Kinderpack Stalking successful !!Okeh, I better start at the beginning. This is about baby carriers.
Kindercarry (KC) the name an amazing Mei Tai maker.. when I first started babywearing, I saw KC on (TBW) and thought, lawa gileee KC nih.. but looks like susah nak dapat... kena masuk yahoo! groups.. kena tunggu turns and all that...
anyways... the maker of KC is a WAHM (work at home mom) with 3 girls..named Mel.
so it's not a big company or what ever.. and she makes everything herself.. (but she does have some helps in making the straps as explained
here .. so a bit small production compared to mass produced carrier.. but actually it's a huge production for a 1 woman show.....
anyways, after making KC, she came out with the Kinderpack (KP)..
it's the SSC version of the KC... Mei Tai, means ade 4 long straps u have to wrap and tie around your body and babies... but SSC means you work with buckles, just snap everything into place..also theres a structured waist and shoulder.. meaning extra padding for more comfyness..
so the demand for KP is through the roof!
nak beli second hand pun is quite hard.. do-able... but requires you to message individual people on TBW and ask whether they want to sell their KPs ... calling dibs.. (dibs means: cop nak beli if the owner ever decides to let go)...sometimes, ade la jugak the occasional people who want to sell but malas nak layan dibs (coz ramai sgt beratur, tak ingat sape first) they sell at FSOT (for sale or trade board on TBW - tempat org jual 2nd hand carriers..)... tapi as soon as someone iklan nak jual, within 1 min sape yg online kat fsot akan dah PM (private message) org yg jual tu ckp nak beli.. so susah gileeee lah nak beli... unless ur really lucky and was refreshing fsot and was the first person to view the iklan...
anyways.. cara2 nak beli KP first hand... (this is lebeh kurang sama with other WAHM punyer carriers gak.. like Kanga, Bamberoo, etc)..and I'm sure its not 100% accurate at all.. just ape yg aku bayangkan based on what I see and read..lebeh kurang je la ek
1. instock.. sometimes Mel ade buat extra.. so die akan stock kedai die.. usually tak banyak.. maybe 1-2 ...
2. pre-order .. Mel akan bagi 2-3 combos.. and we pick combo takleh pilih patterns sgt aa.. ade 2-3 choices jer...
3. customs .. meaning we can choose anything.. fabric we can send to her.... this is the ultimate best lah...
4. Co-op ... not sure how this one works for KP...I think for KP, she opens up a waiting list... and ade certain2 fabric choice...
5. etc get to buy the instock, or to get the pre-oder slot, or custom slot or co-op slot.. is SEKSA.. ! bila dibuka ajer...zasssss habis... haritu die dah bukak co-op list.. aku tau waiting list die tutup within 5 mins lepas die bukak waiting list tu... adoiiii...
macam last month die bukak custom slot... 10 slot je..
cara2 nye.. kul 9 malam CST tepat aa katakan...
die akan tulis kat facebook.. "sape nak custom slot"
the first 10 people to respond "yes" akan dapat that slot aa...
tapi facebook ni buggy sket..
aku try gak aaa.. dekat2 kul 9 malam CST (kul 10 pagi msia lah) aku start refresh the FB page... tekan aa F5 non-stop to keep refreshing the page.... as soon as aku nampak soalan tu, aku response "yes".. and aku adelah org yg ke 40 lebeh... hoi gile betul !
facebook ni salah satu cara aa...
kenkadang they (sama cam bamberoo).. and restock kedai online diorang at certain-certain time...
so we have to refresh the shop...and buy as soon as we see ade item restock dlm kedai tu
kedai online diorang is always empty.. nothing to buy...
so alkisahnye.. semalam.. die nak bukak pre-order slot...
for SV KP.... SV means solarveil...material yg nipis gile sesuai for summer..
ade 3 pattern..aku tak minat langsung pattern2 ni..
but thats not gonna stop me lah kan.. ade 1 yg paling okay.. french riviera pattern
ni ha combo kainnye: la KP.. SV pulak tu....
so protocolnye... die kata die akan stock kedai die pukul 12 noon CST (chicago time US)
so meaning kul 1 mesia lah....
segala warning about time and stuff die bagitau kat facebook die
here, so sentiasa kena bace..
gamba fabric semua die dah letak awal2 kat FB.. so boleh decide mane nak choose..
die kata die akan stagger the stocking.. so bukan semua lah akan distock at one go...
sket sket...
anyways malam jumaat tu aku sangat mengantuk...
so aku nak tido awal...
so we 3 (me, rafiq, amir) tido kul 10.30pm..
aku dah pasang alarm at 12.15 am... nak stalk lah...kul 1am sepatutnye die akan restock kedai..
aku nak bangun awal sket, kot2 ade info2 baru perubahan die buat ke...
anyways, aku bangun la kul 12.15 pagi tu.. getting ready to stalk...
bace website, seeing yg die accept paypal
so aku dah update all my paypals credit card and info..
and then aku tutup semua application and windows kat komputer ni...except 1 window..
nak bagi laju selaju2 yang boleh aa...
by 12.45 aku dah berdebar2 dah ni....
kul 12.50 tapiii amir dah start oook ekk okkoeeekkk..addoiii
ade plak kucing gatal nak mengiauuww time tuu gak.. stress aku weii... ni fb status aku that time..
okeh 2- 3 min seblum tu, amir pun bangun nangeh nak susu...
so aku gi la susu..
so aku kejut rafiq suh bangun .. stalk for me..
mamat tu dah la blur...tetiba kena bangun suruh dibuat tahpape tah...
aku rase lawak gile...hahaa seriusly hilarious and ridikulous moment aaa...
rafiq.. bangun bangun... tolong aku boleh tak?huhrafiq bangun... mintak tolong.. hehehhuh?aku nak beli baby carrier.. tapi amir bangun nak susu... tolong bleh..haa?
die jual time ni jerr.. kena beli skanghuuh?
ko gi kat pc... ko tekan refresh .. sampai ade something dalam kedai tu... and ko beli...(time ni aku nak gelak gile )rafiq buat tatau and gi jamban......
aku berdoa, jangan la start lagi.. but aku tak risau sgt.. sebab Mel kata akan stagger.. restock sket2..
rafiq kuar jamban, dah cuci muka kot.. dok depan pc and refresh..
aku ponn keep refreshng kat iphone...
notthing.. dah 5 minit refresh and dah kul 1.10 pagi nothing..
adekah semua yg restock kitorang tak nampak?
sebab mmg selaju itu org beli.. u cant even see the item available in the store..
rafiq dah bebel2..
tak nampak ape pon... ni betul ke timing kau ni... amende ni.. dah kul 1.10 dahsuasana still gelap... pc je bukak.. senyap gelita.. kecuali tekan refresh.. rafiq cuba nak bukak mata depan pc
aku dah gelak gile time ni.. but I said "
refresh jelah"
then something popped up on pc and on my iphone..
aku cakap.. buy it ..!!
so beli lah..nak kena login paypal lagi... lupa nak gitau rafiq password paypal aku.. adoi...
and we each bought 1.....aku beli 1 thru iphone.. french riviera pattern
huhhh rasee legaaa...lantak la beli 2 bijik pon.. senang je nak jual..
so, dah ke? went back to sleep
BUT 5mins after that,.... then kat facebook Mel update kat FB..
cakap MAJOR overselling occured.. meaning lagi ramai pembeli dari stock.. die baru list kan french riviera je for sale. ..kain die tak cukup.. 2 patten lagi belum start jual..
so die sort things out.. akan notify people sape yg tak dapat and start refunding...first 12 people je dpt..
punye la tunggu.. and I got that sad email :(... die email reramai sekali guss..
cakap aku one of the oversold one.. I was dissapointed.. but tak fully dissapointed aa sebab masa ni aku rase lawak sangat tengok rafiq... and ade 2 pattern lagi yg belum start jual (so ade chance)...this whole thing took an hour...and I got a refund.. tapi 1 refund je... so aku pelik.. dapat ke tak ni? die kata sape yg die tak refund, got the french riviera preorder...
anyways lepas tu die ade hal.. so die kata die akan sambung the other 2 patterns kul 8 malam CST..
meaning kul 9 pagi mesia... so aku psang alarm kul 8.15 in case..
and apparently die akan buat balik cara custom last month..
sape yg frst 12 people yg response kat comment FB die.. will get it..
so no overselling can occur la.. takyah refund2...
anyways aku dah bangun awal pagi
aku tanye gak die kat FB.. aku dpt ke tak..
die jawab.. kalau tak dpt refund meaning dapat lah..
hmm not really an answer.. but enough to pacify meso aku decide not to stalk the remaining 2 patterns.. owls and floral... ni lagi aku kurang minat pattern die..
aku nak sapu sampah... rimas umah semak..
so lepas habsi kemas, aku tengok FB.. hahah havoc...
at this time aku still tak 100% sure aku dpt ke tak SV KP aku
but cut story short..
lepas everything settled...
she replied to my comment personally and said I got the french riviera preorder!
tensen die sebab aku tak caya aku tak dapat hahaha.. :P
huwaah. it pays to have UNIFI.....laju intenet
I know ade malaysian lain yg stalk.. didnt even see the thing restocked kat website (for the first pattern tu)
thanks to my grouchy but yg mendengar cakap husband.....
thanks to kyaz sebab menemani aku memalam buta itu hahaha... memberi support..
ni TBW punye borak thread about the stalking hahahI like this KP.. tapi it's not a solarveil KP contoh of an SV KP .. middle panel made from solarveil (very thing, airy and UV protective material)