu tak beli pon...
Monday, May 4, 2009
GroBaby Cloth diaper

I am soooo getting one when i get my increment pay... (8 May!)
In the mean time, bananapeel giving away Gro diapers to 4 lucky winners..
check them out here...

I am soooo getting one when i get my increment pay... (8 May!)
In the mean time, bananapeel giving away Gro diapers to 4 lucky winners..
check them out here...
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