Thursday, March 26, 2009
its actually my tootbrush ... but i use 2 different heads... one for me and one for him...
the same type la (no kiddie size larr)... but being oral B professional care... if pressed to hard, the rotation will decrease.. so no danger of ganas ganas...
now if I use normal toothbrush... terasa nyilu sket.... maybe dimanjakan sgt guna the electric toothbrush hehehe... rafiq says i brush my teeth too ganas using the normal non-electric brush.. ye kot...
i was brushing my teeth.. then amir sebok nak jugak... nangis nangis nak brush teeth... i always brush his once a day la....just to get plaque out... (eventhough after washing still BF).. once better than nothing i think..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
aku hangin ni ngn sales person stiLa.... kat sale metrojaya smalam...
aku mintak oil free sheer color tinted moisturizer SPF15
punye la die lama cari..
pastu stop 2-3 kali ..kejap2 gi layan org.. carik org lain punye stuff.. suh aku tunggu...
pastu sambung carik aku nye.. org dok tolak2 aku..
pastu die bagi la satu kotak ni.. dah masuk plastic.. stapler...
ku tak sedar kotak tu sebnanye kotak yg tinted moisturizer spf 15...
(bukan yg oil free)
patut la die carik2 lama...
pastu boleh plak bagi aku mende lain...
mesti die tau die nak tipu aku..
lama semacam je carik .... last2 bagi mende lain..
kalau silap bagi okay la... tapi aku rase die memang tau die bagi aku mende yg salah..
tu yg lagi tensen tu..
my skin tak boleh kalau tak oil free..
even if oil free pun tak tentu takkan break out..
tapi nak cuba la konon2nye stila oil free...
tengok mende lain yg aku dapat.. tensennn!!

ni ha mende nye
color: Medium
Retail: USD 34
email me at couette [at] gmail.com
selling at RM65 with pos laju within malaysia...
aku mintak oil free sheer color tinted moisturizer SPF15
punye la die lama cari..
pastu stop 2-3 kali ..kejap2 gi layan org.. carik org lain punye stuff.. suh aku tunggu...
pastu sambung carik aku nye.. org dok tolak2 aku..
pastu die bagi la satu kotak ni.. dah masuk plastic.. stapler...
ku tak sedar kotak tu sebnanye kotak yg tinted moisturizer spf 15...
(bukan yg oil free)
patut la die carik2 lama...
pastu boleh plak bagi aku mende lain...
mesti die tau die nak tipu aku..
lama semacam je carik .... last2 bagi mende lain..
kalau silap bagi okay la... tapi aku rase die memang tau die bagi aku mende yg salah..
tu yg lagi tensen tu..
my skin tak boleh kalau tak oil free..
even if oil free pun tak tentu takkan break out..
tapi nak cuba la konon2nye stila oil free...
tengok mende lain yg aku dapat.. tensennn!!

ni ha mende nye
color: Medium
Retail: USD 34
email me at couette [at] gmail.com
selling at RM65 with pos laju within malaysia...
Monday, March 23, 2009

topi pinjam kat baby patch hahahaahh..
yeah... aku memakai tudung ekin...
best coz takyah gosok.. tapi licin, might have to buy hairband....
anything yg tak involve ironing... is worth a try..
also, aku dah makin selesa pakai petit belly ring sling...
love the support.... and the padding on the rails...
10 kilos of weight... macam jalan bawak guna beras...
hows that for exercise... gaya hidup sehat sket...
hmmm for the past few days... susu terlebeh banyak lak..
siap boleh engorge lagi bila bangun tido....
dah lama tak rase engorge like rock feeling tu...
dah la aku cuti... nak bangun lambat pun takleh
(it's the thing I miss most since pregnant -time tu kena bangun setiap jam to pee)..
so kena bangun and pam...
amir hampeh... suka minum nyotnyot, pastu bila dah letdown die nak gi main toys...
tensen betul aku...
sebab bila dah letdown...
susu memancut2 tak henti kat muka die, baju aku, katil...
amir ingat game pulak..... sayang susu punye pasal, terpaksa aku bangun gi pam..
nafsu tido sumer ilang... i like my nafsu tido...
pagi tadi siap kebocoran basah tilam, baju etc...
copy paste kat blog pulak....
dedua dah takde warranty (beli 7-8 bulan yg lepas)...
but still boleh hantar histopoint or lactaequip utk perbaik if anything happens..
I beli kat momslittleone (spectra3 ) ngn mothercare(medela)
SPECTRA 3 RM 110... ...
tanpa breastshield (free delivery within klang valley)
(sebab dah used, cam tak hygiene je)...
so if u want with dual pumping... I boleh gi belikan 2 breastshield kit..
(RM140 kat pasaran skang)...
if nak beli pam je pun boleh... then u boleh cari sendiri the breastshield kit.
pam ni I pakai every day for the last 8 months, tak pernah jatuh..
MEDELA MINI ELECTRIC... .. RM 250 (with shipping)
I bagi with new medela bottle and cap (yg I dapat free with freestyle)
yang ni kenkadang je pakai... time travel... or takde letric.....
both comes with original box and receipt.....
dedua dah takde warranty (beli 7-8 bulan yg lepas)...
but still boleh hantar histopoint or lactaequip utk perbaik if anything happens..
I beli kat momslittleone (spectra3 ) ngn mothercare(medela)
SPECTRA 3 RM 110... ...
tanpa breastshield (free delivery within klang valley)
(sebab dah used, cam tak hygiene je)...
so if u want with dual pumping... I boleh gi belikan 2 breastshield kit..
(RM140 kat pasaran skang)...
if nak beli pam je pun boleh... then u boleh cari sendiri the breastshield kit.
pam ni I pakai every day for the last 8 months, tak pernah jatuh..
MEDELA MINI ELECTRIC... .. RM 250 (with shipping)
I bagi with new medela bottle and cap (yg I dapat free with freestyle)
yang ni kenkadang je pakai... time travel... or takde letric.....
both comes with original box and receipt.....
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Earth hour 28 march 8.30 pm...
switch off your lights....
minggu lepas ni.. tak menjimat dispos.. sebab nak combat rashes...
i dont wanna use bedak or lotion on my cloth diapers hehehehe..
mamypoko is awesome!!! tahan lama, so less wastage...
anyways... last week jimat disposable - 2 keping sahaja...
(2 kali je aku cloth diaper)
switch off your lights....
minggu lepas ni.. tak menjimat dispos.. sebab nak combat rashes...
i dont wanna use bedak or lotion on my cloth diapers hehehehe..
mamypoko is awesome!!! tahan lama, so less wastage...
anyways... last week jimat disposable - 2 keping sahaja...
(2 kali je aku cloth diaper)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
nak citer...
haritu aku laundry cloth diapers and baby clothes...
so nak sidai... baru nak kibas2 itti bitti (IB) ku.. (yg all-in-one tu)...
ade pulak orang call.. so boh la IB tu kat atas washing machine jap...
then... rafiq pulak rajin gi sambung sidai semua mende dalam washing machine..
pastu die pegang IB yg aku boh atas washing machine tu...
die tanye "ni nak buat ape?"
aku cakap "nak sidai la"
die cakap "dah basuh ke? tak basah pun"
aku cakap "basah la... rase bebetul"
lepas die terbalik kan liner atas IB tu... baru rase basah.... "ooo haaah"
aku jawab "tu la magic cloth diaper... ingat kain mesti rase basah ke.. baru basuh pun tak basah kan..etc etc... " (panjang aku bebel)
morale of the story: memang ade stay dry layer walaupun guna cloth diaper... dah moden dah skang nih...
haritu aku laundry cloth diapers and baby clothes...
so nak sidai... baru nak kibas2 itti bitti (IB) ku.. (yg all-in-one tu)...
ade pulak orang call.. so boh la IB tu kat atas washing machine jap...
then... rafiq pulak rajin gi sambung sidai semua mende dalam washing machine..
pastu die pegang IB yg aku boh atas washing machine tu...
die tanye "ni nak buat ape?"
aku cakap "nak sidai la"
die cakap "dah basuh ke? tak basah pun"
aku cakap "basah la... rase bebetul"
lepas die terbalik kan liner atas IB tu... baru rase basah.... "ooo haaah"
aku jawab "tu la magic cloth diaper... ingat kain mesti rase basah ke.. baru basuh pun tak basah kan..etc etc... " (panjang aku bebel)
morale of the story: memang ade stay dry layer walaupun guna cloth diaper... dah moden dah skang nih...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
okeh aku sungguh stress ngn keje..
not in the mood to surf facebook/forum/bace article/blogs for my 5 mins breaks every hour..
harini aku akan balik kul 5.30!!! tapi aku nak gi pyramid beli durian hahahah..
setiap hari for the last 2 weeks aku dok makan durian every night... not sebiji durian.. just 1 or 2 ulas every night...
sedapnye durian jusco... durian carrefour suckss...
ke aku nak balik umah dulu aa?
coz malam baru ade discount 30% or even 50%....
papehal pun 5.30 aku blaaah... (cakap je lebeh...)
anyway amir dah 9 bulan...
huuhhh kejapnye rase....
for the last few weeks aku dok sakit berturut²... overlapping lagi...
memula sakit gigi yg teramat sangat (yg now ni dah vanish gile takde kesan.. heran tul aku)
then aku demam gile.... baru awal tahun aku dah MC 1 hari.... gile loser...
last year (siap pregnant lagi) aku MC sehari je,.... walaupun dr bagi MC in total 3 weeks sepanjang pregnancy...
then aku sakit mata lak last week...
sampai merah berair-air berlendir2... gatal gile...
i was like... adeh, takkan kena MC lagi.... kul 5 pagi ahad aku gi klinik...
tak tahan sgt... seb baik klinik 24 jam..
lepas sekali pakai je ubat tu... terus hilang merah2...
gile lah power... seb baik.. gatal still ade sket saki baki..
so dapatla aku gi kerje aku yg sucks nih...
and as usual amir tak jangkit.... (
tapi ade rash... ade kaitan ke ngn ubat aku ek?? eye drops je pon)
so ade la 3 weeks aku tak gi gym... (rugii rugiii...)
ni gamba masa akikah last month.... panas gile ...kat kg..
amir pakai sleeveless je bercukur jambul...
aku malas aaa buat renjis2 upacara2 nih semua...
setahu aku agama tak include renjis2 bedak sejuk semua nih...
tapi apape jelah... it was fun....
ni amir takleh tido whole day coz die panas... tido atas rafiq in the rocking chair for half hour je...

ni la outcome die hahahha lawak...

not in the mood to surf facebook/forum/bace article/blogs for my 5 mins breaks every hour..
harini aku akan balik kul 5.30!!! tapi aku nak gi pyramid beli durian hahahah..
setiap hari for the last 2 weeks aku dok makan durian every night... not sebiji durian.. just 1 or 2 ulas every night...
sedapnye durian jusco... durian carrefour suckss...
ke aku nak balik umah dulu aa?
coz malam baru ade discount 30% or even 50%....
papehal pun 5.30 aku blaaah... (cakap je lebeh...)
anyway amir dah 9 bulan...
huuhhh kejapnye rase....
for the last few weeks aku dok sakit berturut²... overlapping lagi...
memula sakit gigi yg teramat sangat (yg now ni dah vanish gile takde kesan.. heran tul aku)
then aku demam gile.... baru awal tahun aku dah MC 1 hari.... gile loser...
last year (siap pregnant lagi) aku MC sehari je,.... walaupun dr bagi MC in total 3 weeks sepanjang pregnancy...
then aku sakit mata lak last week...
sampai merah berair-air berlendir2... gatal gile...
i was like... adeh, takkan kena MC lagi.... kul 5 pagi ahad aku gi klinik...
tak tahan sgt... seb baik klinik 24 jam..
lepas sekali pakai je ubat tu... terus hilang merah2...
gile lah power... seb baik.. gatal still ade sket saki baki..
so dapatla aku gi kerje aku yg sucks nih...
and as usual amir tak jangkit.... (
tapi ade rash... ade kaitan ke ngn ubat aku ek?? eye drops je pon)
so ade la 3 weeks aku tak gi gym... (rugii rugiii...)
ni gamba masa akikah last month.... panas gile ...kat kg..
amir pakai sleeveless je bercukur jambul...
aku malas aaa buat renjis2 upacara2 nih semua...
setahu aku agama tak include renjis2 bedak sejuk semua nih...
tapi apape jelah... it was fun....
ni amir takleh tido whole day coz die panas... tido atas rafiq in the rocking chair for half hour je...

ni la outcome die hahahha lawak...

Monday, March 16, 2009
after testing out this medela freestyle for some time...
i am more used to memasang the stupid valves...and now im even using the handsfree kit..
for the first few days aku pegang je.. coz aku rase dah complicated sgt pemasangan valves and corong..
aku malas nak complicatekan ngn handsfree rubber bands...
and i thought the suction was mild... cam tak best and tak power nak suck milk out... spectra lagi kuat ..
but susu output same je cam spectra... maybe walaupun suction tak kuat, the 2 phase got more milk out.. so in the end sama cam spectra..
but then lepas masuk forum....aku terbukak hati nak try handsfree..
leceh and adjust at first... but not that hard lah...
and when using the handsfree.. the suction feels different...
feels more efficient.......and since then baru aku perasan susu yg aku kuarkan is more than usual...
the 2 phase is just.. 2 type of suction..
1: sedut pendek2...... to stimulate milk..
2: sedut panjang2/lama
and then ade setting for memory...
by default its phase 1 for 2 minutes...t
hen usually dah letdown, so go into 2nd phase...
but u can set ... for me by 48 seconds aku dah letdown...
so after that go into expression mode..
48 seconds for me its quite awesome lah...
especially since no need to massage, put effort sgt into it...
(masa guna spectra I have to really get in the mood and massage to get things going)...and so far... always able to get 2nd letdown....
so usually my way:
48 seconds: - 1st phase
up to 4 minutes:- 2nd phase...
rehat for 2-3 minutes...
repeat above pattern to achieve 2nd letdown
so since aku pakai handsfree...which is 10 days ago...
dah berjaya bina balik frozen stock... slowly aa..usually time weekend.. weekdays busy to pump..
previously.... stock aku habis licin digunakan.. zero frozen stock...as of 2 days before dapat freestyle..
if i dont produce enough milk... might have to start formula...
hows that for pressure? lagi stress lagi susah nak buat susu... gile lah.. hate that feeling... sorry, but no formula until aku dah separa mati cuba everything in my power to give breastmilk...

anyways.. i still hate the complicated-ness of the attaching crap..
but people say org buat camtu coz takut masuk air dalam tubing...
ni gamba medela swing tubing.. sanaa punye dah masuk air sket...

aku takut coz spectra masa masuk air... siap naik kulat sket..(gamba nanti aku boh).
and I dont see why air takleh masuk tubing freestyle... if the valves basah, still possible i think..
if valves sejuk coz boh dlm freezer and terkondensasi...could go into the tube...
i think its possible.. but im not gonna try to prove it hahahahah...
but i think im getting used to the fussiness of attaching all that crap...
and its worth it if im getting more milk by doing so...
ni gamba masa gi fish and co last weekend...
(yeah gotta have my weekly fish n chips)
amir tido.. so dapatla aku menikmati slow and steady meal aku..
usually aku makan cecepat coz die asik bosan time kitorang makan...
thank god for babywearing.....

ni gamba amir buat sepah kat rumah... tenseen aku... coz nak he wants to pull to stand position everywhere.. and still tak stabil.. so i have to watch him every second... penat aaa.... rafiq, u owe me... that was 4.5 tiring hours...
i am more used to memasang the stupid valves...and now im even using the handsfree kit..
for the first few days aku pegang je.. coz aku rase dah complicated sgt pemasangan valves and corong..
aku malas nak complicatekan ngn handsfree rubber bands...
and i thought the suction was mild... cam tak best and tak power nak suck milk out... spectra lagi kuat ..
but susu output same je cam spectra... maybe walaupun suction tak kuat, the 2 phase got more milk out.. so in the end sama cam spectra..
but then lepas masuk forum....aku terbukak hati nak try handsfree..
leceh and adjust at first... but not that hard lah...
and when using the handsfree.. the suction feels different...
feels more efficient.......and since then baru aku perasan susu yg aku kuarkan is more than usual...
the 2 phase is just.. 2 type of suction..
1: sedut pendek2...... to stimulate milk..
2: sedut panjang2/lama
and then ade setting for memory...
by default its phase 1 for 2 minutes...t
hen usually dah letdown, so go into 2nd phase...
but u can set ... for me by 48 seconds aku dah letdown...
so after that go into expression mode..
48 seconds for me its quite awesome lah...
especially since no need to massage, put effort sgt into it...
(masa guna spectra I have to really get in the mood and massage to get things going)...and so far... always able to get 2nd letdown....
so usually my way:
48 seconds: - 1st phase
up to 4 minutes:- 2nd phase...
rehat for 2-3 minutes...
repeat above pattern to achieve 2nd letdown
so since aku pakai handsfree...which is 10 days ago...
dah berjaya bina balik frozen stock... slowly aa..usually time weekend.. weekdays busy to pump..
previously.... stock aku habis licin digunakan.. zero frozen stock...as of 2 days before dapat freestyle..
if i dont produce enough milk... might have to start formula...
hows that for pressure? lagi stress lagi susah nak buat susu... gile lah.. hate that feeling... sorry, but no formula until aku dah separa mati cuba everything in my power to give breastmilk...
anyways.. i still hate the complicated-ness of the attaching crap..
but people say org buat camtu coz takut masuk air dalam tubing...
ni gamba medela swing tubing.. sanaa punye dah masuk air sket...

aku takut coz spectra masa masuk air... siap naik kulat sket..(gamba nanti aku boh).
and I dont see why air takleh masuk tubing freestyle... if the valves basah, still possible i think..
if valves sejuk coz boh dlm freezer and terkondensasi...could go into the tube...
i think its possible.. but im not gonna try to prove it hahahahah...
but i think im getting used to the fussiness of attaching all that crap...
and its worth it if im getting more milk by doing so...
ni gamba masa gi fish and co last weekend...
(yeah gotta have my weekly fish n chips)
amir tido.. so dapatla aku menikmati slow and steady meal aku..
usually aku makan cecepat coz die asik bosan time kitorang makan...
thank god for babywearing.....

ni gamba amir buat sepah kat rumah... tenseen aku... coz nak he wants to pull to stand position everywhere.. and still tak stabil.. so i have to watch him every second... penat aaa.... rafiq, u owe me... that was 4.5 tiring hours...

Saturday, March 14, 2009
i thought i covered this issue... masa baby 2-3 bulan...
aku dah bagi link kat rafiq... through email..
but just now i saw him shaking EBM as if making a martini... haiyaa..
shaken or stirred, sir...? SWIRLLL baby SWIRLLLL!!!
well, better late than never.. please read this link...
many dont realize than susu ibu ni susu bernyawa.. its living liquid...
cam yakult on a larger scale...
treat it respecfully..
well, all the more reason to direct BF if u can.. (this is my next topic... tapi too much to write about why direct BF is better than pumped oout milk.... nanti lah)
aku dah bagi link kat rafiq... through email..
but just now i saw him shaking EBM as if making a martini... haiyaa..
shaken or stirred, sir...? SWIRLLL baby SWIRLLLL!!!
well, better late than never.. please read this link...
many dont realize than susu ibu ni susu bernyawa.. its living liquid...
cam yakult on a larger scale...
treat it respecfully..
well, all the more reason to direct BF if u can.. (this is my next topic... tapi too much to write about why direct BF is better than pumped oout milk.... nanti lah)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Disposable saved last week = 26…..
Amir kena rash sebab during day die pakai Pampers… (previously we used huggies biru.. tapi kan boikot)…
So petang die mandi at 5pm kat umah caretaker....usually aku tukar at 9-10 pm…into cloth diapers…
Usually 1 kali kencing between 5-10pm tu.. or tak kencing pun.. …(sayangnye nak tuka into CD, tapi malas nak bangun kul 2-3 pagi baru tuka into CD.. aku pun takut bagi pakai dispo lelama, max 6 jam aku bagi)
Tapi pampers tak tahan aa… with all the crawling, guling sana sini… die jadik lunyai…and 1 kali kencing pun tatahan..
And his butt berpeluh2.. so rashes…..
Now I have to change into CD at 8-9 pm…
Sanaa kata fitty okay…. Nanti nak tgk quality sample kat kedai..
Leceh betul aa disposable ni….
Ni video semalam….. die gelak gile masa aku cakap "yess !!" (time aku tgk biggest loser and lisa eliminated..
So aku pun menrekod… tapi bila aku rekod video, die sebok nak makan kamera nih pulak… hampass
Amir kena rash sebab during day die pakai Pampers… (previously we used huggies biru.. tapi kan boikot)…
So petang die mandi at 5pm kat umah caretaker....usually aku tukar at 9-10 pm…into cloth diapers…
Usually 1 kali kencing between 5-10pm tu.. or tak kencing pun.. …(sayangnye nak tuka into CD, tapi malas nak bangun kul 2-3 pagi baru tuka into CD.. aku pun takut bagi pakai dispo lelama, max 6 jam aku bagi)
Tapi pampers tak tahan aa… with all the crawling, guling sana sini… die jadik lunyai…and 1 kali kencing pun tatahan..
And his butt berpeluh2.. so rashes…..
Now I have to change into CD at 8-9 pm…
Sanaa kata fitty okay…. Nanti nak tgk quality sample kat kedai..
Leceh betul aa disposable ni….
Ni video semalam….. die gelak gile masa aku cakap "yess !!" (time aku tgk biggest loser and lisa eliminated..
So aku pun menrekod… tapi bila aku rekod video, die sebok nak makan kamera nih pulak… hampass
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ni je gamba baru yg aku ade...
ade movie.. tapi youtube lembab aaa...
tido ngn sungguh tembam sekali..

cooked.. 5 wholegrains.. then added watermelon...

seriusly aku takde masa nak prepare food... but I really dont want to buy instant food (nestum, neslac semua tu)... mesti boh sugar...
semua bijirin dah ade.. brown rice, barley, vegeroni pasta...carrots
tapi bila something tu perlu direbus lebeh dari 10 minit... memang akan hangus lah...
out of 10 tries.. 2 kali je tak hangus... itu mmg kelemahan aku..
remembering when I rebus something...
penah 1 time kat umich dulu. (dapur kat bawah) common kitchen..
aku nak rebus kacang kuda.. aku masak kul 11 malam...
kul 2 petang esoknye baru aku teringat hahaha.. seb baik ade org padam..
the kacang dah hangus to the pot... ade kesan jelaga kat dinding...hmmm
kalau rebus telur pun penah sampai air kering and telur tu hangus....
anyways.. aku beli this organic 5 wholegrain.. ade oat, barley, ape tah lagi..
kena masak 6 mins at least... organic, no sugar, no salt, no nothing lah..
kebetulan ade melon... i just use what i have..
usually makan... buah banana, avocado, betik, melon (water/rock)...
durian kenkadang.. tapi paling senang utk aku is instant oatmeal...
vegeroni tu pun usually tak hangus aa.. coz rendam dalam air.. bila aku ingat, die dah lembut... perfect to eat al dente...
tah bila aku nak berjaya rebus rice nih....
ni time weekend jela.... time weekdays die makan variety sket aa kot, ade org masak utk die... dah start with ikan...
tapi tak sedap mane pun food tu... (tasteless).. bila die nampak aku makan, die pun nak makan... so aku kena makan makanan die... so haritu terlupa aku demam... so guna sudu yg sama.... malam tu ade coughing sket, runny nose sket.. but for a bit only... takde sign pun nak demam teruk cam aku..... bagus betul aa amir ni....
ade movie.. tapi youtube lembab aaa...
tido ngn sungguh tembam sekali..

cooked.. 5 wholegrains.. then added watermelon...

seriusly aku takde masa nak prepare food... but I really dont want to buy instant food (nestum, neslac semua tu)... mesti boh sugar...
semua bijirin dah ade.. brown rice, barley, vegeroni pasta...carrots
tapi bila something tu perlu direbus lebeh dari 10 minit... memang akan hangus lah...
out of 10 tries.. 2 kali je tak hangus... itu mmg kelemahan aku..
remembering when I rebus something...
penah 1 time kat umich dulu. (dapur kat bawah) common kitchen..
aku nak rebus kacang kuda.. aku masak kul 11 malam...
kul 2 petang esoknye baru aku teringat hahaha.. seb baik ade org padam..
the kacang dah hangus to the pot... ade kesan jelaga kat dinding...hmmm
kalau rebus telur pun penah sampai air kering and telur tu hangus....
anyways.. aku beli this organic 5 wholegrain.. ade oat, barley, ape tah lagi..
kena masak 6 mins at least... organic, no sugar, no salt, no nothing lah..
kebetulan ade melon... i just use what i have..
usually makan... buah banana, avocado, betik, melon (water/rock)...
durian kenkadang.. tapi paling senang utk aku is instant oatmeal...
vegeroni tu pun usually tak hangus aa.. coz rendam dalam air.. bila aku ingat, die dah lembut... perfect to eat al dente...
tah bila aku nak berjaya rebus rice nih....
ni time weekend jela.... time weekdays die makan variety sket aa kot, ade org masak utk die... dah start with ikan...
tapi tak sedap mane pun food tu... (tasteless).. bila die nampak aku makan, die pun nak makan... so aku kena makan makanan die... so haritu terlupa aku demam... so guna sudu yg sama.... malam tu ade coughing sket, runny nose sket.. but for a bit only... takde sign pun nak demam teruk cam aku..... bagus betul aa amir ni....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
warghh.. sakit jiwa aku la weii...
susu ku tumpah 6 oz... berkecai tutup botol medela baru kuning tu...
tapi yg lagi sedih is 6oz tu....
before ni, ade gak sekali.. (within last 2 mths).. 6 oz gak tumpah..
dah la susu sikit... nak tumpah2 lagi....
i guess this is where the expressiion.. dont cry over spilt milk... came from..
tapi this is a long weekend.. by the end of this of this weekend..
i'll have 2 stash!!! 12 oz frozen stash....
aku semangat ni nak bangun malam semua....
i'll eat all the longan dates oats whatever....
i'll pam every 2 hours..
p/s: aku jumpa lagi satu kelemahan freestyle...
die punye tube connected to both bottles... and leceh nak cabut..
so bila nak cabut one side... the other one nak kena pegang bebetul...
if not, spilt milk lagi... dah la kena cabut dari bawah...
(i guess aku komplen ni coz dimanjakan sebab senang sgt nak guna spectra/mini e)
susu ku tumpah 6 oz... berkecai tutup botol medela baru kuning tu...
tapi yg lagi sedih is 6oz tu....
before ni, ade gak sekali.. (within last 2 mths).. 6 oz gak tumpah..
dah la susu sikit... nak tumpah2 lagi....
i guess this is where the expressiion.. dont cry over spilt milk... came from..
tapi this is a long weekend.. by the end of this of this weekend..
i'll have 2 stash!!! 12 oz frozen stash....
aku semangat ni nak bangun malam semua....
i'll eat all the longan dates oats whatever....
i'll pam every 2 hours..
p/s: aku jumpa lagi satu kelemahan freestyle...
die punye tube connected to both bottles... and leceh nak cabut..
so bila nak cabut one side... the other one nak kena pegang bebetul...
if not, spilt milk lagi... dah la kena cabut dari bawah...
(i guess aku komplen ni coz dimanjakan sebab senang sgt nak guna spectra/mini e)
okeh..since dah ade contest baru, aku pun join ajer...
1) MomBloggersPlanet - malaysian mom bloggers unite... where we can find other moms experiencing what we are experiencing.. to swap ideas and tips and tricks in raising children in the hip and funky world that we now live in.... tips dari our moms/MIL/aunties might not be releveant anymore nowadays.... (example: feed your baby nestum through a bottle.. so they will sleep through the night... total bullshit and DANGEROUS!! ade kawan aku ni anak dah la preemie... umur 2 minggu dah forcefeed ngn nestum... kejam is the only word that comes to my mind)... dengan adanya internet we can educate ourself and learn from others to provide the best for our babies.. so sila la breastfeed, babywear and cloth diaper okay?? hahaha.... Links to other malaysian mom who blogs.. .. siap split ikut negeri mana... so u can swap/sell/buy 2nd hand stuff to other moms yg tinggal near to you..
As to which prize I think I want?? Maybe this one..

why... because...it looks like a vibrator in disguise... i need masaage after stressful day at work and babywearing during weekend
How to win:

p/s: okay ... I admit the main reason for this entry is because the Uvibe really cracks me up... reminds me of an episode of sex and the city... samantha shopping for vibrator/"neck" massager
1) MomBloggersPlanet - malaysian mom bloggers unite... where we can find other moms experiencing what we are experiencing.. to swap ideas and tips and tricks in raising children in the hip and funky world that we now live in.... tips dari our moms/MIL/aunties might not be releveant anymore nowadays.... (example: feed your baby nestum through a bottle.. so they will sleep through the night... total bullshit and DANGEROUS!! ade kawan aku ni anak dah la preemie... umur 2 minggu dah forcefeed ngn nestum... kejam is the only word that comes to my mind)... dengan adanya internet we can educate ourself and learn from others to provide the best for our babies.. so sila la breastfeed, babywear and cloth diaper okay?? hahaha.... Links to other malaysian mom who blogs.. .. siap split ikut negeri mana... so u can swap/sell/buy 2nd hand stuff to other moms yg tinggal near to you..
As to which prize I think I want?? Maybe this one..

why... because...
How to win:

p/s: okay ... I admit the main reason for this entry is because the Uvibe really cracks me up... reminds me of an episode of sex and the city... samantha shopping for vibrator/"neck" massager
adoii leceh gile la valves medela freestyle nih.....
leceh to assemble.... nak kena align align lagi.. bodoh..
spectra and medela mini-e senang jo..
also.. suction freestyle ni lembut aa...
aku pulak dah terbiasa ngn suction hardcore spectra...
kenkadang rase cam takde pape happening kat nipples walaupun tgh pump....
tapi 2 phase expression die setakat ni berjaya men-letdown kan cepat.. within 45 seconds dah letdown....
and boleh dapat 2nd let down.....
aku terasa nak pakai freestyle to let down.. then pakai spectra hahaha... takde keje betul kan..
tapi walaupun dah let down... suction lembut and slow.. cam tak banyak pulak kena suck keluar... (ke perasaan aku je).. so susu keluar 4-6oz.... tapi mungkin gak coz aku exicted sgt ngn freestyle so aku selalu pam... so susu pun kuar sket sket..... tak banyak cam sekali harung pam...
entahla... amount cam sama je cam guna spectra... cuma susu dah tak berdarah due to suction soft... and disebabkan gadget baru aku semangat nak bangun memalam nak feed... (belum lagi la, semangat je... semalam kong tido nyenyak coz dah 2 malam tido tak best coz demam)
masa amir reverse cycling (minum byk malam masa tido).. senang idup aku.... malam die empty out breasts... siang pulak die minum sikit, aku pam, ade lebeh... coz die tak minum byk siang...
tapi dah normal cycle ni leceh...
coz siang die minum banyak...
malam amir tanak minum..
aku pulak tak larat nak bangun malam utk pam..
so aku pam siang je.... so what I pam is what he drinks la...
hmmm aku nak buat stock.....
so camne nak bagi reverse cycle balik... any suggestion?
aku bace, bagi sikit time siang...
tapi aku tak rase baby caretaker akan accept suggestion tu...
kang aku plak di cop tak bagi anak cukup susu..
so kena guna susu tepung plak....
so bagi cadangan bernas sikit okay...
coincidentally ofismate aku pun beli breastpump baru... medela swing... before this we both used spectra 3... kitorang dah bosan sebab monotonous.... nak gadget baru kasik exciting sket hahahha.. so kebetulan we both got our pump on the same day...
tapi aku tak berkesempatan nak belek and tengok demo swing tu... coz kena keje KLIA for a few days...
anyways... mmg aku suka la medela...
cam mini-electric tu senangnye nak cuci and assemble..
tapi freestyle ni.. byk aa gadget...
belum aku pasang handsfree lagi... lagi kecoh nak assemble...
seriusly aku tensen ni ngn valves ngn snap cover..
ingat aku pam 6 jam sekali ke?....
tak sempat nak cuci kering semua...
tapi ni belum teruk cam avent pam... kena jadik engineer baru leh pasang pam tu...byk sgt parts... ngn valves sekecik lubang idung pun ade.... cuci cuci, tau tau masuk sink... bengong la avent...
pastu nak bising gak.. kat KLIA ni takde pantry... susah betul nak ngepam... surau jauh sgt nak ulang alik... aku gi bilik document je.. kerusi takde.... sungguh stressfull condition to pump... so mungkin gak ni pasal production low...tahlah...
and continued to Breastfeed till now 8.5 months with complimentary food....
i have to think like this to motivate myself in this BF journey...
let's see how long I can go..... amir tak jangkit (yet) demam dari aku walaupun kitorang tido sesama.. and kenkadang die memalam bangun and ngada tido atas aku.... that says something la about his immune system.... (tatau la plak kalau aku balik keje ni die dah demam ke hahahah)
adoii leceh gile la valves medela freestyle nih.....
leceh to assemble.... nak kena align align lagi.. bodoh..
spectra and medela mini-e senang jo..
also.. suction freestyle ni lembut aa...
aku pulak dah terbiasa ngn suction hardcore spectra...
kenkadang rase cam takde pape happening kat nipples walaupun tgh pump....
tapi 2 phase expression die setakat ni berjaya men-letdown kan cepat.. within 45 seconds dah letdown....
and boleh dapat 2nd let down.....
aku terasa nak pakai freestyle to let down.. then pakai spectra hahaha... takde keje betul kan..
tapi walaupun dah let down... suction lembut and slow.. cam tak banyak pulak kena suck keluar... (ke perasaan aku je).. so susu keluar 4-6oz.... tapi mungkin gak coz aku exicted sgt ngn freestyle so aku selalu pam... so susu pun kuar sket sket..... tak banyak cam sekali harung pam...
entahla... amount cam sama je cam guna spectra... cuma susu dah tak berdarah due to suction soft... and disebabkan gadget baru aku semangat nak bangun memalam nak feed... (belum lagi la, semangat je... semalam kong tido nyenyak coz dah 2 malam tido tak best coz demam)
masa amir reverse cycling (minum byk malam masa tido).. senang idup aku.... malam die empty out breasts... siang pulak die minum sikit, aku pam, ade lebeh... coz die tak minum byk siang...
tapi dah normal cycle ni leceh...
coz siang die minum banyak...
malam amir tanak minum..
aku pulak tak larat nak bangun malam utk pam..
so aku pam siang je.... so what I pam is what he drinks la...
hmmm aku nak buat stock.....
so camne nak bagi reverse cycle balik... any suggestion?
aku bace, bagi sikit time siang...
tapi aku tak rase baby caretaker akan accept suggestion tu...
kang aku plak di cop tak bagi anak cukup susu..
so kena guna susu tepung plak....
so bagi cadangan bernas sikit okay...
coincidentally ofismate aku pun beli breastpump baru... medela swing... before this we both used spectra 3... kitorang dah bosan sebab monotonous.... nak gadget baru kasik exciting sket hahahha.. so kebetulan we both got our pump on the same day...
tapi aku tak berkesempatan nak belek and tengok demo swing tu... coz kena keje KLIA for a few days...
anyways... mmg aku suka la medela...
cam mini-electric tu senangnye nak cuci and assemble..
tapi freestyle ni.. byk aa gadget...
belum aku pasang handsfree lagi... lagi kecoh nak assemble...
seriusly aku tensen ni ngn valves ngn snap cover..
ingat aku pam 6 jam sekali ke?....
tak sempat nak cuci kering semua...
tapi ni belum teruk cam avent pam... kena jadik engineer baru leh pasang pam tu...byk sgt parts... ngn valves sekecik lubang idung pun ade.... cuci cuci, tau tau masuk sink... bengong la avent...
pastu nak bising gak.. kat KLIA ni takde pantry... susah betul nak ngepam... surau jauh sgt nak ulang alik... aku gi bilik document je.. kerusi takde.... sungguh stressfull condition to pump... so mungkin gak ni pasal production low...tahlah...
and continued to Breastfeed till now 8.5 months with complimentary food....
i have to think like this to motivate myself in this BF journey...
let's see how long I can go..... amir tak jangkit (yet) demam dari aku walaupun kitorang tido sesama.. and kenkadang die memalam bangun and ngada tido atas aku.... that says something la about his immune system.... (tatau la plak kalau aku balik keje ni die dah demam ke hahahah)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
i am dying with the fluu rite noww...
seriusly, i can pinpoint exactly i got the "flu"...
start with sakit tekak... usually kalau makan strepsil...takkan escalate..
tapi sebab takde... biar je... masuk ke phase flu... aku dah agak akan demam... argh!! hate feeling like crapp!!!...
flu and breastfeeding malam2..... = 1/2 mati..
anyways... got my freestyle now..
and suction so soft... no blood at all....
not sure coz soft suction ke.. ke sebab mmg luka dah time nal heal..
but no blood lahh... huhu..
also soft sgt sampai aku kurang yakin leh kuar susu... but boleh, and got 2nd let down... but quantity not that much.. sama cam aku pakai spectra je kot... tapi aku stop awal coz aku nak tido aaa, pening...
alsoo so many crap attachments to figure out.. to make it handsfree...
kehla... wanna sleepp ... dying..
seriusly, i can pinpoint exactly i got the "flu"...
start with sakit tekak... usually kalau makan strepsil...takkan escalate..
tapi sebab takde... biar je... masuk ke phase flu... aku dah agak akan demam... argh!! hate feeling like crapp!!!...
flu and breastfeeding malam2..... = 1/2 mati..
anyways... got my freestyle now..
and suction so soft... no blood at all....
not sure coz soft suction ke.. ke sebab mmg luka dah time nal heal..
but no blood lahh... huhu..
also soft sgt sampai aku kurang yakin leh kuar susu... but boleh, and got 2nd let down... but quantity not that much.. sama cam aku pakai spectra je kot... tapi aku stop awal coz aku nak tido aaa, pening...
alsoo so many crap attachments to figure out.. to make it handsfree...
kehla... wanna sleepp ... dying..
gamba selepas mendak... masa aku nak balik.. blood dah pool to bottom...
weird pulak... tapi aku split into 3... and campo2 ngn susu yang white..... so kaler die jadik normal... my mind pun at peace and die minum okay je... (desperate, cannot waste liquid gold)

anyways.. today still bleeding... but not from internal kot??
i think due to new cut.. outside of nipple .. new one..
so ade 2 cut kat luar nipple.. satu kering, satu still luka..
and internally.. aku tatau.. but all day yesterday milk still slightly off kaler die..
yesterday's milk... still pinkish... tapi rede merah die

today, macam semalam pulak merahnye... gamba, malas nak amek..
tensen betul aku, sape la yang ngajar die gigit2 for fun pun tatau lah...urgh!
weird pulak... tapi aku split into 3... and campo2 ngn susu yang white..... so kaler die jadik normal... my mind pun at peace and die minum okay je... (desperate, cannot waste liquid gold)

anyways.. today still bleeding... but not from internal kot??
i think due to new cut.. outside of nipple .. new one..
so ade 2 cut kat luar nipple.. satu kering, satu still luka..
and internally.. aku tatau.. but all day yesterday milk still slightly off kaler die..
yesterday's milk... still pinkish... tapi rede merah die

today, macam semalam pulak merahnye... gamba, malas nak amek..
tensen betul aku, sape la yang ngajar die gigit2 for fun pun tatau lah...urgh!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
it's another bloody incident...
(actually ni pun aku dah tuka botol, coz botol yg aku pump into tadi got blood smeared at the bottle walls... nampak gory hahhaha)

and eventhough i know blood in milk is okay... but otak aku cam takleh nak bagi susu kaler ni..
yess, im judging a milk by its color... eventhough logic says its okay...
tengokla... susu pun bukan banyak... so nak taknak, might have to give....
but i'll mix it up la... 1/2 bloody + 1/2 creamy....= 1 feeding...
so takde la satu feeding tu minum yg bloody tu..
and kaler die akan kurang merah bila campo ngn susu yg putih....
we'll see....
disebabkan bleeding aku pun cam saiko mentally..
so susu pun kuar sket...
hopefully will heal before next pumping session..
freestyle, bila kau nak sampaiiiii...
(actually dah cecah bumi malaysia kul 6 petang semalam....
today will be evaluated by kastam.. kalau kena tahan, ape aku nak cakap ek..?)
expectation aku menggunung kat freestyle ni.. sure hampa je kalau tak fulfill expectation..
p/s: reason for bleeding... same as before...
aku digigit lagi oleh milkmonster amir...tgh2 malam tadi....
actually, even before last night... that nipple, kat luar dah luka pun... tapi darah tu dah kering jadik keruping.... so usually masa pam sakit sikit.. pastu tadi pam, susu merah aku ingat keruping tu berdarah kembali.. rupanye tak... its internal bleeding sebab kena gigit yg malam tadi punye...**ahh the joys of breastfeeding**
(actually ni pun aku dah tuka botol, coz botol yg aku pump into tadi got blood smeared at the bottle walls... nampak gory hahhaha)

and eventhough i know blood in milk is okay... but otak aku cam takleh nak bagi susu kaler ni..
yess, im judging a milk by its color... eventhough logic says its okay...
tengokla... susu pun bukan banyak... so nak taknak, might have to give....
but i'll mix it up la... 1/2 bloody + 1/2 creamy....= 1 feeding...
so takde la satu feeding tu minum yg bloody tu..
and kaler die akan kurang merah bila campo ngn susu yg putih....
we'll see....
disebabkan bleeding aku pun cam saiko mentally..
so susu pun kuar sket...
hopefully will heal before next pumping session..
freestyle, bila kau nak sampaiiiii...
(actually dah cecah bumi malaysia kul 6 petang semalam....
today will be evaluated by kastam.. kalau kena tahan, ape aku nak cakap ek..?)
expectation aku menggunung kat freestyle ni.. sure hampa je kalau tak fulfill expectation..
p/s: reason for bleeding... same as before...
aku digigit lagi oleh milkmonster amir...tgh2 malam tadi....
actually, even before last night... that nipple, kat luar dah luka pun... tapi darah tu dah kering jadik keruping.... so usually masa pam sakit sikit.. pastu tadi pam, susu merah aku ingat keruping tu berdarah kembali.. rupanye tak... its internal bleeding sebab kena gigit yg malam tadi punye...**ahh the joys of breastfeeding**
Monday, March 2, 2009
susahnye pertandingan funniest baby jusco ni...
mane paling funny? or tak funny langsung ke?
aku tau kenkadang parents rase funny.. tapi sebnanye tak funny langsung..
please comment..... and give suggestions..
winning (yg bagi aku menang) suggestions.. aku bagi voucher RM50...

anyways... last week balik kg.. so kurang sket disposable saved....
total saved for last week.. 22 keping
another reason to babywear... to eat in peace......
abaikan muka makeupless aku...

bestnye mandi kat luar ngan airplanes die...
mane paling funny? or tak funny langsung ke?
aku tau kenkadang parents rase funny.. tapi sebnanye tak funny langsung..
please comment..... and give suggestions..
winning (yg bagi aku menang) suggestions.. aku bagi voucher RM50...

anyways... last week balik kg.. so kurang sket disposable saved....
total saved for last week.. 22 keping
another reason to babywear... to eat in peace......
abaikan muka makeupless aku...

bestnye mandi kat luar ngan airplanes die...

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