wuhh i finally succumbed and got a buai....
macam magic pun ade.. senang aje lelap...
kalu terjaga pun, senyap je dalam buai tu...
kagum sungguh aku... nyesal tak pakai awal2 pun ade....
mungkin dah takyah babywear? hahahahha..nah

as usual, takut baby addicted to buai sampai susah nak gi berjalan..
kang jalan sana sini kena bawak buai...
but.. bila difikirkan kembali.. bila sangat la gi jalan jejauh pon..
its like ... 3% of the time...
and seblum ada buai... dah normally mmg susah pon nak bagi die tido...
so basically... kalau gi jenjalan.. is back to normal aa.. (susah)
cuma kat rumah ade buai, jadik lagi senang keje ...
malam still kena tido atas katil....
buai is for nap....
im hoping to train them like shahril buat
(he's the one that lent me his buai for a week)
by the time 6 bulan... anak2 die dgn sendirinye dah tanak naik buai dah...
kira takde addiction problem aa....
aku tak kisah kalau amir nak berbuai sampai setahun ke ape..
cumanye... boleh ke kang buai tu menampung die? hahaha ini pun satu isu....
big heavy baby... tu pasal nak kena bagi die tak addicted ..
sebab kalu dah addicted and tetiba buai tak dapat tampung.. mampus aku...
tapi aku still akan babywear...
i love it... im addicted to it...
aku sebnanye tak totally sure of the outcome of babywearing.. (supposedly will be independend earlier etc etc)
but since amir is already a fussy clingy baby.. why not babywear..
takdek la patah tangan aku nak angkat die....
aritu family day kat port dickson, umur die 38 days
(yep mmg aku berjalan time pantang)..
aku dukung die ke sana sini sepanjang hari..
with my barehands... masa tu ingatkan ringan.
(mmg ringan, tapi kalau dah seharian..)
and ade org kata takyah bawak stroller... aku pun ikut je ckp org...
(terasa bengong gak aku)
tapi shahril bawak 2 stroller utk both anak die... die bagi pinjam satu..
tapi amir fussy gak dalam tu.. so kena gak aku dukung..
masa siang tu, orait aa tak terasa...
malam tu... baru rase..lenguhnye tuhan aje tau...
minyak telon, naman, yu-yi semua aku belasah sapu kat tangan..
tapi minyak baby tak kuat.. sakitnyee tangan aku tauuuu....
tapi memang amir behave la in my arms..

anyways, back to the story..
since amir is already a fussy clingy baby... (which most babies are, they just want to be loved and hugged, is that so wrong??)
rather than guna tangan.. kan ke bagus aku babywear... selamat tangan aku ...
and i have to admit and dengan bangganye aku admit..
im in it for the trend.. if not, boleh je pakai kain batik lepass utk angkat die.. will serve its purpose rite?
but since i have to angkut die sana sini.. why not do it in style...
kalau aku dok US ... aku rase mesti aku beli wraps in banyak kaler and teksture..
pakai matching ngn baju... as it is, i can only afford 1 stretchy wrap and 1 woven wrap..
baby carrier are like shoes...
u can live and get by with one pair... boleh aa nak idup..
but u need one for each occasion...
time sukan kena ade kasut sukan...
time dinner kena ade kasut dinner...
time gi jamban kena ade selipar...
u get my point....
so i need 1 of each carrier type (my goal skang)
(have 1 MeiTai, 1 stretchywrap, 1 ringsling, 1 wovenwrap on the way, 1 SSC on the way.... pouch je aku takde, and aku cuak nak beli coz that is really dependent on size.. silap size, abis)
anyways.. im not really sure of the outcome of babywearing..
but im doing it coz i like the handsfree part.... the closeness.. i like the trend/shopping part of it.... (the actual thing is that im addicted to shopping)
i like the exercise (i give up, i'm freezing my gym membership for time being.. susah la, with all the milk pumping etc)
but, i do believe in the alert state of mind thing...
they say when babies are worn.. they're not in survival mode.... cuak and restless... and rase tak selamat..
so bila worn they feel safe.. and thus spend more time learning around.. more alert and more time spend exercising the brain
yang ni aku percaya..... sebab kalau aku biar je die terbaring.. kang die resah gelisah and susah hati.. muka pun cuak..
kalau aku babywear.. die rase selamat and cam calm and alert.. and tengok sana sini in a calm fashion.. learning his surroundings
this i feel is true....
plus, it gives me something to obsess about...
dulu obsses bace pregnancy websites....
then obsess all things breastfeeding - susuibu.com, lalecheleague, pumps...
i foresee being obsses with baby/kids 'developmental' toys pulak lepas ni.. huhuhu.....
im lovin' it !!!