She gave birth to a 2.6kg baby girl Aisya Alysa...
previously dia ade problem... lama dah trying...
finally it happened.. tumpang happy for her...
die kata die jumpa doktor yg also chinese herbalist...
makan ubat stock2 beso cam pill kuda...
satu pill RM10 gitu....
point aku citer ni, kalau sesapa ade masalah, maybe can try this method...
nanti aku leh fwd enkorang kat diorang heehhehe......

anyways.. newborn!! soo cute and soo small!!
amir lahir2 dah 3.5 kilos.... soo tak merasa aku baby cinonet gini...
aku cam biasa promote BF...
tapi tak promote gile2, nanti org ingat aku saiko and obsess (eventhough I might be that!)
tapi aku jawab je pertanyaaan.... and promote sket2...
coz seblum kitorang masuk, die tengah BF... lama gile 4 jam kot... tapi baby still cry..
so die agak stress and maybe rase selfblame (kot? ni teori aku)...
so explain la napa its not her fault.... normal aa ni...
I could go on and on on what todo and what to expect...
tapi restraint myself hahahaaa.....
tapi tengok newborns.. also teringat balik zaman horor awal2 life with a newborn...
huhhhhh... penaaattt!...good luck acap and liza hehehe...
amir lak demam.... badan panas...
disebabkan die jarang demam... high temp sket org semua dah cuak hahahah
tak batuk or selsema pon (yet)...
tapi die memerap.... nak dokong je...
aku masak pun nak dokong... so slinged him using RS while cooking
(bahaya ni)... tapi die senyap and lemah lesu... so okayla...
tak la rase bahaya sgt.... hip carry yg jauh dari api...
usually I cant sling him inside the house.. mesti meronta2 nak keluar and main jalan sana sini...
arini masak flat noodle (egg noodle) for amir....

petang... rafiq bawak die jalan2 kat luar.. sambil aku wash dishes....
rafiq kata die nak excercise....(he is obsessed with his weight now)...
so jauh gak depa jalan.. at one point aku rase cam.. lamanye...
takut "anything" ke ape....
taula subang jaya camne kan...