Amir now (sometimes) gives us book... to read to him...
for at least 5 seconds die pay attention la.. then off to another thing...
and sometimes I catch him trying to look/read a book on his own..
the best time to read to him is when nursing.... die baring...
so I can show him stuff in the book..
2 times he brought the books to me before he nurses.....
sometimes I think maybe saje nak dengar suara aku je...
not so much the book...
coz if not, I usually play with my ipod or watch TV...
die bosan kot takde org layan die..
so its a win-win situation... I get to teach, he gets to hear my voice..
also he likes books with kids in it...
ade buku ABC capital letters... each ade gamba kids in it..
like A.. ade gamba budak pegang epal... B budak naik basikal...
and he likes this book better than buku/flashcard with just pics on it...
pastu org kata jangan ajar ABC guna ABC song... then susah nak recognize letters..
ajar randomly supaya kenal shape...
tapi amir suka dengar kitorang nyanyi lagi ABC...(silap sebab dah ternyanyi aritu haha)
so bila die bosan karang.. die gi kat ABC chart tuu pegi point-point...
sebab nak suruh kitorang nyanyi...
pastu gelak2.... lepas nyanyi sket, aku ajar 2-3 letters...
O,S, I... coz cam senang je nak kenal shape yang ni...
tapi amir tak pay attention pun...
boleh laaa... asal ko bahagia amir...
flash cards.... yang best is yang ade animals je..
coz amir gelak bila aku buat bunyik2 binatang tu....
woff woff kejar amir..... pastu flashcard tu kejar amir and geletek die..
amir pun suka and gelaklah....
yang mende lain, tak syok sangat...
so die selalu amir dog and cat punye card and put in my hands...
okayla ni... at least die tau menatang 2 ni ade bunyik...
also skarang pandai suruh aku buat mende utk die...
nak makan, amek peket and bagi kat aku suruh bagi kat die...
nak suruh nyanyi ABC, grab jari aku and bawak ke chart ABC... so terpaksa la nyanyi
nak bukak apps ipod best and kaler2, die bagi ipod kat aku... aku pun bukak, then amir tekan 1 button, semua pun tutup balik.. hampeh lah.. repeat cycle...
nak suruh aku clap.. amek 2 tangan aku.. and clapkan together...
sekian laporan berita...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
kak ila... aku gi la crocs sale tu... beli mende sama cam kau
tapi tak minat aa ... sakit kaki aku pakai...
(kaki aku ni super sensitif kasut2 baru)
so aku ingat nak jual..
CROCS (ori la beb!), CYPRUS berry/berry size 8.
Retail for RM209..
Bought on sale for RM90..
Selling for RM70
used once.. email me couette @

banyak lak crocs stuff atas meja hahaha...

anyways... milk update... 1 from left boob, 1 from right boob.
always amazes me how 1 side can get almost double the other one...
thats why I always worry if lama tak pam... kang boobs beso seblah...
tapi tak minat aa ... sakit kaki aku pakai...
(kaki aku ni super sensitif kasut2 baru)
so aku ingat nak jual..
CROCS (ori la beb!), CYPRUS berry/berry size 8.
Retail for RM209..
Bought on sale for RM90..
Selling for RM70
used once.. email me couette @

banyak lak crocs stuff atas meja hahaha...

anyways... milk update... 1 from left boob, 1 from right boob.
always amazes me how 1 side can get almost double the other one...
thats why I always worry if lama tak pam... kang boobs beso seblah...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Finally resized and uploaded Europe trip pics...
Lawak aaa.. masa gi Aussie dulu 4 album (yg kecik) tu je...
Europe is 9 albums.... hardcopy .. now 0.30 per 4R size..
sedangkan both pergi about the same days...
(guiltynye aku pakai kertas, but sejak MSN tutup MSN community - where I uploaded my pics.. and PC divirusi/dirompak.. so kena gak ade backup on hardcopy)
UK Album
Belgium Album
Netherland Album
France Album
from time to time aku akan paste a pic here and reminisce...
Usually bila stress keje, ingatla balik saat2 carefree dinegara org..
far away from this place...
Like this... cruise along seine river...
but weather so windy/sejuk.... cannot tahan duduk tingkat atas boat nih..
a bit rugila.. if not can sit and relax and watch all the monuments..
now, have to sit inside glass area, downstairs of the boat...
but tak enough time in france... have to redah even if weather not that great..
Lawak aaa.. masa gi Aussie dulu 4 album (yg kecik) tu je...
Europe is 9 albums.... hardcopy .. now 0.30 per 4R size..
sedangkan both pergi about the same days...
(guiltynye aku pakai kertas, but sejak MSN tutup MSN community - where I uploaded my pics.. and PC divirusi/dirompak.. so kena gak ade backup on hardcopy)
UK Album
Belgium Album
Netherland Album
France Album
from time to time aku akan paste a pic here and reminisce...
Usually bila stress keje, ingatla balik saat2 carefree dinegara org..
far away from this place...
Like this... cruise along seine river...
but weather so windy/sejuk.... cannot tahan duduk tingkat atas boat nih..
a bit rugila.. if not can sit and relax and watch all the monuments..
now, have to sit inside glass area, downstairs of the boat...
but tak enough time in france... have to redah even if weather not that great..

Monday, November 23, 2009
I was aware of the Maclaren stroller re-call...
(ade org post kat MBW some time ago)..
tapi tah kenapa tak click pulak dalam otak..dengan keinginan aku nak beli VoLo..
nampak je perkataan sale... huh, terus blindsided....
tapi yang best.. I got a greaaat excuse to tell myself...
(harini baru click.. otak aku lambat make sense sket nowadays)
sebab if not... jatuh dalam category kena recall...
thanks to mye, sebab menyedarkan aku...
I guess memang ade hikmah aku tak jumpa Volo kat London... Alhamdulillah. ;D
(ade org post kat MBW some time ago)..
tapi tah kenapa tak click pulak dalam otak..dengan keinginan aku nak beli VoLo..
nampak je perkataan sale... huh, terus blindsided....
tapi yang best.. I got a greaaat excuse to tell myself...
(harini baru click.. otak aku lambat make sense sket nowadays)
sebab if not... jatuh dalam category kena recall...
thanks to mye, sebab menyedarkan aku...
I guess memang ade hikmah aku tak jumpa Volo kat London... Alhamdulillah. ;D
Friday, November 20, 2009
life of a FTWM with no maid....
endless chores....
sink tak penah kosong...
laundry basket tak penah kosong...
eventhough just 5 mins ago I just emptied them....
tido tak penah nyenyak coz got parasite sucking me dry...
masak/cuci pinggang and sapu sampah pun kena dukung budak...
if ur not gonna help.. then just understand...
endless chores....
sink tak penah kosong...
laundry basket tak penah kosong...
eventhough just 5 mins ago I just emptied them....
tido tak penah nyenyak coz got parasite sucking me dry...
masak/cuci pinggang and sapu sampah pun kena dukung budak...
if ur not gonna help.. then just understand...
(gamba hanye hiasan semata-mata, sebagai penceria blog)..
amir ni.... more of a hands-on baby (toddler aa skang, but i like to say baby)...
he wants to know how things work...
aku bagi buku... he's not at all terpikat dengan gamba2 yang warna warni..
sket pun tak pandang... ni yang payahnye nak ngajar die stuff...
die sebok nak tau camne process tutup and bukak buku tu...
kalau pop up book sure die suka...
but suka mechanism.. not the content...
then aku tampal ABC poster dekat laci... die sebok nak tau camne mende tu boleh melekat..
so nak cabut.. sket pun tak pay attention kat all the colorfull and different alphabets..
other stuff he likes...
smart tag and touch and go card... sebok nak figure out camne nak masukkan card and keluarkan..
buckles on my SSC... sebok nak keluar masukkan buckles...
wallet, sebok nak keluar masukkan card dalam wallets..
cars, suka pusing2 tayar.... suka tengok mende rotate...
aku bagi ipodtouch with animal piano software... animal software.. semua kalerful, semua bunyi comel2..
tapi amir sebok nak tekan butang ipod tu.......maka akan automatic terkeluar dari software...

anyways, he is motivated by tangiable stuff.... what he can touch...
you cant touch colors or sounds...
kena bersabar melayan die ni...
especially bila die sebok nak cabut poster ABC aku...
or aku nak suruh die buat something, die plak gi buat something else...
(kes ipod tu)....
its not that he doesnt want to learn.. but he's learning in his own ways...
so kena sabar... (eventhough rase helpless je kengkadang)...
tapi aku tanak give up trying to teach him stuff.. like recognizing cat, dog, ball, teddy...
so ajar ~ 15 kali... sekali je yang die pay attention...
its easy to give up.. and say.. biarla die blajar sendiri nanti...
tapi kena kuatkan usaha... maybe i have to teach double the time...
bukan sebab sebok nak bagi die pandai .. tapi aku rase banyak aa time wasted with TV and shopping...
so kena gak aa masukkan sket teaching .... opportunity to teach is every where..
like syaz ckp.. dlm lif pun boleh ajar 1,2,3.....
oo tapi die menggigit nipples balik..
for fun... die ingat main.. aku dah buat muka and nada marah dah..
tapi die sengeh.. then bagi time out (me walking away, die nangeh aaa)...
if i dont walk out, die akan gigit and sengeh lagi ..
kalau tutup nipple ngn tangan die gigit tangan...and lengan.. what ever lah..
aku dah try taktik biar and tahan aa .. supaya die disinterested.. tapi tak jadi..
lelama sakit aaa aa.. dah la gigit nipp.. then tarik plak ngn gigi...
kagum gile nipple aku tak luka...
how to disipline... inputs please..
amir ni.... more of a hands-on baby (toddler aa skang, but i like to say baby)...
he wants to know how things work...
aku bagi buku... he's not at all terpikat dengan gamba2 yang warna warni..
sket pun tak pandang... ni yang payahnye nak ngajar die stuff...
die sebok nak tau camne process tutup and bukak buku tu...
kalau pop up book sure die suka...
but suka mechanism.. not the content...
then aku tampal ABC poster dekat laci... die sebok nak tau camne mende tu boleh melekat..
so nak cabut.. sket pun tak pay attention kat all the colorfull and different alphabets..
other stuff he likes...
smart tag and touch and go card... sebok nak figure out camne nak masukkan card and keluarkan..
buckles on my SSC... sebok nak keluar masukkan buckles...
wallet, sebok nak keluar masukkan card dalam wallets..
cars, suka pusing2 tayar.... suka tengok mende rotate...
aku bagi ipodtouch with animal piano software... animal software.. semua kalerful, semua bunyi comel2..
tapi amir sebok nak tekan butang ipod tu.......maka akan automatic terkeluar dari software...

anyways, he is motivated by tangiable stuff.... what he can touch...
you cant touch colors or sounds...
kena bersabar melayan die ni...
especially bila die sebok nak cabut poster ABC aku...
or aku nak suruh die buat something, die plak gi buat something else...
(kes ipod tu)....
its not that he doesnt want to learn.. but he's learning in his own ways...
so kena sabar... (eventhough rase helpless je kengkadang)...
tapi aku tanak give up trying to teach him stuff.. like recognizing cat, dog, ball, teddy...
so ajar ~ 15 kali... sekali je yang die pay attention...
its easy to give up.. and say.. biarla die blajar sendiri nanti...
tapi kena kuatkan usaha... maybe i have to teach double the time...
bukan sebab sebok nak bagi die pandai .. tapi aku rase banyak aa time wasted with TV and shopping...
so kena gak aa masukkan sket teaching .... opportunity to teach is every where..
like syaz ckp.. dlm lif pun boleh ajar 1,2,3.....
oo tapi die menggigit nipples balik..
for fun... die ingat main.. aku dah buat muka and nada marah dah..
tapi die sengeh.. then bagi time out (me walking away, die nangeh aaa)...
if i dont walk out, die akan gigit and sengeh lagi ..
kalau tutup nipple ngn tangan die gigit tangan...and lengan.. what ever lah..
aku dah try taktik biar and tahan aa .. supaya die disinterested.. tapi tak jadi..
lelama sakit aaa aa.. dah la gigit nipp.. then tarik plak ngn gigi...
kagum gile nipple aku tak luka...
how to disipline... inputs please..
Monday, November 16, 2009
thanks for the tag...
let's see... kena fikir nih...
5 expensive baby-related product i don't regret buying.
(my definition of expensive is something priced 200 onwards)
1. medela freestyle breast pump
2. olives & applesauce SSC Baby carrier
3. sakura bloom & petit belly ring sling
4. vatanai kipawa wrap
5. car seat globe clairs
6 cheap baby-related product worth buying.
(my definition of cheap is something priced 200 below)
1. mat lantai lapik plastic plain, RM20 only
2. MLO bpa free bottle
3. good shoes (osh kosh / clarks)
4. beg baby kiko yg murah and no fuss..
5. fisher price star faced lullaby/light show thingy
6. safety gate little bean... (best aa color oren ni)
My stroller (graco mosaic) is something kinda like a white elephant...
(white elephant = lawa dipandang, tapi takde gunanye...)
i love it.. i really really dooo.. red and polk dots.. best!!
i think i made the right choice buying this stroller over all other strollers..
but i'm a babywearer hahahaaa... and amir's a worn baby...
easier for us to babywear... than lugging the stroller...
maybe after amir besar sket, the stroller will get more use... maybe..
tapi yg bestnye... my stroller, dulu bought at ~rm600... now kat kedai yg sama rm999...
also car seat aku tu.. bought at ~rm300... now ~rm400...
but the ultimate must buy, have to buy.... "cannot live without" buy... "thankgod i bought this" medela freestyle....
if I didnt buy this.. my exclusive/fully breastfeeding journey could have stopped at 7 months ....
oh yah.. speaking of purchases..
I also bought these today... (aku cuti arinih)
inspired by syaz & ari...
2 books and 1 alphabet poster...

ni video amir pointing to alphabets while I sing...
tah ape die point pun tatau ...
ni first time intro die kat alphabets.. hahaha lambat gile kan..??
tapi die tau .. bila sing ABC song.. means I'm referring to this poster...
sebab first time aku sing, aku sing and point...
so die pun point2 jelah bila dengar lagu...
tapi dalam video ni .. die lebeh interested nak kan kamera...
leceh betul aaa.. I got 3 vids, exactly like this...
point point alphabets, nampak kamera.. meluru kat kamera
let's see... kena fikir nih...
5 expensive baby-related product i don't regret buying.
(my definition of expensive is something priced 200 onwards)
1. medela freestyle breast pump
2. olives & applesauce SSC Baby carrier
3. sakura bloom & petit belly ring sling
4. vatanai kipawa wrap
5. car seat globe clairs
6 cheap baby-related product worth buying.
(my definition of cheap is something priced 200 below)
1. mat lantai lapik plastic plain, RM20 only
2. MLO bpa free bottle
3. good shoes (osh kosh / clarks)
4. beg baby kiko yg murah and no fuss..
5. fisher price star faced lullaby/light show thingy
6. safety gate little bean... (best aa color oren ni)
My stroller (graco mosaic) is something kinda like a white elephant...
(white elephant = lawa dipandang, tapi takde gunanye...)
i love it.. i really really dooo.. red and polk dots.. best!!
i think i made the right choice buying this stroller over all other strollers..
but i'm a babywearer hahahaaa... and amir's a worn baby...
easier for us to babywear... than lugging the stroller...
maybe after amir besar sket, the stroller will get more use... maybe..
tapi yg bestnye... my stroller, dulu bought at ~rm600... now kat kedai yg sama rm999...
also car seat aku tu.. bought at ~rm300... now ~rm400...
but the ultimate must buy, have to buy.... "cannot live without" buy... "thankgod i bought this" medela freestyle....
if I didnt buy this.. my exclusive/fully breastfeeding journey could have stopped at 7 months ....
oh yah.. speaking of purchases..
I also bought these today... (aku cuti arinih)
inspired by syaz & ari...
2 books and 1 alphabet poster...

ni video amir pointing to alphabets while I sing...
tah ape die point pun tatau ...
ni first time intro die kat alphabets.. hahaha lambat gile kan..??
tapi die tau .. bila sing ABC song.. means I'm referring to this poster...
sebab first time aku sing, aku sing and point...
so die pun point2 jelah bila dengar lagu...
tapi dalam video ni .. die lebeh interested nak kan kamera...
leceh betul aaa.. I got 3 vids, exactly like this...
point point alphabets, nampak kamera.. meluru kat kamera
Weekend play time at toysrus...
so glad amir's good behaviour continued till weekends..

cooked mee kicap/ketchup....
just boil yee mee and carrot/kentang/ayam and put in kicap/ketchup sket...
and lastly sayur...

oh yah, went to fab mom.... didnt really like any nursing tops...
but kinda loving the angel nursing bra.. tinggal 2 sizes only....
not my size, tapi bila pakai fits perfectly!... so nasib baik aaa
sanaa pun angkat satu angel... how can we wear same size? so weird hahahah...
and we also bought melilea soya... aku suka coz die larut dalam air sejuk..
and die tak manis...tapi tak pahit sgt....
so glad amir's good behaviour continued till weekends..

cooked mee kicap/ketchup....
just boil yee mee and carrot/kentang/ayam and put in kicap/ketchup sket...
and lastly sayur...

oh yah, went to fab mom.... didnt really like any nursing tops...
but kinda loving the angel nursing bra.. tinggal 2 sizes only....
not my size, tapi bila pakai fits perfectly!... so nasib baik aaa
sanaa pun angkat satu angel... how can we wear same size? so weird hahahah...
and we also bought melilea soya... aku suka coz die larut dalam air sejuk..
and die tak manis...tapi tak pahit sgt....
Friday, November 13, 2009
dengan bestnye nak report...
dah 2 hari amir tak nangis ditinggalkan kat nursery… happy kot gi situ
Pastu skang die suka main ngn budak lain..
Masa gi summit nak beli psp tu..
ade kapel lain pun ngn budak baya amir… jalan atas lantai aa…
Amir sebok nak pegi kat die and gelak2 nak ajak main …
budak tu lari, budak tu cam tak senyum pun…
malam pun tido "okay" ..
tapi kalau die tak bangun terjaga bukak mata or bangun nangeh.. or nak main.. or terlalu kerap mintak susu... this is what I call OKAY!!
Bagus la amir skarang .. aku suka…
Prizes yg dimenangi from tiny tapir dah sampai...
I tot it was onya bag.. rupanye onya weigh...
which is even better!! coz I need some produce bags... from vege and fruits...
not sure how the weigher at the supermarket is gonna react though....
org mesia takleh pelik sket....
can also be used to laundry lingerie and delicates.. sukaa!!!

This is my buble tea sized glass straw... reduce waste buying plastic straws!!
the red decorative dots tu utk prevent rolling and kejatuhan dari meja... this one aku beli... ship kan skali with prizes.. thanks Li!!
to quote from tiny tapir's entry
..and you’re not using up yet another bit of plastic (used for 5 minutes, hanging around our planet for hundreds of years).
terasa nak beli lagi satu.. size normal plak...

dah 2 hari amir tak nangis ditinggalkan kat nursery… happy kot gi situ
Pastu skang die suka main ngn budak lain..
Masa gi summit nak beli psp tu..
ade kapel lain pun ngn budak baya amir… jalan atas lantai aa…
Amir sebok nak pegi kat die and gelak2 nak ajak main …
budak tu lari, budak tu cam tak senyum pun…
malam pun tido "okay" ..
tapi kalau die tak bangun terjaga bukak mata or bangun nangeh.. or nak main.. or terlalu kerap mintak susu... this is what I call OKAY!!
Bagus la amir skarang .. aku suka…
Prizes yg dimenangi from tiny tapir dah sampai...
I tot it was onya bag.. rupanye onya weigh...
which is even better!! coz I need some produce bags... from vege and fruits...
not sure how the weigher at the supermarket is gonna react though....
org mesia takleh pelik sket....
can also be used to laundry lingerie and delicates.. sukaa!!!

This is my buble tea sized glass straw... reduce waste buying plastic straws!!
the red decorative dots tu utk prevent rolling and kejatuhan dari meja... this one aku beli... ship kan skali with prizes.. thanks Li!!
to quote from tiny tapir's entry
..and you’re not using up yet another bit of plastic (used for 5 minutes, hanging around our planet for hundreds of years).
terasa nak beli lagi satu.. size normal plak...

Thursday, November 12, 2009
review tertunda... pumpin pal....

pumpin pal ni gadget yang nak bagi handsfree
memula teruja nak beli... tapi ade org baik hati nak pinjamkan..
so aku pinjam pumpinpal ngn corong personalFit...
sebab corong freestyle = softFit ni terlalu lembut, suction teruk kalau guna pumpin pal


corong personalFit ni keras, sama cam corong spectra...
masa aku pakai spectra dulu... aku takyah pakai pape pun leh handsfree..
suction die kuat, lekapan bagus... due to keras..
aku pakai corong spectra.. then bawah botol tu letak kusyen...
kusyen tu atas peha akulah
elevate kan botol supaya keatas sket aa... then start pump...
melekap la corong2 tu... aku handsfree and leh main internet...
tapi softFit takleh buat camni....suction tak bagus kalau buat camni..
aku teruja dgn pumpin pal tu coz nampak senang je pemasangan....
handsfree freestyle tu agak komplicated sket... macam2 adoo...
then kalau kalau kat rumah, tak pakai nursing bra
(tak pakai bra sebnanye kenkadang hahah...ohhpps TMI)
aku dah takleh pakai handsfree freestyle... kena pegang...
bila pegang pun kena pegang lek lok, if not suction die kejap ade, kejap takde..
bila softFit ni disfigured, lagi la susah nak carik spot suction yg bagus kalau tak guna handsfree kit die... utk aku laa..
Handsfree kit Freestyle

tak pakai the black thing (tu utk sangkut pam kat pinggang).. tapi dlm gamba ni missing the backplate tempat nak sangkut handsfree nih... so tgkla betapa komplicatednye....
anyways.. aku try pumpin pal a few times je, 3-4 kali je kot...
sebabnye... aku tak suka personalFit punye corong...
aku rase susu aku naik jadik banyak sejak tukar ke freestyle ..
is because of the softFit..
and the way the softFit stimulates the breasts...
so bila pakai corong keras balik... aku tgk susu sikit
(tapi kebetulan time aku try ni pun, aku nak period.. hahah)
tapi tak suka dah aa ngn personalFit/spectra keras punye corong....
lepas tu aku rase aku dah terer gile pakai freestyle punye handsfree..
and tak pakar pakai pumpin pal...
so jadiknye pumpin pal ni jadik leceh nak pakai and adjust etc....
lagi senang kalau aku pakai freestyle punye handsfree....
skang aku leh pakai freestyle punye handsfree in less than 1 min aku rase...
so in the end rasenye cam tak sesuai this gadget for me...
seb baik aku tak beli....
tapi sesapa yg tak kisah pakai personalFit,
and taknak pakai freestyle handsfree yg banyak parts tu..
then i think pumpin pal will suit them..

tapi gatal teringin nak try pumpin pal dengan corong khas die..
corong ni membolehkan ko pam sambil bersandar ke blakang... hahahah

pumpin pal ni gadget yang nak bagi handsfree
memula teruja nak beli... tapi ade org baik hati nak pinjamkan..
so aku pinjam pumpinpal ngn corong personalFit...
sebab corong freestyle = softFit ni terlalu lembut, suction teruk kalau guna pumpin pal


corong personalFit ni keras, sama cam corong spectra...
masa aku pakai spectra dulu... aku takyah pakai pape pun leh handsfree..
suction die kuat, lekapan bagus... due to keras..
aku pakai corong spectra.. then bawah botol tu letak kusyen...
kusyen tu atas peha akulah
elevate kan botol supaya keatas sket aa... then start pump...
melekap la corong2 tu... aku handsfree and leh main internet...
tapi softFit takleh buat camni....suction tak bagus kalau buat camni..
aku teruja dgn pumpin pal tu coz nampak senang je pemasangan....
handsfree freestyle tu agak komplicated sket... macam2 adoo...
then kalau kalau kat rumah, tak pakai nursing bra
(tak pakai bra sebnanye kenkadang hahah...ohhpps TMI)
aku dah takleh pakai handsfree freestyle... kena pegang...
bila pegang pun kena pegang lek lok, if not suction die kejap ade, kejap takde..
bila softFit ni disfigured, lagi la susah nak carik spot suction yg bagus kalau tak guna handsfree kit die... utk aku laa..
Handsfree kit Freestyle

tak pakai the black thing (tu utk sangkut pam kat pinggang).. tapi dlm gamba ni missing the backplate tempat nak sangkut handsfree nih... so tgkla betapa komplicatednye....
anyways.. aku try pumpin pal a few times je, 3-4 kali je kot...
sebabnye... aku tak suka personalFit punye corong...
aku rase susu aku naik jadik banyak sejak tukar ke freestyle ..
is because of the softFit..
and the way the softFit stimulates the breasts...
so bila pakai corong keras balik... aku tgk susu sikit
(tapi kebetulan time aku try ni pun, aku nak period.. hahah)
tapi tak suka dah aa ngn personalFit/spectra keras punye corong....
lepas tu aku rase aku dah terer gile pakai freestyle punye handsfree..
and tak pakar pakai pumpin pal...
so jadiknye pumpin pal ni jadik leceh nak pakai and adjust etc....
lagi senang kalau aku pakai freestyle punye handsfree....
skang aku leh pakai freestyle punye handsfree in less than 1 min aku rase...
so in the end rasenye cam tak sesuai this gadget for me...
seb baik aku tak beli....
tapi sesapa yg tak kisah pakai personalFit,
and taknak pakai freestyle handsfree yg banyak parts tu..
then i think pumpin pal will suit them..

tapi gatal teringin nak try pumpin pal dengan corong khas die..
corong ni membolehkan ko pam sambil bersandar ke blakang... hahahah
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
blog hopping.. jumpa ini....
alasan alasan femes tanak breastfeed.. sila la lawat...
aku sebnanye kenal (jumpa skali je pon) suami die ni ..(masa course MAS)
course tu suruh intro citer pasal mende pelik pasal diri sendiri..
hasben die punye story... die support breastfeeding... die ade blog pasal BF (with his wife..)
so aku pun masa lunch borak la ngn mamat ni.. aku pun tgh kecoh cari port mengepam ngn spectra masa tu.. hasben die ni bagi link blog ni...
anyways petikan dari blog itu.... alasan alasan femes utk tidak BF...
aku rase aku paham gak ape die nak sampaikan...
aku boleh accept kalau org nak bagi formula... (walaupun boleh/mampu BF)
tapi jangan bagi aku alasan2 bodoh...
tanak bagi, cakap jela tanak bagi....
(pernah dibincangkan ngn sanaa & hossen dalam chatting session kitorang)
anyways ni petikan blog itu... nak bace the whole story, silah lawat disini
dengan alasan paling popular
susu tak ada- memang la tak akan ada..anak baru lahir kau dah sumbat FM…
susu dah kering – ni takleh nak komen…maybe ya…maybe sebab makan jamu kesihatan untuk MENCANTIKKAN tubuh agar suami tak cari lain..mungkin sebab suami dia sayang dia sebab tubuh dia sja kan…nak buat macam mana…
kerja – konon sibuk nak mampos tapi kalau takat kerja jadi pembantu ala kadar tu TIDAKLah sibuk pun..kalau ada masa pi sana sini cari gossip..tak sibuk la tuh!
kerja nanti bos marah – amboi tang perah susu bos marah tang pi merayau entah ke mana…’lantak la apa bos kata’..manyak cantik
suami tak kasi susukan anak sebab dia tak nak share – share menatang apa?kau ibu anak kau…malang le siapa dapat laki bodoh bengong gini…kasihan….susu badan bini milik anak bukan milik suami..kalau milik mutlak suami sah-sah susu akan terhasil apabila mula mendapat suami..tapi susu datang selepas mendapat anak..milik siapakah susu itu?
suami tak bagi susukan anak sebab dia banyak duit nak beli FM..lagipun kesian katanya..sebab saya kerja – Erkk…sure ke suami awak banyak wang?bai sayalah kan kalau isteri kena juga kerja tu maknanya tidaklah banyak sangat duit si suami….cukup le kot tapi tidaklah mengalir macam air sungai kan..kalau gitu suruh le isteri berenti kerja jaga anak.,.ke hire ibu susuan belikan pump yang paling bagus dalam dunia ke…ohhh….
alasan saya sinis tapi saya respect
aku malas nak perah – ya…kau memang jujur…that’s it…dah ko malas betullah tindakan ko tuh ..settle..aku suka tau kalau orang yang malas mengaku malas….selesai…..takyah nak bagi alasan-alasan lain…
aku tak tau bab breastfeeding ni dah anak 2 tahun baru aku tau – kau tak salah…tu perkara biasa…tak pa next time ko susukan anak ko….tak sampai 2 tahun 2 bulan dulu pun ok asalkan ada improvement.dapatkan maklumat secukupnya
hahhaha lawaks, amek ko sebijik...
alasan alasan femes tanak breastfeed.. sila la lawat...
aku sebnanye kenal (jumpa skali je pon) suami die ni ..(masa course MAS)
course tu suruh intro citer pasal mende pelik pasal diri sendiri..
hasben die punye story... die support breastfeeding... die ade blog pasal BF (with his wife..)
so aku pun masa lunch borak la ngn mamat ni.. aku pun tgh kecoh cari port mengepam ngn spectra masa tu.. hasben die ni bagi link blog ni...
anyways petikan dari blog itu.... alasan alasan femes utk tidak BF...
aku rase aku paham gak ape die nak sampaikan...
aku boleh accept kalau org nak bagi formula... (walaupun boleh/mampu BF)
tapi jangan bagi aku alasan2 bodoh...
tanak bagi, cakap jela tanak bagi....
(pernah dibincangkan ngn sanaa & hossen dalam chatting session kitorang)
anyways ni petikan blog itu... nak bace the whole story, silah lawat disini
dengan alasan paling popular
susu tak ada- memang la tak akan ada..anak baru lahir kau dah sumbat FM…
susu dah kering – ni takleh nak komen…maybe ya…maybe sebab makan jamu kesihatan untuk MENCANTIKKAN tubuh agar suami tak cari lain..mungkin sebab suami dia sayang dia sebab tubuh dia sja kan…nak buat macam mana…
kerja – konon sibuk nak mampos tapi kalau takat kerja jadi pembantu ala kadar tu TIDAKLah sibuk pun..kalau ada masa pi sana sini cari gossip..tak sibuk la tuh!
kerja nanti bos marah – amboi tang perah susu bos marah tang pi merayau entah ke mana…’lantak la apa bos kata’..manyak cantik
suami tak kasi susukan anak sebab dia tak nak share – share menatang apa?kau ibu anak kau…malang le siapa dapat laki bodoh bengong gini…kasihan….susu badan bini milik anak bukan milik suami..kalau milik mutlak suami sah-sah susu akan terhasil apabila mula mendapat suami..tapi susu datang selepas mendapat anak..milik siapakah susu itu?
suami tak bagi susukan anak sebab dia banyak duit nak beli FM..lagipun kesian katanya..sebab saya kerja – Erkk…sure ke suami awak banyak wang?bai sayalah kan kalau isteri kena juga kerja tu maknanya tidaklah banyak sangat duit si suami….cukup le kot tapi tidaklah mengalir macam air sungai kan..kalau gitu suruh le isteri berenti kerja jaga anak.,.ke hire ibu susuan belikan pump yang paling bagus dalam dunia ke…ohhh….
alasan saya sinis tapi saya respect
aku malas nak perah – ya…kau memang jujur…that’s it…dah ko malas betullah tindakan ko tuh ..settle..aku suka tau kalau orang yang malas mengaku malas….selesai…..takyah nak bagi alasan-alasan lain…
aku tak tau bab breastfeeding ni dah anak 2 tahun baru aku tau – kau tak salah…tu perkara biasa…tak pa next time ko susukan anak ko….tak sampai 2 tahun 2 bulan dulu pun ok asalkan ada improvement.dapatkan maklumat secukupnya
hahhaha lawaks, amek ko sebijik...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
panjang nak jawab.. so I jawab here lah ray ek...
not sure la (apara punye jawapan hahaha)...
but my teory on chubby amir is...
due to pumped milk maybe...
coz foremilk is more of lactose kan..? the sugars...
then the hindmilk is more of the fatty stuff...
if direct feed... baby will stop when dah kenyang..
so maybe not drink a lot of the hindmilk (high fat milk)..
if pumped.. then foremilk and hindmilk all mixed together...
so more fat overall consumed... my teori aaa..
but then, adriana's afraz also so chubby what....
most definately direct feeding only...
so there goes my teory down the drain hahahhaa..
but I do eat a lot of fatty stuff :(
but fat is good for babies kan.... for brain development...
speaking of fatty food... im so tempted to try this..
made by my fren liza (bukan babyripp/snuggbaby heheh).....
dont u just wanna taste it after reading this blog?
sabar jelah review die pun.... mencabar nafsu aku jer..
not sure la (apara punye jawapan hahaha)...
but my teory on chubby amir is...
due to pumped milk maybe...
coz foremilk is more of lactose kan..? the sugars...
then the hindmilk is more of the fatty stuff...
if direct feed... baby will stop when dah kenyang..
so maybe not drink a lot of the hindmilk (high fat milk)..
if pumped.. then foremilk and hindmilk all mixed together...
so more fat overall consumed... my teori aaa..
but then, adriana's afraz also so chubby what....
most definately direct feeding only...
so there goes my teory down the drain hahahhaa..
but I do eat a lot of fatty stuff :(
but fat is good for babies kan.... for brain development...
speaking of fatty food... im so tempted to try this..
made by my fren liza (bukan babyripp/snuggbaby heheh).....
dont u just wanna taste it after reading this blog?
sabar jelah review die pun.... mencabar nafsu aku jer..
Sunday, November 8, 2009
amir rajin nak makan skang ni..
so aku pun rajin nak masak ...
lebeh kurang gini jelah aku buat...
sayur and ayam stir fried...
kenkadang ade kentang/bawang gak..
tapi yg ni.. brocoli, kacang panjang, carrot n ayam..
kali ni takde minyak...
usually aku goreng bawang sket.. cam stir fry aa kan..
tapi kali ni.. sbb nak bagi sayur extra lembut..
so aku rebus.. then campo jelah ayam.. breast... rebus skali..
then tambah la perisa perasa spices etc..

amir kalau bagi direct camni die tanak..
so aku kena lenyek2 guna jari the texture seblum masuk mulut
kalau tak cukup lenyek, dikeluarkan balik... tensen tul
so akhir tinggal ni jek.... okay aaa ..

lepas makan... happy

so aku pun rajin nak masak ...
lebeh kurang gini jelah aku buat...
sayur and ayam stir fried...
kenkadang ade kentang/bawang gak..
tapi yg ni.. brocoli, kacang panjang, carrot n ayam..
kali ni takde minyak...
usually aku goreng bawang sket.. cam stir fry aa kan..
tapi kali ni.. sbb nak bagi sayur extra lembut..
so aku rebus.. then campo jelah ayam.. breast... rebus skali..
then tambah la perisa perasa spices etc..

amir kalau bagi direct camni die tanak..
so aku kena lenyek2 guna jari the texture seblum masuk mulut
kalau tak cukup lenyek, dikeluarkan balik... tensen tul
so akhir tinggal ni jek.... okay aaa ..

lepas makan... happy

Friday, November 6, 2009
Sepanjang week ni depress sket... yelah... baru balik cuti...
kena keje.. sape tak depress kan...
hasil susu merudum.... dapat around ~15oz gitu setiap hari...
ditambah lagi dengan aku kena buang stock susu sejuk yg dipam seblum gi vacation..
semua ni, masuk sink...

p/s: tebal gile lapisan lemak itu hahaha..
susu ibu yg terbiar static mmg berlapis...
tak semestinye tak elok.. tapi ni dah 10 hari..
sedeh sedeh.... skang nak kena bina balik stock sejuk...
ditambah ngn hasil perahan yg tak banyak ni... slow sket aa...
amir minum around ~12-13 oz... ade gak la balance utk buat stock...
taknak la perah cukup2 kan..? kang emergency ke ape.. or supply drop ke ape..
org dok makan tah pape milk booster... oats, longan, dates, lobak etc etc..
but usually they forgot the main milk ingredient... WATER!!!
we need water to regulate our own body.... pastu utk hasilkan susu lagi..
camne nak hasilkan 20oz susu kalau maknye minum less than that..?
kat opis senang, botol air depan mata.... minum la selang 30 mins..
kat rumah tu aku asik lupa.... kena ade effort nak minum....
kena keje.. sape tak depress kan...
hasil susu merudum.... dapat around ~15oz gitu setiap hari...
ditambah lagi dengan aku kena buang stock susu sejuk yg dipam seblum gi vacation..
semua ni, masuk sink...

p/s: tebal gile lapisan lemak itu hahaha..
susu ibu yg terbiar static mmg berlapis...
tak semestinye tak elok.. tapi ni dah 10 hari..
sedeh sedeh.... skang nak kena bina balik stock sejuk...
ditambah ngn hasil perahan yg tak banyak ni... slow sket aa...
amir minum around ~12-13 oz... ade gak la balance utk buat stock...
taknak la perah cukup2 kan..? kang emergency ke ape.. or supply drop ke ape..
org dok makan tah pape milk booster... oats, longan, dates, lobak etc etc..
but usually they forgot the main milk ingredient... WATER!!!
we need water to regulate our own body.... pastu utk hasilkan susu lagi..
camne nak hasilkan 20oz susu kalau maknye minum less than that..?
kat opis senang, botol air depan mata.... minum la selang 30 mins..
kat rumah tu aku asik lupa.... kena ade effort nak minum....
A few stuff to let go....
Susu Formula Mamex Gold - Lactose Free...400g
SJMC kasik masa amir masuk spital cirit birit tu...
aku cakap takpe... breastfeed...
nurse cam terdiam jap.. kata takpelah utk top up kalau breastmilk tak cukup...
mungkin sebab dah tampal sticker kot...
diorang kata susu lactose free nih bagus nak elakkan cirit birit...
kalau baby cirit-birit.. switch lah sementara ke susu lactose free (for formula feeding mommies lah)

Aku pun tatau harga pasaran bape... around 30..? kot?
nak jual separuh harga (nanti cek kat carrefour)... penghantaran free...
maybe aku leh hantar by hand.. or aku post guna pos bungkusan biasa..
2-3 hari sampai la selepas dipos...
Kasut Clarks.... both size 7(UK) /size 41 (european?)
pattern seperti dibawah.... digunakan time try2 jek.. tak penah bawak kuar umah..
aku jual pada harga yg aku beli, yang ni mahal sket... 35 pounds ~ RM200 aa.

yang ni 25 pounds ~ RM150 aaa...

reasons nak jual.. rase cam ni bukan size aku.. aku rase aku size 6.5 ....
a bit longgar.. kos penghantaran RM5 (pos daftar)
aku rase cam sesuai utk malaysian yg generally pakai size 8 or 9...
gi la try kat kedai clarks dulu kalau nak tau sizing...
harga kasut clarks women kat kedai mesia..ikut pattern aaa, aku rase paling murah pun RM268 ..
Susu Formula Mamex Gold - Lactose Free...400g
SJMC kasik masa amir masuk spital cirit birit tu...
aku cakap takpe... breastfeed...
nurse cam terdiam jap.. kata takpelah utk top up kalau breastmilk tak cukup...
mungkin sebab dah tampal sticker kot...
diorang kata susu lactose free nih bagus nak elakkan cirit birit...
kalau baby cirit-birit.. switch lah sementara ke susu lactose free (for formula feeding mommies lah)

Aku pun tatau harga pasaran bape... around 30..? kot?
nak jual separuh harga (nanti cek kat carrefour)... penghantaran free...
maybe aku leh hantar by hand.. or aku post guna pos bungkusan biasa..
2-3 hari sampai la selepas dipos...
Kasut Clarks.... both size 7(UK) /size 41 (european?)
pattern seperti dibawah.... digunakan time try2 jek.. tak penah bawak kuar umah..
aku jual pada harga yg aku beli, yang ni mahal sket... 35 pounds ~ RM200 aa.

yang ni 25 pounds ~ RM150 aaa...

reasons nak jual.. rase cam ni bukan size aku.. aku rase aku size 6.5 ....
a bit longgar.. kos penghantaran RM5 (pos daftar)
aku rase cam sesuai utk malaysian yg generally pakai size 8 or 9...
gi la try kat kedai clarks dulu kalau nak tau sizing...
harga kasut clarks women kat kedai mesia..ikut pattern aaa, aku rase paling murah pun RM268 ..
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Photos of trip, viewable in Facebook...
Dijemput menjadik fren aku hahaha..
UK - Salisbury, Bath, London
Belgium - Bruxelles, Ghent
Netherland - Amsterdam & outskirts (tak upload lagi)
France - Paris (tak upload lagi)
Dijemput menjadik fren aku hahaha..
UK - Salisbury, Bath, London
Belgium - Bruxelles, Ghent
Netherland - Amsterdam & outskirts (tak upload lagi)
France - Paris (tak upload lagi)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

aku suka gamba ni.... expression tu satu ...
tapi main reason is... susahnye nak suh amir pakai topi..
die tak pernah suka.. unless masa die tido...
or kitorang pakaikan and die tak sedar and lupa...
so ade la 4-5 minit die pakai topi seblum die sedar and campak..
songkok lagi la jangan haraps..
so disebabkan dijangka sejuk (mmg pun)..
so kitorang beli jacket hooded in malaysia..
so kalau die bukak topi hood tu, at least tak la terbongkok2 kitorang dok kaut topi balik.. kitorang beli satu je jacket, takut die tanak pakai...
BUT.. sesampainye die bumi UK.. we went straight to stonehenge...
and it was cold! .. first time amir benarkan we put anything on his head!!
amir muka konfiused je.. apehal sejuk sgt nih hahahha

and gamba diatas tu, 2nd day.. double cap !... lagi la aku excited...
so hari ketiga (hari sopping)... we bought a jacket hooded and matching cap..
and die pakai with no resistance....

sure korang tak paham perasaan excited aku ni sebab anak2 enkorang elok je pakai topi..
next kid, lahir2 aku nak pakaikan topi... biar biasa...
By the way... amir punye expression dlm gamba first tu... mmg die akan buat gaya nih (put tongue between teeth) bila nak sebut anything yang bunyi ade "i" sound..
masa ni kitorang nak suruh sebut "rotI" ngn "chIp".... yang keluar hanye bunyi 'Th--th' saja hahahah....
lagi satu sebab aku dok nyanyi lagi this is how we brush our teeth setiap hari.... so tu yg terikut2 "" tu.... nak ikut nyanyi kot..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
i think i'm obsessed with wanting to remember my past..
or at the very least recreate the same photos as my past..
tu pasal pergi semua tempat yg aku dah penah gi..
dulu kekecik gi mini europe.. now also wanna go mini europe..
dulu gi versailles.. now also wanna go versailles...
penat aku heret rafiq to find my old house and school in ghent belgium..
but so many things have changed since ~25 years ago..
takdela pulak old photos yg scanned on this pc...
i got this pic from my sis's facebook...
my parents went on a road trip from belgium.. sampai ke italy..
holland, swiss, france etc...
we slept in the car, caravans and camping site... mandi, kat tasik..
i remember 1 pic, masak guna penunu bunsen...
tapi road trip dulu tak sama ngn road trip skang..
dulu can petik raspberry from the road side.. and marvel at sceneries..
my parents majoring in agriculture asik stop to take photos with the trees..haiya..
and we always stop at playgrounds.. and tasik...
nowadays.. theres highways... cepat and no fuss... and no fun.. :(
in this pic kat camping site...
can u find me? (cue japanese horror movie scene hahaha)..
ni hari terakhir nak gi skolah, kat ghent belgium tu.. bawak gift utk cikgu..

i wanna recreate this pic.. but then have create another baby... hahaha

now, i really wanna go to tulips garden... my mom is obsessed with flowers...
kalau masuk umah... our house is full of hanging pics of flowers...
anyways... ade gamba kat tulip show/garden.. and its a beautiful pic...
mane tah gamba dulu2....
mungkin nak gi holland time musim bunga hehehhe...
then sambung ke italy... i remember my mom bought me a crystal necklace yg ade initial A kat rome....
or at the very least recreate the same photos as my past..
tu pasal pergi semua tempat yg aku dah penah gi..
dulu kekecik gi mini europe.. now also wanna go mini europe..
dulu gi versailles.. now also wanna go versailles...
penat aku heret rafiq to find my old house and school in ghent belgium..
but so many things have changed since ~25 years ago..
takdela pulak old photos yg scanned on this pc...
i got this pic from my sis's facebook...
my parents went on a road trip from belgium.. sampai ke italy..
holland, swiss, france etc...
we slept in the car, caravans and camping site... mandi, kat tasik..
i remember 1 pic, masak guna penunu bunsen...
tapi road trip dulu tak sama ngn road trip skang..
dulu can petik raspberry from the road side.. and marvel at sceneries..
my parents majoring in agriculture asik stop to take photos with the trees..haiya..
and we always stop at playgrounds.. and tasik...
nowadays.. theres highways... cepat and no fuss... and no fun.. :(
in this pic kat camping site...
can u find me? (cue japanese horror movie scene hahaha)..

ni hari terakhir nak gi skolah, kat ghent belgium tu.. bawak gift utk cikgu..

i wanna recreate this pic.. but then have create another baby... hahaha

now, i really wanna go to tulips garden... my mom is obsessed with flowers...
kalau masuk umah... our house is full of hanging pics of flowers...
anyways... ade gamba kat tulip show/garden.. and its a beautiful pic...
mane tah gamba dulu2....
mungkin nak gi holland time musim bunga hehehhe...
then sambung ke italy... i remember my mom bought me a crystal necklace yg ade initial A kat rome....
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