Wednesday, September 30, 2009

aku memang fail bila aku bake or rebus..
mesti lupa punye lah... 4/5 times akan lupa...
kronik gile... semalam siap gi pyramid, jusco semua ...
tak ingat langsung tgh merebus longan/dates... sampai la aku lalu seblah kedai herbal cina..
*shitzz**... seb baik tak terbakar rumah...

terpaksa la rebus balik... seedless dates... senang idup aku...
tapi im missing the gojiberries... aku lupalak nama cina die... that small red red things.. tu sedap..

ni semua gara2 weekend aritu aku kena buang 25oz disebabkan cuti raya...
pam masa seblum cuti.... pastu cuti tak minum2 dari botol... direct jer...
pastu nak antar  nursery.. 1st day takkan nak bagi susu lama kan.. walaupun elok lagi... sian amir..
maka terbuang lah 25oz itu....  sedih at first..
then aku fikir.. its just like pouring calories into the sink...  hahah best!!
stock susu masih ade... tapi taknak la last minute baru nak kecoh-kecoh upkan supply...
start skang...

also... im letting this go... tak minat la teh nih.. tried 4 spoons...
EarthMama AngelBaby - MilkMaid Tea - RM25 (Original Price RM45)

oo pastu aku excited dapat insurance kad amir.. from MAS..
aku tanak pun MAS punye... tapi masa tu dah terlambat nak kansel...
amir dah ade his own medical insurance/savings.. prudential... coverage mengalahkan aku..
amanah saham didik pun ade... semua duit org bagi, semua masuk situ...
so mmg kitorang tak sentuh sesen duit yg org bagi kat amir... so jgn segan silu utk bagi...
mama die takkan guna buat beli kasut punyelah :P

anyways, walaupun mediexpress amir ni akan dikansel next year...
aku still excited ngn nama amir atas kad.. siap ngn logo MAS hehehe...

tahun ni IBW ... International Babywearing Week.. falls on the Raya Week.. 21-28 Sept 2009... so kurang publisiti.. kurang meriah berbanding last year...

for penang, they already kick started their celebration..check it out here:

for KL, tentatively planning for a babywearing walk on 17th October....
discussion still going on here...
sesapa nak join, jom discus sini...

We also have exciting contests for all the babywearers out there...
check it out here:

hotslings, jumpsac, littlepods etc up for grabs!!

Happy IBW 09 everyone !!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

report kad 2nd day (takde report tak sempat borak, hari mau hujan ribut petir)
*reminder to rafiq: please buy a big-big sturdy umbrella..*

harini amir minum susu 15 oz..... okay la nih...
ku dah risau ngn semalam 10 oz ajer.....
tapi unlimited face-to-boob time when we are at home...
as long as he wants.... skang aku tak kisah selama mana..
just think as... alang2 tu dapat gak pahala with every sedutan...

oh yer aku perasan.. seblah nipp luka at 3-4 places...
terkejut bila aku belek2 kat pantry hahahah..
patut la pedih sket lately...
amir suka isap seblah... gentel seblah..
faster let downs that way kot..
reminder... cut his nails... gile tahan lasak nipp aku..
biasa dah kot by now... gigi pun kuar at 4 months...
seb baik aku guna medela FS.... gentle suction
kalau spectra.. sure susu ku pink...

Monday, September 28, 2009

akak nursery tu kata: (report kad first day)

1. amir prefers to watch TV and play outside... not really with toys and people (ni aku tau, coz die mmg buat taktau je kat babies lain... some babies nampak babies lain, akan kacau and lenjan.... amir buat tak nampak jer)

2. amir lagi matured berbanding age die (or other babies yg same age ngn die)... I dunno what she meant by this .... tapi otak die memang bergeliga buat master plan utk dapatkan ape die nak...

3. amir tak suka bubur... this is what they feed babies yg same age ngn amir kat situ... tapi bila suap nasik...okay makan... takde masalah...

4. bila bangun tido.. tengok muka2 baru.. nangeh kejap...

my observations...
amir minum susu sikit kat nursery.... around 10oz ajer...
tapi sebelum die gi nursery die dah melantak direct feeding.....
soo.. susah aku nak gauge...
risau plak aku die tak minum enough susu....
(minum byk susu risau, minum sikit susu pun risau... hampeh la)

bila amir balik.. he smells weird...
must be the medicated oil/lotion that the nursery use... weird...
gonna take time to get used to that..

amir tinggalkan aku kat rumah... no problem... (rafiq yg hantar nursery)... sket pun tak nangeh tinggalkan mama die.. hampeh...
so it is not crying sebab separated from me... or other people...
the problem is.... bila amir yg kena tinggal (not getting to ride the car..)
aku gi klass jepun pun die nangeh....  so itu la konclusion aku..... amir nak jalan naik keter...
tak kisah sape pun...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

milk preparation for tomorrow....
hope all goes well...

I think its too much to ask la kalau nak hantar amir nursery tapi die tak nangis bila ditinggalkan.... sebab skang ni pon akan nangis bila tinggalkan kat rumah maktok die yg tinggalkan die since he was 2 mths old...

so i have resigned to the fact that he will cry..
but I hope he will learn to have fun and enjoy there after the leaving cry...
and not worry whether mama/papa will ever come back or not...
coz mama & papa WILL ALWAYS come back... dont worry...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Biggest mistake ever... prolonging nursery... patut awal-awal aku campak masuk nursery... kecik2 die tak kisah pun sape, asalkan needs are met.... now amir dah big enough to differentiate faces... stranger anxiety etc.... susah pulak nak antar nursery.... aku pulak ade separation anxiety nih.... anxiety over amir's separation anxiety.... I'm not ready yet.... (will I ever be though??)...

ke nak buat style mak aku... campak je memana nursery tanpa belas kasihan... aku rase ni style parenting org dulu-dulu.... kalau tido nangeh, pun biarkan je supaya blajar self-soothe....jangan biasakan dukung... jangan biasakan etc etc nanti manja sangat.... (the opposite of attachment parenting -AP)... aku rase this opposite AP style parenting are so happening in the 80-s (aku tak ingat ape nama style parenting ni, dulu aku ade bace)... formula milk pun happening zaman 80's ni...

I'm not dissing my mom.. aku admire her for being able to do it, right now I dont think I can... I'm sure she did what she thought was the best (those 80's books says its best)... heck who knows whats best??? nanti tah2 amir bising pasal aku AP kan die... saying that AP-ing makes him unindependent ke etc.. who knows whats best..... we all do what we think is best...

I've always thought I could, baby gi nursery, me work... be a carear woman like my mom.. ... but susahnye... maybe mak aku dulu pun stress jugak.. just aku je tak nampak... tapi masa die campak aku merata2, masa aku dah beso... awal2 tu nenek aku jaga kot... 4-5 tahun kot... she already got another baby to focus on...

aku pun tatau ape aku merepek ni.... sure hope I dont screw him up...

What is separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a normal developmental stage experienced by a child when separated from the primary caregiver. It typically manifests itself as crying and distress when a child is away from a parent or from home.

As time goes by and a child learns to feel safe in a new environment and secure that a parent or caregiver will return after an absence, anxiety over separation should fade.

The typical sequence of child development and parent/child attachment is as follows:

* First few months: Babies don’t differentiate much among caregivers and usually can be calmed by any loving person, regardless of relationship. This is why new parents often get more emotional the first time they leave an infant with a babysitter or at day care than the baby does!

* 7-14 months: By about 7 months, babies realize that there’s only one Mommy and/or Daddy, but they don’t have a sense of time, so even if parents step into the next room for a minute, all the baby knows is that they’re gone — maybe forever! — and they’re going to cry or cling or do whatever it takes to keep that from happening. This phase is often called “stranger anxiety,” because even the happiest child becomes shy or fearful around everyone but the primary caregiver, and generally peaks before 18 months.

* Toddler/preschool years: Children can be anxious and become emotional when a parent or primary caregiver leaves but can be distracted by activities with the caregiver or other children.

* By age 5: Most children are secure enough to be left with a babysitter or dropped off at school without distress.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Amir suka gila gila 2 mende ni ...

1. mandi... suka sangat.. he can berendam for 1 hour... tapi aku bawak die kuar bila air dah start sejuk... semalam bagi die mandi 3 kali...

2. main keter. stereng kereta betul... kereta mainan... etc... masuk dalam kotak/bakul and then buat bunyik keter/motorbot

and those cars costs like RM600-700....
so weekend jela gi main for free kat toyrus...

and mama yg cheapskate kretif... buat kan keter mainan gini..
jadikla kan.. ade stereng..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Payahnye nak upload pics...

Nih raya pics for my 2 sis....
Satu keping pun cam nak mati upload... bodohnye punye wimax

Selamat Hari Raya.. amir nak duit raya.

My dad, my youngest bro...... and mama...

ni nana suruh mama berlakon jadik lemah (walaupun mmg lemah)...supaya anak2 die kat oversea tu ingat2/sedar2 nak balik mesia nanti..jgn lupa daratan.... tapi tak menjadik lak lakonan..

suka gamba nangeh fake ni...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

salah satu outfit yg dibeli...
size besar sket .. sbb kalau dah mahal, bagi beso sket supaya leh pakai lama...
hahah kedekutsnye mama amir..
hip la pakai baju glebeh2 nih, kan mir...

amir ngn Lucky... next door dog yg tersesat ke rumah aku..

kat putrajaya die dok kejar our cat tiger...
yg super penakut org yg die tak kenal..
maka tiger asik lari...
maybe we should get a cat....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

referring back to this and this....
dah lama aku idam2 kan these babies.....
tapi takdek budget aaa...

then farra bought both ! heheh pattern exactly as I idam2kan...
so she loaned them out as they were bought for an unborn baby..
belum boleh pakai lagi...
maka kitorang being the concerned people that we are..
kitorang offer service nak melembut kan those 2 wraps hahaha...

aku dah lama curious dgn kain GMBBS (now wrapsody)
dalam bayangan aku.. kainnye nipis.. and cool....
bila aku fikir balik.. sungguh la tak logik expectation aku...
anyways, kainnye tebal... and so so long..... 5 meters
kalau aku, aku akan gunting kasik pendek...

anyways.. long story short.. it wasnt what I dreamed it would be..
presentation wise... not as what i imagined hhahahha..
performance wise... lagi better than I hoped...
tak sagging, walaupun stretchy wrap...
aku punye la pre-tie ketat2.. coz nanti akan sag kan.. kata stretchy..
usually stretchy kalau tak ketat, melendut lah kebawah...
then bila amir masuk.. tak sag pulak.. kagum aa part nih..
then amir dah kat atas sgt plak hhaha.. buruk tul gaya.. tinggi sgt dah amir..
sungguhla uncomfy..... i cant look in front....
aku tak sempat nak adjust.. rafiq nak kecoh nak kuar dahs...
so ini jelah action pic yg aku ade...

but seriously.. damn hot.... literally
panasnye... lama dah aku tak merasa kepanasan itu...
tambah lagi ngn rafiq yg sebok nak kuar.. kipas aircond dah tutup... ciss...
aku lak tau FWCC jek... baru ingat nak buat style hip carry... but again, rafiq...
but sad to say.. dont think I'll buy one...

ellaroo christine size S...
wah..muat lak aku... in FWCC..
muat2, so bagus aa.. no long unnecesary fabric..
kain die keras to touch..
but when worn, I think takde hal lah kekerasan itu...
in time, it will soften... it is airy and cool....
but tak masuk plak ek pattern ini with me ....
kalau aku pakai tudung plain, would look beter...
but I love the wrap.. the color, not so much in these pics...
maybe another pattern perhaps... but the ER is awesome... (anything cool = awesome)
kalau aku mengada, and got extra funds, I would probably buy an ellaroo...
I think it is comparable to my vatanai...
but ellaroo ade sket stretchiness (give)... which u wont get with a vatanai...
I like that...
but then u'll also get fringes...

but aku pakai ni kejap je... gi maybankard center kat OU..
then went back to the car to grab my O&A SSC...
wrapping is just not the way to go right now.... leceh nak mati....
and for what? amir yg nak kejap2 main, kejap2 lari...
there's no way I'm wrapping nowadays...
kalau aku wrap pun, akan wrap for short trips only..
whereby I'm not planning to let amir loose...
cam gi pyramid to buy groceries and then balik umah..
30-45 mins trip lah...

ni kat jusco..amir tido..
maka kitorang dapatla shopping baju amir ngn aman...
therefore RM160~ damages....
kitorang beli baju2 jalan utk amir for the first time
hahah tak penah lagi...
aku stress bila suar corduray amir lagi mahal dari jeans aku
jeans aku RM19.90 jek beli kat carrefour.. suar amir RM47..
tapi okay la... setahun sekali rafiq kata...

amir tak suka pakai topi.. pantang je ade mende atas kepala
kitorang aa tak latih die pakai topi..
next baby lahir2 aku pakaikan topi terus...
so curi2 pakaikan masa die tido jelah hahha

Friday, September 11, 2009

susu EBM ade dalam peti...
tapi its the weekends, amir hanya mahukan the freshest milk (direct from source)...
kalu sua botol, die tolak tepi...

esok, aku 90% yakin boleh berpuasa....
maka esok plan is adalah utk berpuasa...
the last 3 days aku tak posa... tak try pun utk posa...
sahur tak bangun..
sebab dah tau susu tak cukup....
kesian die tak dapat tido malam.. tido kul 11-12 malam..
due to penat...then malam2 pun bangun banyak kali cari susu...

aku check2 balik blog aku...
1 month back.. yep.. its that time of the month where supply dips..
kalau campo posa lak... harus lagi kurang susu...

tapi mungkinkah aku konfiden semacam skang ni sebab aku baru melantak buffet?? heheheh
we'll see how tomorrow goes...

aku suka weekends sebab 100% direct feeding... then stimulation yg diberi oleh baby terhadap penghasilan susu memang bagus...
tu pasal isnin and selasa, susu akan ade more than usual...
maka boleh la berpuasa pada hari isnin dan selasa...
(but then also subject to whether aku plak dehydrated or not....
pening kepala gile bila dehydrated, berpinau.... kenkadang tak tahan.. maka harus ku telan panadol extend... maka end up tak posa gak)

last year ade byk gak hari aku tak posa.. tapi aku senyap sensorang jelah..
rafiq cam heran apsal last year larat, this year tak larat plak..
(sebnanye memang tak larat dari dulu hahahhaa.)
this is another reason for this entry.. last year bila aku tak posa...
bila rafiq tanye, posa tak... aku jawab "tah, posa kot"..
segan kot bila tak larat posa... ade je ibu nyusu lain yg boleh posa penuh...
basically same je last year and this year... tak larats!!

tahun ni, entry ni, bukan nak berbangga tak posa... tapi supaya org sedar, takyah be ashamed if ur not able to fast (tuju kat pregnant/nursing mothers je la nih)..
we have been given the keringanan to not fast.... u dont have to be in a dying state before u can break fast...
nursing our baby is so important that we are given this keringanan...
aku cam segan last year dgn ke tak laratan aku.... tahun ni make an effort nak ilangkan perasaan yg tak bertempat tu...
some people sanggup posa and biarla susu kering... lets give formula...we can fast and babies still get milk...
that is not the way.... if posa tu menjadikkan kita unable to provide our babies with our milk.... jadik tak cukup.. then jadik wajib tak puasa... haram berpuasa..
breastfeeding tu dituntut .... sangat2 la perlu BF ni..

to all, tolong jangan emo ye bace blog ni....
nak komen pape, komen lek lok...
biasala.. bab religion ni cam sensitip sket...
tapi esok aku konfident utk berposa.. ganbarru yo!

next time tak dapek tido malam disebabkan nak kena susukan baby..ingatlah hadis ini

In addition, Anas relates this hadith from al Tabarani:

Sallama, the nurse to the Prophet's (sallalahu aleyhi wa salaam) son Ibrahim said, 'O Messenger of God, you have brought tidings of all good things to men, but not to women.' He said, 'Did your women friends put you up to asking me this question?' 'Yes, they did,' she replied, and he said,' Does it not please any one of you that if she is pregnant by her husband and he is satisfied with that, she receives the reward of one who fasts and prays for the sake of Allah? And when her labor pains come, no one in the heavens or the earth knows what is concealed in her womb to delight her? And when she delivers, not a mouthful of milk flows from her, and not a suck does she give, but that she receives, for every mouthful and every suck the reward of one good deed. And if she is kept awake at night by her child, she receives the reward of one who frees seventy slaves for the sake of Allah.'"

p/s: alamak .. selepas aku dok gooogle google, aku jumpa website nih.. yg cakap ibu menyusu tak perlu puasa.. sebab puasa mmg akan effect susu... (tapi kalau nak posa, still boleh, takde halangan)... tapi ibu mengandung perlu cuba (prove intention) untuk berpuasa.... kena sahur lewat and sentiasa makan dari berbuka till sahur.... kalau end up still rase takleh posa, baru buka... tapi utk ibu menyusu tak perlu prove intention cam ibu mengandung.....

tapi aku skarang ni, usually praktikkan yang macam ibu mengandung...akan sahur gakla, cuba utk posa... unless kalau aku tau useless, then awal2 aku dah decide takyah posa .. maka tak bangun sahur pon...

hmm tak kisahla ibu ngandung ke ibu nyusu ke...... nak cuba posa, or terus tak posa terus...... yg penting, asalkan susu amir cukup ... tgkla esok camne..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Aku suka artikel nih, paste yg aku suka jer

If you plan to breastfeed, make sure you:

  1. Learn a lot about breastfeeding, from the right sources. To find the right source ni agak tricky jugak. Sometimes nurse kat klinik pun taktau apa2 tentang exclusive BF (Sori ya nurse..).
  2. Make good networking with breastfeeding moms. Reading alone won’t help, unless you don’t face many problems to breastfeed during the early days.
  3. Know what to expect when you breastfeed… Sorenipples, engorgement, etc.
  4. Know where to go when you face problem. Definitely not your makcik who never breastfeed her babies. Go to LC or any friends who experienced it.
  5. Smart enough to differentiate between ‘excuses’ to not to BF and the true things those make you fail to BF.
  6. It’s from you. Say you want to BF. Not you have to BF. Don’t stressing yourself out just because your friends BF, and you don’t want to be called ‘a lousy mother’. Every mother wants to give the very best to her baby, ain’t it?

Things won’t make you fail to breastfeed:
  1. You don’t produce milk during the first few days. It is perfectly normal.
  2. You undergo c-section.
  3. You give birth to a boy (There’s a myth says that a baby boy’s mother can’t breastfeed cos the milk won’t meet the baby’s demand).
  4. You don’t have ‘urut lancar susu’.
  5. Your baby has jaundice. Breastmilk jaundice is normal, bukan sebab susu tak serasi dengan baby.
  6. You don’t produce milk during pregnancy.
  7. You didn’t do breast and nipple exercise during pregnancy.
  8. You have small breast.
  9. You have inverted, flat or small nipple.
  10. You don’t eat any lactogenic food.
  11. Your mom, sisters, makciks, bini Penghulu Kampung failed to breastfeed.
  12. Your baby cries out his lung.

Breastfeeding is
  1. Natural BUT needs effort.
  2. The best beat for your baby.
  3. Supply vs demand concept. The more the demand, the more the supply.
  4. A commitment.
  5. FOR YOU! Yes, YOU!

Breastfeeding is not…
  1. Only for this and that type of mothers.
  2. Only for lucky mothers.
  3. Only for mothers who have normal deliveries.
  4. Only for mother who claims she wants to give the best for her baby.
  5. A luck. It’s an effort.
  6. A magic potion that makes your baby a superhuman.

Are you willing to…
  1. Keep on breastfeeding despite your baby cries, wind, gets jaundice, unwell, etc.
  2. Pekakkan telinga, butakan mata on any unsolicited advise.
  3. Lose good night sleep for night feeding.
  4. Sacrifice some of your working hours to pump.
  5. Take a very good care of your food intake to ensure a high quality breastmilk.
  6. Be in deep worry when your milk supply turns haywire.
  7. Labelled as this and that, just because you wanna give the best for your baby.
  8. Fill your freezer EBM stocks.
  9. Telan anything on Earth to boost up your milk supply.
  10. Berkejar ke sana sini cari pertolongan when problem arises.
  11. Perkara yang boleh membawa depresi ialah drop in supply.
  12. Bring all your pumping gears when you go outstation.
  13. Have your blouse wet just because you forget your nursing pads.
  14. Tahan your breast bengkak when the baby is not with you and you don’t bring breastpump and you don’t know how to express by hand!
  15. Face the ouch! of cracked nipple, engorgement, biting babies, etc.
  16. Learn.
  17. Breastfeeding in public.

Do you think you’re ready to breastfeed? Think again ...

P/S: oo lagi satu.... bersedia untuk peragai baby anda jadi tak senonoh camni kalau breastfeed :D

To me (yes me, elly)....breastfeeding is SACRIFICE... sacrifice sleep, sacrifice time, sacrifice comfort of no pain.... etc.... tang sleep tu yang paling tak tahan tu...

the point is... dont think breastfeeding is easy... senang lagi kalau aku bagi formula je.... some people think breastfeeding should be easy and natural.. and bila susah, they think it is not supposed to be susah.. and so they quit....

by the way... mak mak sape yg berjaya fully breastfeed their child?
I think its interesting to see that most of our mother did not breastfeed us...
and in my opinion it is due to LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION !!..

we are so lucky to have easy and fast access to breastfeeding information nowadays.. Alhamdulillah...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Activity hari Ahad....

Gi PKNS.... carik bajuk raya
woohh sempitnye .. siap ade blackout lagi kejap... sesak napas..
ade gak org pakai stroller... lagi menyempitkan kawasan jek...

then gi mini gathering kat bukit jelutong... hosted by liza...
aku gi nak pickup aphrodite and christiane from syaz... farra punye..
hmm aphrodite sungguh lain kain die dari yg aku imagine...
nanti aku tulis separate blog for this..

ramai babies and kids.. yang akuu perasan amir takde minat nak bermain ngn kids hahaha... nak gi explore sensorang je... org lain dok main and berebut toys.. die gi tah memana.. penat aa nak kejar... this was also noticeable masa sesi berbuka puasa bebudak umich hari sabtu aritu..

aku beli tudung 1-step (bak kata rafiq).. die kata nampak cam maid indon
janji takyah gosok... damn im getting lazierr...