im just putting random pics, coz boring aa entry panjang2 no pics.
for example... it is easy tp promote cloth diaper to pro-BF mom.
its just the same concept. people looking for the best for their baby.
who wants their baby to exposed to dangerous chemical at early age kan.
same as babywearing... it is part of attchment parenting concept. natural parenting."
why the hell am I slowly going towards natural & AP (attachment parenting)..
I am asking myself.. coz I'm amazed that I'm doing all this crap...
btw, AP has sooo many abbreviation..
CD-cloth diapering
EC-eliminating communication (what is EC..? stay tuneedd... u'll be surprised!!.. I was...)
Co-Sleepingetc... (home-schooling, non-vaccinating, non-circ.... macam2 aa..)

and why the heck am I gaining each abbreviation one by one...??
seriusly, I dont know... this style so doesnt sound like me...
but they do seem like the best thing u can give your baby...
next one my list,bila dah start solids.. homecooked meals....
yep, and I dont even cook for myself...
but seriusly.... if u knew me... menyusahkan hidup is not my style...
Breastfeeding...? totally menyusahkan hidup mak...
proper latching, nipple biting (doesnt help with amir dpt gigi umur 4 bulan)...
nipple cracking, nipple bleeding, nipple confusion... breast engorgement, breast leaking...
pumping nights sessions =(no sleeping over 3-4 hours)...
pumping day session = no gym (boobs berat to work out, me lah), no long shopping session, no dinner and movie (too long)..outing lelama, need to bring pump, bring bottles, bring icepacks, bring thermal bag...
yep, ive experienced it all...
the '
joys' of breastfeeding...
some moms dont experience the teeth biting thing..
coz baby diorang kuar gigi umur 8 bulan keatas..
some even after 1 year....
and yet, I's still doing it.... coz like previous entry...
it's a lifetime effect on your baby, health wise...
and eventhough I havent posted the advantages of CD...healthwise/chemicals/comfort/moneywise...etc etc
but the main reason for me is environment aa...
I love animals more than I love babies..
(but of course la I love Amir over the animals)...
I do think that one day i might just become vegetarian...
slowly eliminating meat..
maybe be fish-eating vegetarian lah...
I think there is nothing wrong with eating meat..
God said that is the purpose of these animals..
BUT... the unethical treatment of companies like say, BurgerKing...
squishing all the cows into so tight spaces... blablablablaa...
(kan aku cakap, its a looong story)
the unethical treatment is what I dont agree with...
well.. lets not get into that..... byk isu aku with that...
back to the topic...
how can we justify turning the animals habitats into our waste disposing grounds..?
makin lama, makin bertimbun sampah dalam dunia ni....
we're not running out of space yet..
but if we continue... i think the rate is exponential...
then.... campo lak ngn global warming... mencairkan kutub2....
polar bear nak idup takleh...
(yeah, I like watching boring documentaries...)..
they will go into the human territories for food.. garbage and stuff..
and they get shot at....
we (humans) do all the mistake.. why are other creatures paying for it...?
dont even get me started on tigers and pandas...
Cloth Dilemma??.....
well... if u are concern with the icky part... (as my sister so concerned with that)... babies dont poop that often...
amir la... once a day..??.. well amir usually goes once a week...
now maybe every 2-3 days... baru poop..
i think bila start solid, once a day.. maybe
and i think u wont be disgusted by own baby poop...
so there's no really ick factor... the "
omg, i have to touch poop!"
also there are flushable liners (biodegradable)...
baby berak atas tu, then strip off lining tu, campak dalam toilet..
so if ure concerned with the leceh part...
mmg will be leceh sket la compared just throwing into dustbin...
kalu kencing je...masuk je machine..
kalau berak... dah buang poop (liner tadi)... kalau still ade staining color... pre-wash sket and masuk machine...
dont think its as leceh as scraping poop off traditional lampin...
even traditional lampin also have liners now..
also the sidai-sidai part...
but this is a small price to pay.. in my opinion..
okaylah.. tak coherent la entry aku kali ni... just writing whatever comes to mind...
TO SUMMARIZE: CD-ing is best for babies and animals.... but comes at a price, extra work....
eventhough I have a blinkie that says " i love disposabe diaper"...
masa tu aku blurr.. didnt know that was a statement...
at the time, i was just choosing blinkies based on what i was doing..
ignorant lagi time tu..
nanti la aku tukar tu....