aduh.. aku stress tul aa bace org eja "jew- jew" ...
sakit otak and sakit mata..
rase nak nak cucuk2 jew mata aku bila bacew owang tuwlis giwnih...
so dari aku bacew... baik aku tutup jew and tak bace page tu kan...?
so skang aku menjauhkan diri jew....
tak sabaw nak awmbewk tudung hamidah kat post ofis ewsok pagi...
exagerate bewtul aku.... aku kewl jew sebnanye nyewwww..
Friday, January 29, 2010
kepada sesapa yang nak tau camne rupa sebnanye tudung hamidah nipis ni..
niha.. pandai2 la budget labuh die... p/s: im a bit on the tall side.. 168cm

pastu tudung ni ikut kain and pattern.. usually tak obvious sgt telinga..
tapi yang ni pattern and color die tak mengcover telinga aku...
color too light... lagipun mende ni sebnanye meant to be worn with anak tudung to get the full blown ayu-effect... but i just want the malas-but-nottooserabai effect.. so aku tak pakai anak tudung
Cara sebenar pakai tudung hamidah nipis ni : Click sini

ni cam akunye hahah

ni a few pattern yang I soo like!!!...

niha.. pandai2 la budget labuh die... p/s: im a bit on the tall side.. 168cm

pastu tudung ni ikut kain and pattern.. usually tak obvious sgt telinga..
tapi yang ni pattern and color die tak mengcover telinga aku...
color too light... lagipun mende ni sebnanye meant to be worn with anak tudung to get the full blown ayu-effect... but i just want the malas-but-nottooserabai effect.. so aku tak pakai anak tudung
Cara sebenar pakai tudung hamidah nipis ni : Click sini

ni cam akunye hahah

ni a few pattern yang I soo like!!!...

Thursday, January 28, 2010
me: mama.. men tak dapat gaji tau.. die letak kat blog die...tulis oh my god.. pastu gamba slip gaji die 0.00 ..
me & mama: muhahahahhahahakahkahkahkah...huahuhuaa....
as the laughter subsides..
mama: tak baik la adik kesusahan pegi gelakkan pulak...
me: eh.. you laughed also what...
mama: mama takpe.. sebab lepas gelak mama bagi duit...
me: ooo okeh.. so I cant afford to laugh la nih...
mama: soo.. ade air mata tak kat gamba slip gaji die tu..?
me & mama: muhahahahhahahakahkahkahkah...huahuhuaa....
as the laughter subsides..
mama: tak baik la adik kesusahan pegi gelakkan pulak...
me: eh.. you laughed also what...
mama: mama takpe.. sebab lepas gelak mama bagi duit...
me: ooo okeh.. so I cant afford to laugh la nih...
mama: soo.. ade air mata tak kat gamba slip gaji die tu..?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sehelai Tudung Hamidah Nipis - by Anggerik Avenue Boutique
Worn 2-3 times, Washed once.
In excellent condition. Love this tudung. Not crazy about the color.
Reason for letting go: I'm buying 3 more THN with more vibrant colors (new year's resolution - to be more colorful)
Harga: RM 48 (pos express included)
Pattern ni dah takde kat kedai.... (semalam gi takdak)
Size M.

By the way..
ni contoh colorful style that I am going for...
(sure kena kutuk mengarut ngn adik2 aku yg berfesyen hitam/grey dan bosan)

this is how I'd look if tak pakai tudung hamidah .. pakai tudung normal..
kena gosok.. tapi end up serabai jugak..
Sehelai Tudung Hamidah Nipis - by Anggerik Avenue Boutique
Worn 2-3 times, Washed once.
In excellent condition. Love this tudung. Not crazy about the color.
Reason for letting go: I'm buying 3 more THN with more vibrant colors (new year's resolution - to be more colorful)
Harga: RM 48 (pos express included)
Pattern ni dah takde kat kedai.... (semalam gi takdak)
Size M.

By the way..
ni contoh colorful style that I am going for...
(sure kena kutuk mengarut ngn adik2 aku yg berfesyen hitam/grey dan bosan)

this is how I'd look if tak pakai tudung hamidah .. pakai tudung normal..
kena gosok.. tapi end up serabai jugak..
it's now.. 1 year and 7 months +....
and aku pun makin busy malas for pumping...
i'm sleeping late, eating less... for my side income biz...
actually side income biz ni, was just to recover for buying my coach wristlet..
and for my tudung hamidah addiction (I am seriusly ADDICTED... I ADMIT!)
tapi best pulak buat biz spree nih..
but it is quite time consuming for a FTWM...
who is 100% BF.... ade parasit melekat..
and no maid.. and who wants to learn japanese and wants to stay fit at the gym..
and wants to watch all her favret TV shows (merlin, nanny, private practise, E! news).... therefore, not enough time to do it all...
yang paling aku malas is to update the damn blog for prices, post post gambau bagss.. urgh!! lecehs..
so I am slowing things down with the side-biz...
only holding once a month spree... and the occasional special order...
so sape nak anything, just contact me directly through email...
kesimpulannye: aku malas kejar pelanggan... pelanggan carik aku lah if want anything... point being...
dah 3 hari (tak berturut la) aku pump once sahaja at office.. (usually twice)
1. sebab meeting ngn GM.. project baru ... habis kul 1 pm.. siut aku tak pam sepanjang pagi..
2. sebab aku terlupa... sebok .. and sebok
3. sebab ade course habis kul 12.30... course kat hujung dunia... tak berbaloi nak jalan jauh sebatu utk gi pam... (masa aku pegi tu aku tatau lak location die jauh sebatu... aku ikut je bebudak ni.. rupanye jauh sebatu... if not, aku bawak la beg pam)
so dah a few days gak guna susu frozen...
so supply.. low ke..? we'll see today..
aku ni 100% BF..
meaning, in terms of milk.. aku tak bagi langsung other forms of milk...
like fresh milk, fresh chocolate milk... milo, etc etc... formula lagi tak penah..
bukan sebab poyo nak 100% BF.. tapi tak pernah terlintas/fikir pun...or terasa perlu... pernah la bagi, tu pon sample free masa jalan2 kat dlm supermarket..
pastu amir lak tak suka milo....
pastu we dont buy milk.. unless aku nak baking-baking...
tapi skang dah terfikir.. macam nak bagi amir fresh milk...
perlu ke bagi fresh milk, if BF mencukupi..?
patut ke introduce skarang if aku tgh plan nak wean...?
i think i should give susu kotak instead of air jus....
rafiq suka minum oren and laici.. so amir asik nak nak..
so we give la... but im thinking of giving him milk instead of all that sweet water (ribena included)
I hate ribena... people always serve it sweeter than how it is supposed to be...
BTW: did u know that ribena has more calories/sugar than coke..?
refer to McD nutrion information.
aku tak sabar untuk stop pumping..
tapi adekah skang ni aku malas..
or adekah now is the right time to start intro other milk..?
i cant tell the difference...
p/s: Pagi ni terbabas pump kul 11.30 pagi... 10 oz..
Patut kul 9-10 dah pam....
and aku pun makin busy malas for pumping...
i'm sleeping late, eating less... for my side income biz...
actually side income biz ni, was just to recover for buying my coach wristlet..
and for my tudung hamidah addiction (I am seriusly ADDICTED... I ADMIT!)
tapi best pulak buat biz spree nih..
but it is quite time consuming for a FTWM...
who is 100% BF.... ade parasit melekat..
and no maid.. and who wants to learn japanese and wants to stay fit at the gym..
and wants to watch all her favret TV shows (merlin, nanny, private practise, E! news).... therefore, not enough time to do it all...
yang paling aku malas is to update the damn blog for prices, post post gambau bagss.. urgh!! lecehs..
so I am slowing things down with the side-biz...
only holding once a month spree... and the occasional special order...
so sape nak anything, just contact me directly through email...
kesimpulannye: aku malas kejar pelanggan... pelanggan carik aku lah if want anything... point being...
dah 3 hari (tak berturut la) aku pump once sahaja at office.. (usually twice)
1. sebab meeting ngn GM.. project baru ... habis kul 1 pm.. siut aku tak pam sepanjang pagi..
2. sebab aku terlupa... sebok .. and sebok
3. sebab ade course habis kul 12.30... course kat hujung dunia... tak berbaloi nak jalan jauh sebatu utk gi pam... (masa aku pegi tu aku tatau lak location die jauh sebatu... aku ikut je bebudak ni.. rupanye jauh sebatu... if not, aku bawak la beg pam)
so dah a few days gak guna susu frozen...
so supply.. low ke..? we'll see today..
aku ni 100% BF..
meaning, in terms of milk.. aku tak bagi langsung other forms of milk...
like fresh milk, fresh chocolate milk... milo, etc etc... formula lagi tak penah..
bukan sebab poyo nak 100% BF.. tapi tak pernah terlintas/fikir pun...or terasa perlu... pernah la bagi, tu pon sample free masa jalan2 kat dlm supermarket..
pastu amir lak tak suka milo....
pastu we dont buy milk.. unless aku nak baking-baking...
tapi skang dah terfikir.. macam nak bagi amir fresh milk...
perlu ke bagi fresh milk, if BF mencukupi..?
patut ke introduce skarang if aku tgh plan nak wean...?
i think i should give susu kotak instead of air jus....
rafiq suka minum oren and laici.. so amir asik nak nak..
so we give la... but im thinking of giving him milk instead of all that sweet water (ribena included)
I hate ribena... people always serve it sweeter than how it is supposed to be...
BTW: did u know that ribena has more calories/sugar than coke..?
refer to McD nutrion information.
aku tak sabar untuk stop pumping..
tapi adekah skang ni aku malas..
or adekah now is the right time to start intro other milk..?
i cant tell the difference...
p/s: Pagi ni terbabas pump kul 11.30 pagi... 10 oz..
Patut kul 9-10 dah pam....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Ade gak entry pasal coach dulu dulu.....
siap dinamakan ULTIMATE WISHLIST...
tapi still takdek sape bagi kat aku mende yg tersenarai dlm tu pon...(*hint hahah)
siap dinamakan ULTIMATE WISHLIST...
tapi still takdek sape bagi kat aku mende yg tersenarai dlm tu pon...(*hint hahah)
baiti.. aku jumpa statement sebenar ape yg mak aku cakap...
aku dlm mode nak update personal blog aku sendiri... terbace statement ini hahahah
aku dlm mode nak update personal blog aku sendiri... terbace statement ini hahahah
Monday, January 18, 2010
Amir suka main keter yang nenek belikan..

me and rafiq have decided to cut eating out to save money.... although I dont see the saving benefits yet... tapi ade dekat sebulan kot dah berlangsung... always cook .. and eat out only twice a week.. this week was, khamis malam makan subway..
ahad noon makan delifrance.....
oo kenkadang terbabas jadik 3 kali.. sabtu pagi makan mee/nasik (kalau tak sempat buat groceries and beli roti, usually cook continental bfast)... anyways, ni breakfast ahad... mee goreng .. ade 2 versi... aku and rafiqnye... no vege and pedas.. amir punye less taste.. and some vege...(teruk kan..??)

me and rafiq have decided to cut eating out to save money.... although I dont see the saving benefits yet... tapi ade dekat sebulan kot dah berlangsung... always cook .. and eat out only twice a week.. this week was, khamis malam makan subway..
ahad noon makan delifrance.....
oo kenkadang terbabas jadik 3 kali.. sabtu pagi makan mee/nasik (kalau tak sempat buat groceries and beli roti, usually cook continental bfast)... anyways, ni breakfast ahad... mee goreng .. ade 2 versi... aku and rafiqnye... no vege and pedas.. amir punye less taste.. and some vege...(teruk kan..??)

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
replying to my sis's entry;
memang pressure betul nak puaskan hati bapak aku..
aku rase kitorang semua (adik beradik) ade nightmare if tak berjaya study oversea...
masa adik aku yg last tu nak interview MARA...
mak aku cakap.. "kalau ikram tak dapat gi oversea, ikram sorang je yg sucks.." (not sucks la.. but cant remember the words... in joking tones, but so stress if I was my brother lah... )
still remember this one conversation when I was 12 in ferry kat penang...
bapak aku cakap.. "nana besar jadik enginerr"
"no, I nak jadik pramugari"..
"tak .. kena jadik engineer"
me dalam hati ..."we'll see"
sejak aku form 1 lagi aku dah cakap "aku nak masuk MIT"
not that I know what MIT is ....
pastu aku rase sebab aku takleh nak please his standards..
so aku sentiasa terattracted to genius guys...
like my 4.0 pointer ex-bf.... and my MIT-grad husband...
masa form 5, cikgu suruh buat list 5 ciri-ciri yg kamu nak ade pada pasangan idaman and... no.1 dalam list aku.. PANDAI... orang lain semua letak alim, understanding, hensem ..whatever la... but i think aku je letak PANDAI as nombor 1...
susah la nak cerita.. komplex sangat cerita pasal sentiasa dipressure to perform ni.. effected my whole life.... too long to explain now at 2 am in the morning...
so basically walaupun die takde anak yang masuk MIT.. tapi ade gak son-in-law yang masuk MIT hahahahha...
wonder if I'll be that kind of high hope parent to AMir.....
masa amir baby2 lagi aku dah letak stiker "LITTLE PILOT ON BOARD" kat kete hahaha...
memang pressure betul nak puaskan hati bapak aku..
aku rase kitorang semua (adik beradik) ade nightmare if tak berjaya study oversea...
masa adik aku yg last tu nak interview MARA...
mak aku cakap.. "kalau ikram tak dapat gi oversea, ikram sorang je yg sucks.." (not sucks la.. but cant remember the words... in joking tones, but so stress if I was my brother lah... )
still remember this one conversation when I was 12 in ferry kat penang...
bapak aku cakap.. "nana besar jadik enginerr"
"no, I nak jadik pramugari"..
"tak .. kena jadik engineer"
me dalam hati ..."we'll see"
sejak aku form 1 lagi aku dah cakap "aku nak masuk MIT"
not that I know what MIT is ....
pastu aku rase sebab aku takleh nak please his standards..
so aku sentiasa terattracted to genius guys...
like my 4.0 pointer ex-bf.... and my MIT-grad husband...
masa form 5, cikgu suruh buat list 5 ciri-ciri yg kamu nak ade pada pasangan idaman and... no.1 dalam list aku.. PANDAI... orang lain semua letak alim, understanding, hensem ..whatever la... but i think aku je letak PANDAI as nombor 1...
susah la nak cerita.. komplex sangat cerita pasal sentiasa dipressure to perform ni.. effected my whole life.... too long to explain now at 2 am in the morning...
so basically walaupun die takde anak yang masuk MIT.. tapi ade gak son-in-law yang masuk MIT hahahahha...
wonder if I'll be that kind of high hope parent to AMir.....
masa amir baby2 lagi aku dah letak stiker "LITTLE PILOT ON BOARD" kat kete hahaha...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
aktiviti minggu lepas.. niat yang suci murni nak gi gym terbengkalai apabila avatar cecah 3 jam.... so kami pun melantak buffet kat seoul garden....
adik aku tensen coz it's not authentic korean.. *duuhhh**...
it's like wanting pizza hut punye spegetti to be authentic italian spegetti..
or carrefour sushi selection to real sushi....
but i like seoul garden... as a buffet... it is not crap like chicken hartz...
aku suka all the grilled chicken........
cuma ioi punye selection not as much as ou...
i think Ada and ikram will like the steambot concept...
anyways... on sunday... terjumpa kedai jual FUNNEL CAKE !!!
just last 2 week aku masak funnel cake... teringin sangat...
ni yang aku masak.. bentuk buruk coz aku takde mende nak curah2 tu..
yg kat kedai ni a bit overcooked...
but tasty none the less... i must go here again!! ni kedai punye, overcooked laa tepung itu
RM10... not bad la... not like paddington's house of pancake ..ngarut aah..
adik aku tensen coz it's not authentic korean.. *duuhhh**...
it's like wanting pizza hut punye spegetti to be authentic italian spegetti..
or carrefour sushi selection to real sushi....
but i like seoul garden... as a buffet... it is not crap like chicken hartz...
aku suka all the grilled chicken........
cuma ioi punye selection not as much as ou...
i think Ada and ikram will like the steambot concept...
anyways... on sunday... terjumpa kedai jual FUNNEL CAKE !!!
just last 2 week aku masak funnel cake... teringin sangat...
ni yang aku masak.. bentuk buruk coz aku takde mende nak curah2 tu..
yg kat kedai ni a bit overcooked...
but tasty none the less... i must go here again!! ni kedai punye, overcooked laa tepung itu
RM10... not bad la... not like paddington's house of pancake ..ngarut aah..
huh payah tul nak suruh amir makan...
aku dah masak 3 dish...mashed vege, nasi goreng.. biskut pun cuba..
tapi memang hantu mee betul aa..
suka aku tgk clarity gamba mata amir.. susah tu amek gamba budak tau!
tapi gamba jadik low quality sket bila upload kat blogger..
patut aku host kat flickr kot.. baru clear lagi
malas aa ngantuk nak tido..
Sunday, January 10, 2010
(pandai2 la navigate kat tepi URL yg victoria's secret yang diberi tu ek)
for panties marked 5/USD25 .... 5 panties = RM140
for panties marked 4/USD29.50.... 4 panties = RM 160
for panties marked 3/USD30 ....... 3 Panties RM 160
for panties marked 3/USD25 .... 3 panties = RM140
for bras marked 2/USD32 ..... 2 bras = RM170
for bras marked 2/USD40...... 2 bras = RM 230
for bras marked 2/USD49 .... 2 bras = RM260
for lingeries under and up to USD20 ..... RM120
for lingeries above USD20 and up to USD 30 .... RM160
for lingeries above USD30 and up to USD40... RM 230
HEAVENLY BEAUTY ITEMS (mahal sket sebab I think it's gonna be heavier..)
for anything marked USD 9.99..... RM70
for anything marked btween USD 10 and USD 20 .... RM 140
for anything marked between USD 20 and USD 30 .. RM200
for anything marked between USD 30 and USD 40 ... RM250...

We will send direct to your doorstep.
No extra charge for shipping to Malaysia.
Please email me at for pricing and inquiries.
Email me for items that I have not quoted.. We can work something out.
(pandai2 la navigate kat tepi URL yg victoria's secret yang diberi tu ek)
for panties marked 5/USD25 .... 5 panties = RM140
for panties marked 4/USD29.50.... 4 panties = RM 160
for panties marked 3/USD30 ....... 3 Panties RM 160
for panties marked 3/USD25 .... 3 panties = RM140
for bras marked 2/USD32 ..... 2 bras = RM170
for bras marked 2/USD40...... 2 bras = RM 230
for bras marked 2/USD49 .... 2 bras = RM260
for lingeries under and up to USD20 ..... RM120
for lingeries above USD20 and up to USD 30 .... RM160
for lingeries above USD30 and up to USD40... RM 230
HEAVENLY BEAUTY ITEMS (mahal sket sebab I think it's gonna be heavier..)
for anything marked USD 9.99..... RM70
for anything marked btween USD 10 and USD 20 .... RM 140
for anything marked between USD 20 and USD 30 .. RM200
for anything marked between USD 30 and USD 40 ... RM250...

We will send direct to your doorstep.
No extra charge for shipping to Malaysia.
Please email me at for pricing and inquiries.
Email me for items that I have not quoted.. We can work something out.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
lately kurang nafsu bercd... sejak syok 100% dispo masa europe trip...
bawak the premium dispos only...yg tahan lama... mamy poko and huggies merah tahan 10 jam tu...
lama gile baru aku tukar.. at least 6-8 jam... kenkadang terbabas 12 jam... amir tak bising pon.. no rash... syok dispo ni tak hilang2 lagi... (no lectures/komen please potpetpotpet on why not to use dispo for more than 3-4 hours here... chemicals in dispo la blablabla.... aku malas nak dengar, aku boleh google sendiri... im not a perfect mom... sometimes im a lazy mom....)
i think coz amir dah 2 kali sakit cirit2 muntah2 berlanjutan lepas that trip... (1 time before that trip)..
so setiap kali kena.. muntah... habis baju suar aku, baju suar amir and selimut and comforter and cadar and kain (ape jua jenis kain lah..yg digunakan nak lap muntah/cirit yg terbocor)... tak kuasa aku nak add on CD to that laundry mountain pile... aku takde maid utk buat semua keje rumah for me... tak boleh bersenang lenang goyang kaki sana sini...
pastu die plak suka berak pagi skang.. kul 6 pagi..
aku slalu CD nights and weekends.. so kul 6 pagi masih berCD... so pepagi dah nak kena handle CD.. malas aku... aku plak jenis tak suka biar taik dalam CD.. mesti nak kena rinse bagi ilang and masuk pail..
kena ilangkan penyakit ni... for the sake of the environment..
bak kata chikleen.. rase berdosa bila guna dispo hahah..
exactly! rase tu yang aku rase dulu... (skang dah pudar... kena carik balik)
bawak the premium dispos only...yg tahan lama... mamy poko and huggies merah tahan 10 jam tu...
lama gile baru aku tukar.. at least 6-8 jam... kenkadang terbabas 12 jam... amir tak bising pon.. no rash... syok dispo ni tak hilang2 lagi... (no lectures/komen please potpetpotpet on why not to use dispo for more than 3-4 hours here... chemicals in dispo la blablabla.... aku malas nak dengar, aku boleh google sendiri... im not a perfect mom... sometimes im a lazy mom....)
i think coz amir dah 2 kali sakit cirit2 muntah2 berlanjutan lepas that trip... (1 time before that trip)..
so setiap kali kena.. muntah... habis baju suar aku, baju suar amir and selimut and comforter and cadar and kain (ape jua jenis kain lah..yg digunakan nak lap muntah/cirit yg terbocor)... tak kuasa aku nak add on CD to that laundry mountain pile... aku takde maid utk buat semua keje rumah for me... tak boleh bersenang lenang goyang kaki sana sini...
pastu die plak suka berak pagi skang.. kul 6 pagi..
aku slalu CD nights and weekends.. so kul 6 pagi masih berCD... so pepagi dah nak kena handle CD.. malas aku... aku plak jenis tak suka biar taik dalam CD.. mesti nak kena rinse bagi ilang and masuk pail..
kena ilangkan penyakit ni... for the sake of the environment..
bak kata chikleen.. rase berdosa bila guna dispo hahah..
exactly! rase tu yang aku rase dulu... (skang dah pudar... kena carik balik)
Mom Bloggers Planet Cutest Baby of the Planet 2009 Contest
DOB: 17 JUNE 2008.
6 more spots for the Cutest Baby of the Planet..
Brought to us by Mom Bloggers Planet .. Mom bloggers UNITE!!
Contest still open... nominate your babes here:
Have to many pics of amir... and I am already pening to select only one.
So I'll just put the one that I like the most...
Might not be the cutest pic.. or the clearest pic of the bunch...
But it's the one that I like most (for now)... coz its different... first time angled like this..
Just trying my luck...
conversation with my office mate osen... last week..
who I think has good taste..
sbb taste ala aku hahah,.. (sukati je angkat bakul maa hahah)
we find the same style nice, and the same style ugly..
kalau keem... die rase lawa, aku rase buruk...
eida pun gitu... our taste lain..
sanaa pun lain sket taste die ngn aku
anyways... aku nak gitau osen about my new baby...
tapi takut die cakap tak lawa... hahah
so... our conversation...
i might be paraphrasing.. tak ingat actually word per word conversation
me: aku dah beli beg... tapi aku beli something yg lain sket...
nak step out of the box and be more colorful...
bukan something black la... my first instinct nak beli black wristlet...
tapi aku beli gak bende yg "not me"... nak ubah gaya sket.. kalerful sket..
so ko jangan terkejut...
osen: yelah...
(so aku tunjuk gamba hobo kaler pink, yg aku rase lawa gak tapi xkan beli)

me: kalau aku cakap aku beli yang ni.. lawa tak? ko terkejut tak?
osen: lawa jer... x terkejut pon.. ko beli ni ke?
me: tak.... saje tanye
(so aku tunjuk ape aku beli)...

me: lain sket aaa... aku saje nak beli something with color
osen: *senyap*..... okeh ini sungguh "kau".. pattern ni sungguh "kau".. kaler ni sungguh "kau"
me: hah? manede..
osen: lawalah... tapi memang taste/gaya kau... takde beza pon..
me: yeke? **pastu look around at current wristlet/reuseable bags.. and realized that everything is purple**

osen: konon nak buat something new la.... sungguh la sama and tak new...
me: hmm aah ye lah...
osen: tapi lepas ko beli kasut nike kau aritu tu.. aku tak terkejut aa ngn kaler2 yang kau beli

hahah.. nike ini aku beli sebab sale... aku nak nikefree 5.0
ni 30% off yg size aku... pattern lawa gile aku rase..
kalerrrrr tu je... so not me.. kuning neon...
tapi belasahla... nak gi gym je pon....
tapi makin aku gi gym.. terasa syok plak ngn kaler outrageous kasut aku nih..
bila padankan ngn baju merah aku.. terasa "membara" hahahha
and my current bags...
i dont think i intentionally want to find something purple..
my mission is always.. something nice.. and functioning...
kaler tak kisah...
kebetulan end up semua kaler purple...
i dont think purple is my fav color though... maybe subconsciously it is??
(and I also bought new hat.. accidentally it is purple and black stripes...)
tapi wristlet baru ni... memang aku sengaja choose bcoz of the color...
sebnanye aku nak kaler cherry... tapi mahal sket and kena tunggu dari US...

so purple will have to do...till my next wristlet... **opsss!!!****
who I think has good taste..
sbb taste ala aku hahah,.. (sukati je angkat bakul maa hahah)
we find the same style nice, and the same style ugly..
kalau keem... die rase lawa, aku rase buruk...
eida pun gitu... our taste lain..
sanaa pun lain sket taste die ngn aku
anyways... aku nak gitau osen about my new baby...
tapi takut die cakap tak lawa... hahah
so... our conversation...
i might be paraphrasing.. tak ingat actually word per word conversation
me: aku dah beli beg... tapi aku beli something yg lain sket...
nak step out of the box and be more colorful...
bukan something black la... my first instinct nak beli black wristlet...
tapi aku beli gak bende yg "not me"... nak ubah gaya sket.. kalerful sket..
so ko jangan terkejut...
osen: yelah...
(so aku tunjuk gamba hobo kaler pink, yg aku rase lawa gak tapi xkan beli)

me: kalau aku cakap aku beli yang ni.. lawa tak? ko terkejut tak?
osen: lawa jer... x terkejut pon.. ko beli ni ke?
me: tak.... saje tanye
(so aku tunjuk ape aku beli)...

me: lain sket aaa... aku saje nak beli something with color
osen: *senyap*..... okeh ini sungguh "kau".. pattern ni sungguh "kau".. kaler ni sungguh "kau"
me: hah? manede..
osen: lawalah... tapi memang taste/gaya kau... takde beza pon..
me: yeke? **pastu look around at current wristlet/reuseable bags.. and realized that everything is purple**

osen: konon nak buat something new la.... sungguh la sama and tak new...
me: hmm aah ye lah...
osen: tapi lepas ko beli kasut nike kau aritu tu.. aku tak terkejut aa ngn kaler2 yang kau beli

hahah.. nike ini aku beli sebab sale... aku nak nikefree 5.0
ni 30% off yg size aku... pattern lawa gile aku rase..
kalerrrrr tu je... so not me.. kuning neon...
tapi belasahla... nak gi gym je pon....
tapi makin aku gi gym.. terasa syok plak ngn kaler outrageous kasut aku nih..
bila padankan ngn baju merah aku.. terasa "membara" hahahha
and my current bags...
i dont think i intentionally want to find something purple..
my mission is always.. something nice.. and functioning...
kaler tak kisah...
kebetulan end up semua kaler purple...
i dont think purple is my fav color though... maybe subconsciously it is??
(and I also bought new hat.. accidentally it is purple and black stripes...)
tapi wristlet baru ni... memang aku sengaja choose bcoz of the color...
sebnanye aku nak kaler cherry... tapi mahal sket and kena tunggu dari US...

so purple will have to do...till my next wristlet... **opsss!!!****
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2 weeks ago, aku vomitting and diarhea ..
kronik gak aa.. 5 kilos lost in 1 day gitu.
minum air seteguk.. kuar 2-3 teguk
(bersama ngn jus kuning pahit dlm perut/hempedu? tu)
so... lemah gila.. takde mood nak pam...
(amir takde, aku tak larat nak jago)
tak larat nak assemble and cuci etc etc..
so sehari mampu pam sekali jer...
so merudum la susu ku...
2 hari je aku pam once a day (petang/malam normal nursing)..
tapi effect die terasa more than a week..
susu hanya dapat 6-7oz per pump (sesi pagi and petang)
I have to include 1 extra session, lepas amir tido malam.. I just pumped..
eventhough hasilnye hanye 1-2 oz saje...
(sebab nak bekalkan 15oz ke nursery everyday)
slowly naik...
harini dapat 10oz for morning.. yahuuu!
(tapi noon sure 6-7oz je... coz aku terlupa nak minum airr.. :P)
kronik gak aa.. 5 kilos lost in 1 day gitu.
minum air seteguk.. kuar 2-3 teguk
(bersama ngn jus kuning pahit dlm perut/hempedu? tu)
so... lemah gila.. takde mood nak pam...
(amir takde, aku tak larat nak jago)
tak larat nak assemble and cuci etc etc..
so sehari mampu pam sekali jer...
so merudum la susu ku...
2 hari je aku pam once a day (petang/malam normal nursing)..
tapi effect die terasa more than a week..
susu hanya dapat 6-7oz per pump (sesi pagi and petang)
I have to include 1 extra session, lepas amir tido malam.. I just pumped..
eventhough hasilnye hanye 1-2 oz saje...
(sebab nak bekalkan 15oz ke nursery everyday)
slowly naik...
harini dapat 10oz for morning.. yahuuu!
(tapi noon sure 6-7oz je... coz aku terlupa nak minum airr.. :P)
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