As ppl might know... rafiq is currently working in Oman now..
tax free income.. but also EPF free...
die dah keje dekat 2.5 bulan and 11.5 months to go...
disebabkan ZED fares for airlines staff... then he get round trip ticket KUL-MUSCAT for RM500..
usual price.. RM3000...
so maka harusla balik every month hahaha...
The life of a full time working mom...
and full time shift working mom...
hmmm a lot of sacrifice have to be made....
boleh je aku tersadai in Subang into oblivion..
doing god knows what.... keje2 yg tak memperluaskan experience keje kau..
like being in a black hole bak kata AGM aku...
tapi disebabkan aku tamak.... I want the experience....
then aku gatal gi mintak utk keje KLIA...
its harder la... mainly b'coz of the commute...
and the working hours...
but I'm looking at the long run....
biarla bersusah dahulu...
and I should take the advantage of rafiq not being here, to do all this shit...
Anyways, back to topic.. a few people concern aku sorang with amir...
mak aku dulu, buat masters kat belgium... brought me and my sis to stay with her..
while my dad worked in Malaysia.. I was ~5, my sister was 2...
zaman itu mane SKYPE, email, IDD low cost charges...
to communicate with my dad, we record our message onto cassette tapes.. and send via snail mail...
if we go out.. and mak aku nak pee.. kitorang both have to go in.. and face the lavatory doors...
punye lah...
so cuba bandingkan... mak aku jaga 2 org anak.... aku jaga sorang
mak aku kat negara asing... takde sedara mara... aku kat mesia ramai je sedara mara utk membantu
mak aku takde teknologi nak membantu... aku ade macam2 at my disposal.. skelip mata je leh email/skype
rafiq pulak balik every month
so if she can do it.... I can...
itu baru nama superwoman...... (her, not me)
sekian terima kasih...